First lesson in law school is to never piss off the judge in your own case. The Trump legal strategy is deny, deny, delay, avoid responsibility, and keep it up until the other side realizes that they're just going to waste their time. In a criminal case, they don't care. They'll just sit and wait for you because they aren't going to get bored or realize they may walk away with nothing like a civil case may go. His only strategy was to delay things long enough and hope he was able to get elected again to put this off due to long-standing tradition, not any specific legal doctrine.
He is a grifter who lives on credit and whatever transactional goodwill he has built up, and much like how he has "done business" he has done in politics by making himself valuable in some way. In this case he's tricked people into thinking he's some kind of self made, tough guy, blue collar success when all he did was be born rich and have a wealthy dad who indulged him.
I think that's what bothers me is the lying and avoidance of responsibility. I've never once heard him apologize or take responsibility. It's always somebody else's fault.