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Everything posted by mspart

  1. I asked you a simple question in return, for which you have not provided an answer. Indeed, you have added nothing to the conversation, and pecadillo you so readily accuse me of. You are in the position of rationalizing the stealing of cars because of what or wasn't written in a single article is the only answer possible. I know you've been dead for quite some time, but you seem fairly well versed in modern politics. To deny that cities are condoning more crime in the name of racial justice, inclusiveness, and equity is a lie that is on everyone's mouths these days. I only condemn democrats because they have run these cities, like Chicago, for decades and now find that they cannot provide the security and safety for their citizens anymore because they lack the will to incarcerate the perps. It is that simple. I don't need Fox news to tell me that, I can see it in Seattle any day of the week. Just to help you out, Chicago mayor said this the other day regarding the teen mob violence in the city: https://nypost.com/2023/08/04/chicago-mayor-slams-reporter-for-calling-riots-mob-actions/ Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson reportedly snapped at a reporter for calling young rioters a “mob,” insisting they were just “large gatherings” — and that labeling the riots “mob actions” was inappropriate. “That’s not appropriate,” the newly minted mayor said in response to a reporter’s question about trends like “mob actions” the city has endured. “We’re not talking about mob actions. I didn’t say that,” Johnson barked back. “These large gatherings … it’s important that we speak of these dynamics in an appropriate way.” Hundreds of rioters flooded Chicago’s South Loop late Sunday, when teens took over the area for the second time in just a few days — and looted a local convenience store, Fox News Digital reported. The Chicago Police Department charged 40 “disorderly” people – 32 who were teens – with misdemeanors, for allegedly fighting, damaging vehicles, smashing a window and trying to loot a nearby store, according to the report. You won't find the above in the article but does that make it any less relevant. You want to look at one item and pull infinite truth from it. Where did the mayor say he is not pursuing car thieves you ask me. I ask you where in that article does he say he is. You say I'm dumb for not answering your question while you refuse to answer mine. It is a game not worth playing Bob, and who knows how long you will be allowed to continue to post on here before the Almighty puts a stop to it for you. Bob you have an example above of a mob action that the mayor does not want to call a mob action. People, teens, were arrested for all kinds of property damage and thievery, yet we must be careful in what we call these people. It was a large gathering is all. If you read the article you will see that guns were also present, in a city which has essentially outlawed guns for most. The mayor should have come down on this crowd will all power at his disposal so as to dissuade it from happening again, and do it again and again with real consequences to stop the behavior. We have allowed this to go on for far too long. I'm concerned that it is endemic to big city civilization. Crime has always been part of the mix, but the brazen way in which it is now happening is a new phenomenon and is ridiculous. Excusing it will not make it go away and the social compact between city and resident has been broken. If you like that, then good. I do not. mspart
  2. It isn't a crime to steal a car. Apparently. WKN - That is what you are saying, intended or not. Who cares about the people who owned the car. The car company is at fault if it gets stolen. And of course the person who stole the car is not at fault, just couldn't help himself. It was ripe for the taking, he just counldn't resist the urge to steal that car. Dang, I'm guessing car thievery would go down if car thievery laws were enforced. But I live in a dream world where criminal law means nothing anymore but I wish it did. mspart
  3. https://www.voanews.com/a/biden-reelection-bid-prompts-concerns-among-many-democrats/7073903.html https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/16/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-jon-favreau.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/most-democrats-dont-want-biden-to-seek-a-2nd-term-poll-says https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3771024-poll-70-percent-of-voters-dont-want-biden-to-run-for-a-second-term/ With just an easy googles search, I came up with these four right wing media outlets reporting that D's don't want Biden to run in 2024. So either I am into conspiracy theories or I am not. You be the judge. mspart
  4. Hi buddy, What substance have you added to this conversation? mspart
