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Everything posted by mspart

  1. 100% Yes. As I noted in a previous post somewhere, stores are leaving Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. The reason is theft and dangerous streets. Period. And these are due to Progressive policies that say people need to eat so they can steal and we won't prosecute. People need a place to live so they can commit crime and it is ok and we won't prosecute. People need to use drugs so they can ravage a city but they need to so we won't prosecute. That is why the SF DA was fired. That is why the Seattle DA was fired. Both were ardently progressive and refused to prosecute. Just a few months ago, Seattle City Council denied the City Attorney (DA) authority and funding to prosecute newly enacted drug laws. They are completely progressive. The progressive mindset is anarchy really. Let the masses do what they want. We will selectively prosecute based on what feels right today. But we won't allow anyone to protect themselves or their property. This kind of vigilantism has no place in our society and will be dealt with swiftly and with great urgency. Is crime worse because a poor person does it, or a black person, or a white person does it? Crime is crime and needs to be prosecuted whoever does it. Yes we can agree that this issue is a Progressive issue. mspart
  2. So wear your mask and protect yourself. That should be ample protection from me. mspart
  3. We have three recent cases, all verified, and only one indicted. Why? The biggest evidence is that phone calls was made by various people. A charge in the indictment is that a few phone calls were made. Making phone calls can land you in jail now. I suggest you don't call anyone ever again Bob, even if you could. mspart
  4. What did he say on this little phone call? mspart
  5. So to understand correctly, he did what they did but because he is who he is and people don't like him, he should be prosecuted. Got it. mspart
  6. If you are wearing a mask, what do you have to fear from droplets? If you are vaccinated, what do you have to fear from droplets? Out of a country of 335000000, 1 million died. That is 0.2% of the total population or rather, 99.8% lived during the pandemic. So you are hoping for lockdowns, forced vaccinations, School closures, and quarantines to protect less than 0.2% of the population from a strain that is not as serious as the original? So 99.8+% have to bow to the less than 0.2% because of some civic responsibility? That is what you are asking. In my opinion, that is unreasonable. mspart
  7. So making a phone call about the election is prosecutable in GA? Did Willis ever hear of Stacey Abrams? Why, Abrams even sued because of the election fraud she claimed. Why is she not being RICO prosecuted? Herschel Walker complained about the senate election. Why is he not being RICO prosecuted? The fact they are not is evidence TDS is strong with Willis. mspart
  8. I never said they aren't people. If they want to get the vaccine, then they should. If they feel they should mask, they should. According to the chart below, 1.06 million people aged 50+ have died of covid. 0.074 million people aged 0-49 have died of covid. Roughly speaking of the deaths by age, 93.5% of the deaths were those 50+, 6.5% were of 0-49. So yes, those over 50, (me included) are more suspectible and should take precautions. What isn't told below is how many of these were people with lousy immune systems or other comorbidities. That information is not useful I guess. Because it would tell a different story than the hysterical "we are going to get covid and we are going to die from it" crowd. We don't even need to get into the percentages of those who had covid who died, those make your case even more eggregious. Suffice to say, that the current mutated form of covid should not be anything like what we had at the beginning. I've had covid and it was pretty bad. I am in pretty good health and don't see a real concern. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ From my "Twitter is better" post: Compare age of contracting covid vs that age group death and you get a rate. I'll do a few. For those 85+, death rate was 15.8% For those 50-64 death rate was 1.1%. For 40-49, death rate was 0.33%. For 0-17, death rate was 0.098%. Compare this to the total age group population having died from covid and the numbers go down drastically. This is not the emergency you are looking for. mspart
  9. I called to have an ingrown toenail fixed. I got in that week. Fixed. Not sure what the wait would be in Canada. Canada is so good and the waits so long that BC decided to send their cancer patients to Bellingham WA where there were facilities to care for them. At least there was a recognition that its better for these people to live than to die due to neglect. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/critics-upset-that-b-c-has-to-send-cancer-patients-to-bellingham-for-treatment mspart
  10. 1. He's a dottering fool who can't talk. Meaning he is physically unfit and mentally unfit. 2. He's got serious trouble from the Hunter issues that point to him. 3. He said, he knows nothing about Hunter's business dealings. He lied to everyone and everyone now knows that. 4. Nobody in the D party wants him running for Pres. The preference is Newsome. RFK Jr cannot win. https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-poll-2024-white-house-economy-873663f6e3cbca8f2dae2f018c8be9d3 Biden splits the party. That means he splits the I's as well. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/democrats-apathetic-biden-2024-dealbreaker/story?id=96949234 6/10 D's don't want Biden nominated. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/11/us/politics/biden-approval-polling-2024.html Most Ds don't want Biden. Call it a hunch. I see him as Lyndon Johnson who initially was going to run but decided not to. I believe Joe will fit that bill. mspart
