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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. Interesting. I like it. Beard takes bottom before he's tired? Otherwise neutral?
  2. I wasn't paying attention, did she tell us what her major in college was or what her career path is? Hopefully it's something innocuous like fashion or interior design. Imagine if you're going in for brain surgery and she's holding the scalpel? Scary. The repeal of The Fairness Doctrine certainly hasn't helped this. I'm always amazed when I keep hearing the phrase "liberal media". Obviously, there is a spectrum of right to left in our media, but ultimately all the biggies, including ABC, NBC, CBS, most large print media, etc. are at the heart of very large corporations primarily owned by rich guys. As such they are big fans of the tax breaks and corporate welfare implemented by the Right. Simple enough for me. I've watched some old Johnny Carson reruns lately and am amazed by how he used to criticize and make fun of our political leaders of all stripes back then. Most everybody was laughing. Contrast that with the Dixie Chicks vs Bush2 fiasco, and it's only gotten much worse. I guess Joni Mitchell, Barry McGuire, etc wouldn't do very well today. Nobody would dare play their music.
  3. Unlike you, I had trouble getting woke this morning. Stayed up way too late talking with my wife, but that's always worth it. You're way overthinking this. You already have said what the reason is. The dumber the constituents or the dumber the customers, the more money they can stick in their pockets. This is true about politicians, banks, insurance companies, cable companies, and many others. They all simply want us dumb.
  4. Something I just thought of... Is the lack of heavier weights here simply a matter of it being easier for a national champ at, say, heavyweight to lose/have lost because of one wrong move? It's comparatively tougher to get off your back with 250-285 lbs on you than 125 lbs. I speak from observation only, not experience at the heavier weights, lol.
  5. I'm sure I'm setting myself up for a big forehead slap moment, but I have a question. Is there some inherent reason that the data here shows a tendency toward the lower weights to appear more frequently? Or is this just coincidence (kinda hard to believe becasuse it's a lot of data over a lot of years)? Is this simply a matter of there being fewer wrestlers overall in the lower weight classes? Isn't the bottom line of this that this becomes a matter of the wrestlers in the years/brackets shown "have been here before", or "will be here again"? Isn't this somewhat a measurement of how much, or how little, "turnover" there is in (these) weight classes? I'm sure either I'm looking at this incorrectly, or the answer to my first question is obvious, but I just don't see it. Thanks.
  6. Not directed at you, Amigo. It was merely an indication of my view of the relative thought processes going on at that point. I'll leave it at that.
  7. Amazing. WKN not only gives us a peek behind the curtain, he also gives us acting lessons while he's at it. As always, Thanks for the effort, the insight, and the explanation. It will be interesting to see how things shake out.
  8. @MPhillips Only got to a few concerts back then. Too busy chasing the dollar bill and raising kids. Time flies.
  9. I'm not sure I can make it any clearer than the first time, but here goes... "5. Curious about the sources of data?" Not in the least. As noted by you in your "go to source", the only source of data on how well the government is educating our kids is the government (.gov). Who would be stupid enough to believe what the government says about how well the government is doing in anything. Oops, sorry. I'm not going to ask the fox how well the henhouse is being guarded. Obviously, some people will ask and believe what they are told. You choose to disregard my observations and opinion because I'm not an "insider". I choose to view that as I don't have a horse in the race. During my career, I collected, analyzed, presented, and re-tested a lot of data. If my data and analyses were wrong, either by my error or by my lack of honesty, machines and processes would fail, airplanes would fall out of the sky, etc. The Gods of Physics are impossible to bullshit, unlike the vast majority of the American public. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is not part of the 80% we agree on.
