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Jason Bryant

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Everything posted by Jason Bryant

  1. LIU has some real staffing issues as a whole. They are on their third SID in less than two seasons. Tons of sports spread across two campuses.
  2. You're assuming they aren't. I don't have any reason to believe they're just sitting back and waiting for bids to come in. Based on how I've seen Anthony Holman bust his ass to make the D1 wrestling championships awesome, I don't doubt for a second he (and his staff) is putting in the time to encourage new places to bid. Lots of moving parts and the venues we typically get are dealing with NBA and NHL tenants, college hoops postseason tournaments AND the general other stuff these venues book.
  3. Once again, those places have to put in bids - and they have to make sense. I believe AZ and TX put in bids that involved baseball stadiums. I think before they get into the fray, the MPLS experiment should be given a fair shot to grow the sport by giving 3x the amount of people the opportunity to attend. ATL hasn't bid in a number of years.
  4. Sites released today: https://www.ncaa.com/news/ncaa/article/2024-10-02/ncaa-announces-more-240-host-site-selections?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=VB_20240918_Future Site&et_rid=1331960451
  5. I feel like there's arguing about wrestling and fandom, which no matter what, you know your rival is just that, a sports rival and it shouldn't impact one's perspective on who that individual is because they went to a different school. Then there's arguing about politics, which when it gets deep into it, people seethe and hate like no other. There's levels to it - like Oklahoma/Texas or Auburn/Alabama for example, but only on a very rare exception have I been embroiled in a debate with a wrestling fan on a wrestling topic and thought to myself "that person is a complete piece of whatever." It's like the window for pleasant discourse and civility is so tiny, it's only a matter of one or two back and forths before it devolves into a muckraking attack on each other's character. That's what I don't like about it. I've disagreed with many a fellow fan over the years on wrestling topics, but the vitriol with some of these political discussions is unlike anything I've ever seen in your average wrestling topic. It gets way nasty, way quickly. There's a difference on the severity of barbs like "I wear my Auburn shirt because I went to Auburn, you wear your Alabama shirt because you went to Wal-Mart" compared to statements like "You want your children to get brainwashed by transgender illegal immigrant Satan worshipers." There's posters here I like generally for their wrestling input, many of whom I've met personally. When I see them go at each other's throats over something like this just kinda bothers me I guess. Just an opinion. I'd like to think we can act better than what these things often turn into. But again, I do now have a better understanding of why people will jump in here and rant and rave.
  6. As many know, I tend to stay away from political discussion because, well, it just usually devolves into bickering and eventually gets into personal attacks and potshots. My question is for those here who will post about your favored candidate/party - or more often than not - post negative things about the candidate/party you actually don't like. What is the end goal here, to convince someone that you're correct or you've exposed some type of "gotcha" that's going to change the other side's opinion? I'm generally wondering what the obsession is to constantly doing this. This might be the worst I've ever experienced in my 20-something years working on social media (FB came out my last year of college). I've had to mute, unfollow and straight up unfriend people due to the volume of schlock being posted (again, from both sides of the aisle). I do understand the value in healthy discussion and the exchange of ideas, because that's what makes discussion boards and (some) comments sections places for knowledge to bloom, but the Trump side isn't going to change the opinion of the Harris side and vice versa due to some weblink (regardless of its origin). I mentioned on another thread, this is a "people watching" part of the boards for me, but since we're all wrestling people, I figure you folks are the ones I generally interact with the most given our shared passions for the sport.
  7. Pearls Before Swine Comic Strip for September 15, 2024
  8. The video is what it is … but if you ever see anything from “Essentially Sports” you can skip it. It’s designed to generate clicks with AI generated sensationalized headlines.
  9. I browse the forum almost exclusively with the paid tapatalk app on my iphone …
  10. How many forum users are paid InterMat Platinum members? Perhaps one check-the-box solution would be subscribe to the site, so they get their $ and then you can install your ad-blocker.
  11. The brother thing is what it is. There's family members I'd rather not speak to, not because of their political opinions, but I just don't want to be around their drama. I can't really avoid reading the boards, since I use Tapatalk mostly - so these busy topics show up at the top - and sometimes the differing of opinions and the wild posts that follow are fun reading. I'll lurk, but more in a people-watching sort of way. I'm not leaving the site. I find the almost blind faith some people have in their side of the argument, no matter which side it is, to be comical. It doesn't impact my view of them personally, especially those whom I've met in person. I'm just going back to my self-imposed ban on talking about politics, it's easier to interact in a non-contentious manner when you strip out the no-win divisive topics like this.
  12. I also saw he has a brother he hasn’t spoken to in years has different political opinions, too. You know what that means? Also nothing. I hadn’t spoken to my brother who lived in another state for probably 15 years. We didn’t care for each other either. Means what exactly? I’m sure if you asked either of us why, you’d get widely different answers. Bottom line on this to me is I just found the instance of random relatives who share a grandfather with someone they’ve never met - and it popping up here - worth pointing out it isn’t some type of “gotcha” moment people want it to be. I find both presidential options poor and am staunchly apolitical. I hope no one takes this personally, I didn’t. I’ll be back on the wrestling topics. Have a good one.
  13. So are we REALLY putting validity into a picture by distant relatives who admit they’ve never met Tim Walz? I’m sure we all have relatives we don’t agree with politically. You know what that means? Absolutely Nothing. This ends my quadrennial trip into political discourse. As always, it’s a complete waste of time.
  14. Perhaps the term “relative” is more appropriate here. From a Fox News story on it: Family members told Fox News they consider themselves "distant" from Walz and have never met or spoken with him. One person in the photo who wished to remain anonymous said they are supporting Trump because "he supports our values." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/tim-walz-family-members-pose-tshirts-declaring-presidential-preference-walzs-trump
  15. Base 10 system. Makes sense across weights and measures - but it’s not a hill I’m going to die on.
  16. All valid points from a viewing perspective, but I think the overall flaw is when watching, we tend to watch freestyle wanting it to be folkstyle. Expecting takedowns to be the same, such as a quad pod. Freestyle is about exposing your back, not about control, which is a crucial element to American folkstyle. it’s the same sport, but to use Olympic parlance, a different discipline. From a viewer perspective, I find riding time to be the biggest detriment to the uneducated sports fan in trying to get them to watch college wrestling. No style is perfect, I just wish more people could appreciate the styles for what they are vs. what they’re not. We don’t do the metric system here but it doesn’t mean it’s worse … imperial is just what we are used to.
  17. Hell, I’d settle the being able to do the same amount of pull-ups I could do in high school.
  18. We are talking across the point. I didn’t see (nor do I really care) those recent comments about her physical prowess. It’s impressive for sure. I’m just pointing out I recalled her claims during the pandemic about her fitness making her not need the jab. Those comments are clearly not related to the new comments. I’m not trying to make it anymore than what it is …
  19. This video is 3 years old, which kinda tracks for the timeline.
  20. My issue is with how it’s just panned by the anti-freestyle crowd as someone just simply rolling over. It’s a lot more detailed than that. It’s a deadly technique but it’s not like you just roll someone over. Pinning someone in a cradle in 15 seconds isn’t just rolling someone on to their back just like teching someone in a perfectly executed freestyle wrestling move isn’t just rolling someone over. I get that quick techs can come off lame - Passing it off as if it’s something so easy is where I’ll push back on it.
  21. Wasn’t the issue her claiming she didn’t need the vaccine because she worked out so much?
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