  11. I may have said this but BC is sending cancer patients to Bellingham WA for cancer treatment. Why? Because they can't handle the case load. No doctors or equipment. Little Bellingham can for all of BC. Now that's saying something about the US system and the Canadian system. mspart
  12. Because he hopes so. There is just too much circumstantial evidence that will get concrete soon enough. Joe won't run in 2024. mspart
  13. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/bombshell-biden-s-alias-robert-l-peters-received-an-email-that-cc-d-hunter-about-ukraine/ar-AA1fIJzF?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=139c72c9ca4b48aab06811a5ee984a94&ei=27 Bombshell: Biden’s Alias ‘Robert L. Peters’ Received An Email That CC’d Hunter About Ukraine Story by David Rufful t’s been widely reported that Joe Biden and five other top officials in the Obama administration used alias emails, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Republicans have found that Biden’s email alias is suspiciously connected to documents and communications involving Ukraine where his son Hunter raked in millions through an influence-peddling scheme. Congress has demanded that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) turn over all documents on the government network containing Biden’s secret code names, which include Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware. “Robin” likely refers to Joe’s middle name, which is Robinette. ... In 2016, “Robert L. Peters” received an email that cc’d Hunter Biden about Ukraine. The email contained an attachment that House investigators requested from the National Archives. ... A total of 27 emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop are linked to Joe Biden’s “Robert L. Peters” alias. Using an alias!! "I had no information about Hunter's business dealings", yeah right. This is just getting deeper and deeper for Joe. He will not be running for President in 2024, that is my prediction. mspart
  14. OK Ban - What has the Mayo Clinic been saying since day one of the pandemic? I don't know what they have said. You seem to know so it would be good for you to share. Then we could have a reasonable discussion of that information. mspart
  15. I'm over 60 and I feel not 35 anymore!! mspart
  16. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/brand-great-again-anheuser-busch-162731828.html More than four months after Bud Light's marketing blunder, the beer brand remains in the spotlight. Now Billy Busch, heir to the Anheuser-Busch dynasty, presents an intriguing proposition to Bud Light's parent company, Anheuser-Busch InBev SA (NYSE:BUD). "I urge that company, InBev, if they don't want that brand any longer, sell it back to the Busch family. Sell it to me. I'll be the first in line to buy that brand back from you. And we'll make that brand great again," he said during Tomi Lahren's show "Fearless." Oh no, not MAGA Bud Light!!!! mspart
  17. We need height and weight. Where is that? mspart
  18. But it didn't kill massive numbers of those aged 0-50. That is a fact. And of those over 50 the kill rate was higher but total kill vs total in that age group was not all that great. Covid is a hysteria that has no basis in science or in statistics. Young kids don't get it and therefore don't spread it. They don't have any role to play with regard to covid. mspart
  19. Hi Plasi, what about Money is garbage to you? I love that song and do not consider it garbage. I'd be interested in your opinion. mspart
  20. Another anecdote, my son has worked in Target three times. The last as a security guy. He was not allowed to stop shop lifters and they were constant. Great security force there. He quit because it was extremely boring. Now looking for a new job. mspart
  21. To respond to both. REI and Walmart are no longer in Portland OR for this very reason. General shoplifting is so prolific that these stores were losing money. Nordstrom left their 5 floor department location in San Francisco for the same reason. The owners of the Westfield Mall in San Francisco left, no longer paying the lease. The 1981 room Hilton closed down. It may not be flash mobs, but it is general crime that is making these places apparently unfit for these businesses to continue doing business in those areas. If you would like to read more on these examples: https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/westfield-pulling-out-of-downtown-san-francisco/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/park-hotels-leaving-san-francisco-clouded-recovery/ https://www.seattletimes.com/business/records-show-rei-frustration-with-portland-officials-as-closure-loomed/ https://www.koin.com/news/oregon/portlands-last-2-walmart-locations-closing-doors-friday/ My friends, this cannot continue and us have the convenient life we have grown accustomed to. The experiment of allowing people to commit crime with no penalty is a failure and needs to be reversed. It is time for law and order again. My wife's uncle was beaten up by some random guy the other day in Portland. He is 70. He is a bus driver in Portland. This has just gotten out of control. This story of people being assaulted happens with regularity in towns and cities across the country but no arrests or investigations happen in the bigger cities. We are degenerating into a living hell in these cities and it needs to stop. NYC was similar then it got cleaned up and was one of the safer cities in which to reside. It can be done. But it takes decisive action and adhering to the rule of law. mspart
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