  10. Data, schmata. Everybody's got data to "prove" whatever they want to prove. Everybody's the best and have the data to prove it. Ford's got data to prove their cars are the best. So do GM, Honda, Toyota, et al. Every political administration conjures up data to prove what a wonderful job they're doing. I take all data intended to prove something with a grain of salt, if that. For (to me) obvious reasons. "tricking my audience (older and middle-aged people) who also think that they were smarter than "the kids today." I suspect that is exactly what you did. At least you admit it. I also suspect that is what your linked data has been intended to do for a number of years. Not everyone is as gullible as your target audience was/is. "Unfortunately, our data shows that kids just keeping getting brighter and brighter." I'm assuming that you are in some way connected to our educational system. In light of that, I find your use of the word "Unfortunately" disconcerting at best. If true (lol), shouldn't this be celebrated? You do realize the first study you linked is 9 years old? Not that that makes it meaningless, but... For both of these studies, I would be extremely curious about the relationship between the sources of the data, analysis and presentation of the data, and anyone who would benefit from this data possibly looking better than it may actually be. No, I'm not curious enough to dig around the internet to try to refute what I'm sure you'll say, the next "study" you'll quote. Anyone who thinks our primary and secondary education in the US has not gone downhill for probably at least 40 years has been asleep that long. I believe it is a well known fact that our primary and secondary teachers very much "teach to the tests" anymore. This would at least partially invalidate the use of test scores to represent actual comprehension, and even more as an indicator of critical thinking ability. Certainly the test scores would not be an indicator of "smarter". There's a lot more to that than simply regurgitating something learned by rote in anticipation of canned testing. I'm sure we could debate the actual quality of primary and secondary education in Mathematics and Reading ad nauseam. However, the original topic of the thread was young voters. This would much more involve education in Civics, which I very much question the quality of recently (if it even exists). Also necessary for an enlightened electorate are Classical Logic, understanding and determining independence of sources of information, ie simply being able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Before I retired, I worked with many young Engineers, most from the best universities in the country. None of them had received a quality education in Civics, Government, the Civil Rights Movement, etc, at any level, even at what I'd call acceptable for hard science majors. And, these young men and women were way above average intelligence. I also would question their Math, Science, and Engineering education, a subject in which I am qualified to judge. They sure were good (quick) at clicking a mouse, though. I found that scary. I usually don't do this, but when your post questions the older guys' intelligence, I'll make an exception. I'll take a moment to correct your grammar: "who also think thought that they were smarter than the kids today". I think you need past tense here. You have an "agreement problem". Probably in my day about 7th grade English.
  11. I like to start my day with a laugh. Thanks.
  12. I'm sure. That was after my time there. I had moved right along by then.
  13. To paraphrase Ty Webb, he's a tremendous fart.
  14. We used to call it Barton Hole. Dark, dingy, kinda smelly. Has it improved in the last 40 years?
  15. No surprise. They are the party of tax breaks for the rich. Reagan, Bush 2, Trump. It's what they do. Hell, most of the middle class is so stupid anymore, they don't even have to be sneaky about it.
  16. The devil is always in the details, as we see. I agree with the heading of the topic... Majority agree..80%... Yet, our voting population is divided nearly 50/50 on what we've been led to believe are "the issues". This begs the question, Why the discrepancy? What is the "invisible force" pulling us toward that 50/50 divide? To answer this question, one need only ask another question... Who benefits from the voting population being divided nearly 50/50? I think that one is easy to answer. Just look at whose pockets are bulging to overflow while we're busy arguing "the issues". Another observation I've made... It seems to me that there has been a lot less political bantering since we have our new home with a special room where this is allowed. Is this an example of the forbidden fruit being sweeter?
  17. I also was there when Gomez beat Yianni 11/19 at Cornell. Robert Owens was 100% correct about Yianni's demeanor toward the end of the match, and after the match. He was total class. I would add that I thought Gomez's actions during and after the match were very classy. He didn't get in Yanni's grill afterward, just shook hands. He did taunt the (extremely vocal) crowd slightly after the match, but considering the magnitude of the upset I'd say his celebration was very low-key. He then went over to his teammates and celebrated with them. Considering the atmosphere, I'd say Chris Bono and his whole team were pretty classy before, during, and after the entire dual. (I was initially confused by his referring to the match as part of a tournament. It was a dual, Wisconsin v Cornell. Then I realized this must have been written by someone who may be unfamiliar with wrestling lingo.)
  18. Original post said folkstyle only. All wrestlers listed are in college. I felt it necessary to correct Cinnaguy.
  19. Joseph pinned Martinez from neutral takedown straight to back. Imar was not down.
  20. Still your theme song. That's funny.
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