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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each, I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints; other times there was only one. During the low periods of my life I could see only one set of footprints, so I said, "You promised me, Lord, that you would walk with me always. Why, when I have needed you most, have you not been there for me?" The Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when you were on the bike cutting weight. But 184 is a false prophet."
  2. I'm surprised Brands and Cassioppi are allowed to certify at this time; I'm also surprised those two + Assad are listed on the roster in an official capacity for the same reason.
  3. Seconded. But if it does, I’ve got the juice
  4. Just wanted to remind everyone after 5 pages that while this is a very noble idea and I wish it would be implemented, all it would lead to is young kids working out for 45-60 minute prior to their match to make weight. American youth sports does not have the culture to support this endeavor successfully. Every time I hear this idea, which is indeed great on paper, I think to myself “What would Brent Metcalf do? And what will the psycho dad make his kids do even though they are nowhere near that level and can barely make sectionals, much less state, much less wrestle in college? At least now after he sucks them out they can get rehydrated before smashing their still-developing bodies into oblivion.” We can’t even get a match limit for kids for crying out loud. Follow the Sanderson-Askren-Eastern world model: minimal competition, don’t focus on weight, focus on practice. The results speak for themselves.
  5. Dude is in the air force. You think he’s going to take some commie Russian medicine? Hell no!! Murica!! (NSFW)
  6. I'll gladly offer a fun little parlay for the board. Feel free to name your wager if you want to bet against me. 1) Brooks to go undefeated against Ferrari and 2) Brooks +3.5 over Ferrari at NCAAs [assuming they meet]
  7. Choo choo! ALLLLLL ABOOAARRRRRRDDDDDD The Hendrickson hype train is full steam ahead. Next stop: NCAA 2024 champ
  8. lol that was 4 years ago. He won in 2019
  9. If there are any haters left out there, there is still room on the Hendrickson bandwagon. It filled up pretty quick at NCAAs last year but that's okay because we just added more space. I've been trying to tell you all...
  10. Saw your post on another thread. Objection withdrawn your honor.
  11. Oh he’s THAT dude again
  12. Such a weird nerd nugget that the B1G has two active 197s who have already been on world teams but have zero combined AAs.
  13. Put me down for under 1.5 I don’t see AJ winning another title whether 197 or 285, and I don’t see Iowa developing the family’s last hope for more than one. The Focus family may very well transfer with a shutout on the scoreboard too.
  14. Same reason Iran wasn’t allowed to compete at Bout At The Ballpark held in… Stillwater, OK USA. Didnt see anyone pointing fingers at UWW then.
  15. What about Dake who is 32 in American years but U17 in Dake years? How does he stack up? He is only a senior world champ but maybe he can right the wrongs of history and win those elusive U20 and U17 world titles to really cement his legacy. He might even be able to beat Messenbrink and Shapiro...
  16. If you're an AWL then you already know the joke. If not, the #1 sports podcast has a running bit where one of the podcast members was watching a playoff game and there was a surprising sequence. He meant to tweet the common phrase "Phuckin A!! Man..." Instead he reminded the world that love is love
  17. What happens if a U20 champ has to a wrestle a U23 champ? Is the tiebreaker whoever has a 40+ Veteran's champ on staff?
  18. I take an Acetyl/L-Carnitine/Alpha Lipoic acid every morning. They were on much heavier items than L-Carn such as Goucher's cytomel (thyroid med used to lose weight post-partum). https://www.bbc.com/sport/athletics/49853029
  19. https://www.google.com/search?q=nike+oregon+project+doping Channel your inner Aaron Rodgers: do a basic google search, consider it critical thinking, create the results you would like to arrive at.
  20. First 7 time national champ in the cards???
  21. This is exactly why I've brought it up quite a few times recently. It is a strong achievement that deserves to be highlighted.
  22. UNC, while a step below Stanford, is considered a "public Ivy" and has a very strong pedigree Woods finished his Stanford degree in three years with an academic overload because they cut the program. Anyone from those Stanford classes should be given a very big, very fair asterisk given the circumstances surrounding the program.
  23. This was always the inevitable outcome. First time working with a board of directors? Ask Toys-R-Us how it goes when you can still run a good business but you are straddled with corporate raiders. Then tell me with a straight face that the NCAA hasn’t been a longtail a 1:1 comparison.
  24. This isn’t the Iran or Cox threads. 21 pages later
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