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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. I don't really follow tennis.
  2. They're white people so I think there's van obvious answer.
  3. So refugees who aren't white don't get the same privileges that white refugees do? Hmm. It's like there's a word for that or something.
  4. That's too bad you aren't able to read.
  5. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-orders-u-s-refugee-resettlement-of-afrikaners/
  6. Because a tweet from an apartheid loving pseudo president means something?
  7. The more I read it doesn't look like anything that hasn't been done before. I assume that any kind of interview like this on a program like this is edited for length. A while back a friend of mine had a segment on TV where he was interviewed. He told me they took up 3 hours asking questions and when it finally aired? Less than 3 minutes. Maybe he should sue the network?
  8. Exactly what was she lying about? Him being under indictment for several crimes? Cheating contractors and business partners? Looting a charity for veterans and children? Running a fake university? Cheating on multiple wives? There isn't much about Trump that there's no information on. Except maybe his taxes
  9. CYA or the principal who came in and scolded them for being stupid? One of them nearly got expelled for attacking a teacher, and when I heard about it I was disappointed he didn't try that with me. In that same class I had this big kid, like 300+ lbs of Pacific Islander who took a liking to me. Probably because I treated him like an adult. Anyway he wasn't a kid that anyone messed with. So if things had gone sideways he probably would have stepped in and handled it. I pity anyone who ever gets into a fight with him. He since graduated and he is a security guard at a neighborhood bar around here, and if anyone got out of line they'll have stepped in it.
  10. Honestly it's not a big deal. Trump refused to do an interview with them, and if he had, I'm sure they would have done the same thing.
  11. That wasn't a question. That was a statement. I answered it anyway though. Apparently basic grammar still escapes you.
  12. Honestly I wouldn't care. We know Trump is a buffoon and you can't edit that away.
  13. I'm at a title one. I've seen kids pull the race card or other BS so many times. But fortunately our admin doesn't buy it 99% of the time. A few years ago I had a kid accuse me of racism because I wouldn't let him sit next to his friend, since they had a tendency to be disruptive. The principal actually came in and put them both on blast in front of the class for being stupid. There's just so many ways a kid, even just with an accusation, can sink your career. One of the first things I learned was always CYA, because nobody else is going to.
  14. I don't know why anyone cares about this. I assume that any TV interview like this is edited because they have time constraints. If somebody likes to give meandering answers or has a speech or vocal tic, what are they going to do? They're going to edit for time.
  15. If you knew anything about me, and you don't, you'd know how very very wrong you are.
  16. He's probably never seen a map other than the Mercator projection and thinks it's a huge landmass. No wonder he loves the uneducated, since he apparently is as well.
  17. My district cut jobs and staff. Using standardized tests as a measurement is a bad idea for a variety of reasons.
  18. When I joined, I signed in October but didn't ship until late January.
  19. I think a better solution is this. Though it'll never happen because it makes too much sense. The fighting between the Israelis and Palestinians won't stop because they're just like two neighbors that no matter what, will just never get along. Somebody is always going to be mad about some real or imagined slight. So the solution is a little complex, but it's workable. The Palestinians give up any and all claims to Gaza and the West Bank. Israel turns Jerusalem over to the UN. Egypt cedes a few hundred square km or so of land along the border with Sudan on the Red Sea to become the new Palestinian state. Israel pays the cost to build basic infrastructure, roads, tract housing, etc. and the cost to transport the Palestinians to this new territory. The Palestinians sign an agreement stating that their government will forever not attack Israel or Israeli interests ever. Israel gets: Undisputed control over Gaza and the West Bank, plus peace of mind that their neighbors won't do anything. Palestinians get: Their own, undisputed, free and clear new territory with basic infrastructure that is far away from Israel. Egypt gets: Rid of the problems Gaza presents, and the Palestinians are far away from anything in Egypt that could cause them problems. Does anybody get what they want 100%? No. But everyone gets something and it is enough to make everyone at least a little bit happy and minimizes the chances of an Israeli/Palestinian conflict breaking out due to proximity.
  20. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/04/us/ice-impersonators-on-the-rise-arrests-made-as-authorities-issue-national-warning/index.html Just a question of how much this is happening that isn't caught. Also the irony that now the people victimized are eligible for a U visa and can stay here legally now.
  21. If he follows through with his cocaine induced boast, the Arab world is going to hate him forever.
  22. This is going to end up well. /S
  23. Well apparently you don't understand the Constitution very well. Anyone in this country, regardless of legal status, enjoys the same civil rights. Due process, etc. This isn't a banana Republic no matter what Trump thinks, where summary judgements are allowed.
  24. https://youtu.be/hkg8PuSnKgM?si=P0TvJC1YH4TgR_vR
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