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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. I'm led to believe this was @MPhillips 's theme song in college. I just don't know if it was from wrestling or ????
  2. Like many of you, I was very concerned when our previous Forum decided to close its doors. Now that we've been in our new home (asylum?) for a little while, I have found myself very happy. I think all my previous amigos are here and maybe some new ones. Other than one speed bump in the beginning, the transition for me has been smooth and that's quite an accomplishment. (Thanks @GreatWhiteNorth for getting me over that.) We have everything we had before, plus the Club Forums, plus a place to argue politics, plus some other cool things. What's to not like? I'd like to thank whoever made it happen, I believe @Husker_Du and @BobDole. Please feel free to correct me or add to the list. Even though I've been around these parts for a while, I still don't know who's who. Anyway, Thanks! BP
  3. He most definitely was frustrated from about the beginning of the 2nd period. I didn't think he was gassed. Bono, Reader, Gross, whoever had a heck of a game plan or maybe Gomez was a horrible matchup. Honestly, it looked like some of both. When he came out, you could tell that Gomez was pumped up for the match and was ready to go. I know he always is, but he seemed to be ready to silence the crowd and did. That match really took the air out of Friedman Center.
  4. Mike, you win the Limbo Award. Can't get any lower than that. (Full disclosure... I smiled just a tiny bit before I shook my head.)
  5. I mean, I don't want to tell you you've been wasting your life, but..... you've certainly been missing out. Oh, I ran into my share of snakes in college and later in the business world. Out in nature... better you than me. I always say they're all deadly to me. They all could give me a heart attack. From the time I was about 11, I've always lived pretty much out in the country, but can't do snakes. Crazy thing is my son was always fascinated by them. My wife took him to Clyde Peeling's Reptileland years ago and he loved it. I was not going! My grandson (not his son, my daughter's son) is even more fascinated by them. He has caught huge rat snakes and such. Hey, maybe these aren't really my kids. Where's Jerry Springer?
  6. I thought you looked familiar.
  7. My name is an homage to my first Physics prof at a University which I won't mention because @Wrestleknownothing will bring that meme out again. He was a very smart guy and just often enough very funny. First day he said, "I not only know all the right answers, I also know all the answers you guys will get". When he said that, I knew we'd get along just ducky. He was right, he did. My picture is Eckhart Hall, Dept of Mathematics and Library, University of Chicago. I spent some time there 74-77. Then it was out Workin For A Livin, and as they say, the rest is history.
  8. Dang. Most of my life has been focused on avoiding snakes of all types.
  9. Favorite song of the late Jeff Reese. It was played at his memorial. He was a good kid.
  10. I'm sure 90+% of us would agree with the "Young people are dumb premise". I think we would only disagree on the definition of "young". When my son was playing Legion Baseball, his head coach was this guy 80+ years old. He used to say, "Kids today are bigger, faster, stronger... and dumber than ever". Smart guy. Eventually, "we" will all realize that all this pissin' and moanin' by both sides is immaterial. As long as "we" are divided nearly 50/50, the super-rich will continue to pick the middle class's bones clean. It's not about abortion, it's not about gay marriage, it's not about who is using what bathroom, it's not about gun control, hell it's not even about clean air and water (as amazing as that seems to me). It's about money, pure and simple. Note how the issues change, the parties' position on issues change, politician's position on issues change, etc, etc. Things are continually adjusted to maintain the 50/50 balance. “Look at the orators in our republics; as long as they are poor, both state and people can only praise their uprightness; but once they are fattened on the public funds, they conceive a hatred for justice, plan intrigues against the people and attack the democracy.” ― Aristophanes, Plutus 408 BC (See, nothing is new.)
  11. I saw them twice. I'd have liked to seen them a couple hundred times, but you know... deadlines and commitments, back then. "To hear Richard Betts pickin' on that red guitar"
  12. Well, I guess we can say we have Cinnabons on our minds.
  13. 4 guys, 4 geetars, one sh*tload of talent:
  14. I thought Ungar looked very good in a riding time point loss. I thought Vito looked great. Cornella did what he had to do to get a W. Yianni had no offense for Gomez. Gomez matched Yianni funk for funk and even got a TD and back points on a counter to one funk. Yianni wanted no part of Gomez up top in neutral position, of course. Yianni seemed to give up half a minute into period 3. Model/Handlovic was a snoozer won by Model. Hamiti/Ramirez was a good match for 2 minutes. Hamiti is relentless. The thing I don't understand is how has Hamiti wrestled so much and still look like a young Tom Brady. If the wrestling thing doesn't work out, he could star in a soap opera. Foca looked pretty good in winning 6-3, but I don't know the level of competition here. Loew looked good. Used his height and reach advantage well, just missing a major. I think Darmstadt would be proud. Cardenas could not get in on Amos and didn't want to go up top from neutral. Not a lot of action. Amos 2-0. Hilger outmuscled Fernandes to win 5-2. Wisconsin 19-13. Bono and Reader had their boys ready to go. They were not in the least psyched by the noise in Friedman for the start to the end. Not the result I hoped for, but for the most part a competitive, exciting match.
  15. I've got the first half of that covered. Oh yeah, and half of the second half.
  16. The nicest part of my yard. I don't mow a lot.
  17. (♪) He's a snake in the grass I tell ya guys He may look dumb but that's jus a disguise He's a mastermind in the ways of espionage They all started lookin' real suspicious at him And he jumped up an' said jes' wait a minute Jim You know he's lyin' I've been livin' here all of my life I'm a faithfull follower of Brother John Burch And I belong to the Antioch Baptist Church And I ain't even got a garage you can call home and ask my wife (♪)
  18. Brian Soldano at Rutgers. He may be redshirted because they have Poznanski. A couple of years ago, I thought Poznanski might win it all. Maybe almost a Beard/Dean thing. Maybe one grows into 197?
  19. NJDan back? I think of an expression that an old buddy of mine used to say: "I feel strongly both ways". I think it fits here for me and maybe for a lot of other people...
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