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Jason Bryant

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Everything posted by Jason Bryant

  1. Normal people understand this. Rational people understand this. Wrestling people incessantly complaining about the WWE is a one-way complaint … and a tired one. Calling our guys sell outs and such is more a misnomer and misdirected hostility than anything else - as are the positions people who hate the WWE take when trying to interpret their creative.
  2. One of these things is not like the other. The bitching between pro wrestling and our wrestling is a one-way complaint. We’ve wasted countless hours on that and no one is listening. It’s a way to make a living using your athletic abilities … complaining about pro wrestling is so 1983.
  3. You just ooze positivity with all your posts …
  4. The school’s athletics department is going from D2 to D1. Yes, they have been offering scholarships.
  5. But how do you score team points in T&F? That sport is fractured chasing times and you have a team that could be in 3 spots on a given weekend.
  6. Pretty sure it's for outside of the U.S. I'll check on that, though.
  7. Lifetime sport where anyone can pick up a ball and throw it into a hoop (not necessarily well) vs. a combat sport with nuance rules, multiple styles and a sports culture that didn’t grow up competing it it. We can learn some things but ultimately, it’s a tough sell to convert people without prior experience in the sport and we have this habit of turning off our own people to it as well.
  8. I’m unsure. Before I was born.
  9. He transferred to UCLA first, then they dropped the program and he and Mark headed to OU.
  10. At its very basic - we're talking about a college sport here. The OP is about wrestlers who won titles as transfers. So "transferring" in the sense of athletics seems to be the basic framework we're working with on the discussion.
  11. So would graduate transfers not count now too? This isn't hard. Guy starts at one school, ends up at another = transfer.
  12. Not an apples to apples comparison, although to your earlier point, a friend commented on FB about Cornell’s guys who went the TC3 route … are THEY transfers? Were they full time then came to Cornell? That I don’t know. Adds another wrinkle to the semantical discussion.
  13. He was enrolled at a two-year post-secondary institution. He then transferred to a four-year post-secondary institution. That description by every definition is a transfer. “Juco transfer” is the often cited parlance.
  14. Transferred from Lassen Community College.
  15. Until we see Division I de-emphasize conference affiliations across the board, any format that fractures a conference-based structure is a death sentence, IMO. That being said, I like where you're going with it @killdozer, providing balance and logic to the topic - which we know isn't something we always like to apply to the sport.
  16. I really loved doing the show with Matt. COVID zapped that … as Rudis had to decide different places to invest its money, mainly with its people. Matt’s had a bad run of health issues since so I really don’t know if we would have continued if there was no shutdown. I liked where Cody Goodwin and I were going, but I need to find the right co-host if I’m going to do a topical show. Matt and Cody were great minds for that.
  17. As stupid as this sounds, from an administrator's point of view, it's Director's Cup points.
  18. Tournament scoring as a whole is just bad to begin with.
  19. There were 69 Previous Placewinners in this year’s field 26 of them DNP (37% of returning placers DNP) Including 3x All-American Brock Mauller 52 returning placers from 2023 15 of them DNP (28% of returning placers from last year alone) Including returning finalist Matt Ramos.
  20. The coaches vote on both the season and tournament coach of the year awards. This is their decision.
  21. Checks in at 258 pages this year. Outside of the cover, back cover, thank you page, table of contents and plugs for longtime shooters Mark Lundy and Tony Rotundo and supporters Resilite and Compound, should be 249 full pages of actual content.
  22. So instead of “All you need is love,” we get a bunch of joker cards people haven’t paid attention to in 20 years … and a bunch of Faygo? Of note: Saw ICP live in 98-99 … real fun show.
  23. The configuration for the Xfinity Center wasn’t at its 18K layout. I’d assume it was maybe 14K available but I was told 12k was sold pre-event.
  24. Another Hint: He’s a current head coach in the NAIA.
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