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Everything posted by Tripnsweep

  1. So Trump only likes criminals and sex traffickers if they support him on social media?
  2. Bet somebody sold him out. No way they just happen upon a guy like that.
  3. He intervened to allow them to come back to the US. They're big fans and supporters of him, so as he has done with other people who are visible and influential supporters of him, he had bailed them out.
  4. That didn't take long. Apparently Trump is the one who is importing violent criminals. https://www.yahoo.com/news/andrew-tates-gf-bri-stern-211708986.html
  5. False alarm people. Trump says none of this happened and it's just a liberal hoax. https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/27/politics/yemen-security-breach-trump-hegseth-waltz/index.html
  6. Here's Gabbard trying to lie about it.
  7. A lot of people who do run, and win, are already rich.John McCain wasn't particularly rich, but he married into a wealthy family that allowed him to pursue his political ambition. If he hadn't done that, I don't think he becomes a force in politics.
  8. Trump ran for office because he was going broke. There is a difference. Also other wealthy people, people even more than him have run and honestly they weren't too bad. Ross Perot comes to mind and had he kept it together he was somebody who could have really carved out a legitimate 3rd party. But most wealthy people have no real desire or need to run for office. Trump just did to boost his brand and draw attention to himself. Once he realized how easy the grift was he stayed with it.
  9. You don't think that people should resign or be fired over accidentally sharing classified military information? Fortunately the chief editor of The Atlantic is able to keep his mouth shut and not compromise anyone. If you were angry about Hilary Clinton and her emails then you should be furious about this.
  10. So when are the congressional hearings and investigations about this going to start?
  11. Of course Trump knows nothing.
  12. Something tells me that Hegseth broke his promise to quit drinking if they let him run the Pentagon
  13. So tell us again how Clinton mishandled classified documents?
  14. I think "being born rich" goes a lot further than you think. The one thing Trump has learned or been taught is that if enough people are invested in your success, it's hard to fail completely. Yet he almost did it anyway. I compare him to just a scaled up Sonny Bono, a guy who entered politics solely because he had a grudge against the local government.
  15. It's not that he was there. It's him being there, upstaging the athletes and turning it into something about him. Other presidents who attended sporting events unless they're doing something ceremonial like the first pitch, coin toss, whatever, just sit somewhere out of the way and don't get involved.
  16. In my opinion he is neither intelligent or particularly successful.
  17. This is what I am talking about. He needs to be seen as being associated with tough guy successful athletes or people. Anything. It doesn't matter who they are, he wants the rub of being around people he thinks other people are tough, successful, etc. To him being associated with that is the most important thing. That is how he was able to con people in the early 80's, by pretending to be far more successful than he was, associating himself with important people, being seen in public as doing big things, and pretending he was involved in that crowd. It's why he made up fake names and called news outlets and lied to get himself in the press. It's all about the image he sells. Because who would care about some guy who was born rich and never had to do any real work?
  18. His fragile fragile ego and needing to be associated with a tough guy image. Anything that boosts his ego and makes him appear to be everything he's not.
  19. I wasn't there but it happened at midfield after the game.
  20. They eliminated football a while ago. But they had a rivalry with another nearby college where much worse things happened and were said between them. One year the opposing coaches got into a fist fight after the game.
  21. Same thing. He has actual disdain for people unless they're rich or can do something for him.
  22. Yeah he "wrestled". Doesn't mean much. Also he got into the UFC after Dana White took over, not before when it barely existed. And it had nothing to do with his interest in MMA. He had been shut out of boxing, remember he was the guy who wanted fellow convicted rapist Mike Tyson to still be allowed to box while incarcerated. His casino was floundering and he only reached out to the UFC to bring them to his casino because he thought it might help him drive interest. He ended up losing his casinos in bankruptcy anyway. His fragile personality needs to be associated with something tough and masculine that appeals to the dimwits that comprise his base of voters. Because if he is viewed as anything but tough and aggressive then he gets mad and defensive. It would have been different if Paul Wellstone become president because he actually was a wrestler and considering his success in wrestling, it would have been a much more personal connection to seeing him at NCAAS. Trump just wants to be seen as tough and associates himself with what he or his advisors around him tell him is. I would even go so far as to say McCain was more of a wrestler than Trump, only because McCain admitted more than once he wasn't very good and saw the gym ceiling lights in every school gym in his area. I don't think Trump is capable of admitting he wasn't the best at something.
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