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Everything posted by TexRef

  1. Didn't we all agree that the turtles are no longer the doormat of the Big10?
  2. Sounds good!
  3. What is Trenton style pizza?
  4. I knew your wife's comments were going to be great when she started with "How much do we pay for this?"
  5. Maybe they could mess up a 3rd event for the Flo Trifecta?!!
  6. There are a lot of HS and Youth coaches and maybe some lower level college coaches that don't know the rules. Sure we change our rules every year....but that's not an excuse.
  7. Mission accomplished.
  8. A blast from the past.
  9. It's all good man. At least when you made a mistake nobody called you a troll.
  10. Just playing devils advocate here...but with the ankle hooked would they consider that "riding" and not stalling?
  11. No! He's Spud Man, not NJDan
  12. Yeah he didn't do a very job with that. He didn't get a single "made for TV offer" or book deal. It is odd to think people were talking about the fearless Gopher Cartel.
  13. My bad and thank you for the info. Was he at 133 at Grand View too?
  14. Ahh yes we all remember Andrew....the last time PSU had a winner at 125. He won 3 HS State titles, he was a NCAA Finalist, and the "Wrestle your teammates mom" Champion.
  15. Why would you even have a wrestle off if you don't plan on using the guy that wins? Over the last few years I have been hearing stories of coaches, (a few that I even knew) that wouldn't allow the winner to actually have the varsity spot at the next event. I thought that was one of the greatest things about our sport, the starting spots were not someone's opinion. You wrestle/fight for that spot! I know of it happening at a D1 school this season! Is this the new norm?
  16. Sweep the leg Johnny!
  17. Yeah it is constantly changing...125 this season and 133 or higher next season.
  18. I think @bnwtwg is suggesting the "If you build it, they will come" scenario. I am not so sure that would work in this instance.
  19. Do you also have many leather bound books too?
  20. Is that you Wes Wesley?! RED ALERT!
  21. The good ol Fight Night! Yeah Gillman's showing there was bad, I mean he couldn't even come up with a joke about Illinois wrestling. It is a great concept, get all of the HS & college coaches from the state to give a sneak peak about each program. A great opportunity to get together, drink beer, and talk wrestling.
  22. It's ironic that we say wrestling is for everyone.....as long as you're not too small or too big.
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