  5. Why are you so invested in regulating my behavior? And why are you so concerned if you are safe with your mask and booster? If you have a mask which you say protects, wear one and be happy. If you get a booster which you say protects, get one and be happy. My droplets really shouldn't be a bother to you nor should you feel the need to regulate my droplets if you are so well protected. That is unless, you feel the mask and booster are really not protecting you. They you have a different problem. mspart
  6. Smoked Brisket yesterday with Apple chips, ran out of Mesquite. I don't recommend it. Mesquite is much better. The brisket was still pretty good but with a hint of smoky goodness rather than being overwhelmed by it. We used apple for the Turkey last year. Marvellous!! The brisket was big, had to cut it down to 3 pieces. Heading to the store to get more of both so I'm ready for Thanksgiving in a few months. mspart
  7. That's the next logical step for sure. Need to put a lock box around the CC. mspart
  8. The financial matters of a movie and payouts are all under contract before a movie is made. If you want a guarantee, you get x amount. If you want to gamble that the movie will be very successful, then you go for a cut of the profits. As an aside, I personally know two of the musicians on Heart's first album, Dreamboat Annie. They took the stipend and wish they had taken a cut of the profits. 20-20 is hindsight my padawans!! From what I have read, Oher refused any payments due to the movie. Which makes this even weirder. I think he has some people that are influencing him to do this that have surpassed his better judgment. Why would he do this to the Twoeys? Or, the Twoeys are white devils. So who is going to help the next kid that needs help? Lessons from this are being learned no doubt. What if the Twoeys had done nothing, where would Oher be now? Impossible to say but the probability of him playing in college and the NFL would be very very low. mspart
  9. Where in the article does it say they are prosecuting the car thieves? I may have missed that part, feel free to point out where that is for me. Thanks in advance buddy. mspart
  10. Cars don't steal cars, people steal cars. Is car theft now legal? Is that the point here? It sure seems so, because these poor souls just can't survive without stealing cars. Their lives depend on stealing someone else's property so there is no liability on their part. Back in the day, horse thieves were hanged. And nobody cried a tear. I'm not saying car thieves should be hanged, but they should be punished to the full extent of current law. Why is Mayor Johnson not looking for the thieves? Or is he? He's as progressive as Lightfoot so he is not looking for the thieves. He does not want to stop the crimes, just shift the blame to those horrible corporations who make it too easy for crimes to be committed. We have that here in WA as well, mostly Seattle, but over the last two years, cars that were known to be stolen could not be chased by a cop. Period. In all of WA. No chases period. Now they can chase under limited circumstances. mspart
  11. I want all the boosters at once. A little is good, more must be better. Give me the betterest. mspart
  12. That's a pain when you tear something in one leg and then tear that exact same something in the other. The stars were not aligning apparently. mspart
  13. Crime, huh What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Say it, say it, say it Crime (uh-huh), huh (yeah, huh) What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, listen to me mspart
  14. Unless you are Trump. Then throw the kitchen sink in. Which is what the Atlanta DA did. mspart
  15. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-twinkies-maker-hostess-brands-184122910.html NEW YORK (Reuters) -Hostess Brands Inc, the maker of Twinkies snack cakes, is exploring a sale after fielding takeover interest from major snack food makers, people familiar with the matter said on Friday Is there no love for their snacks anymore? I buy Hostess stuff maybe once a year, but probably more like every 2-5 years. Never had a Twinkie, don't want to preserve myself till 2399!!! mspart
  16. Tucker makes money. But if he hated Trump, would he provide all those softball questions? Tell me truthfully. I think what you and Plasi are missing is he probably hated Trump for being Trump. We all do. But I think he liked Trump's policies. mspart
  17. Because we were talking about Tucker and him being in the media I brought up MSM. If you honestly think there was a concerted effort by these people to overthrow the US government and make something different, that would really be something. They went blazing in with no weapons ready to take over the US. Yeah right. mspart
  18. This is true, but I think he was suggesting a pay by visit thing. With Insurance you have pay by year, pay by visit, deductible over many visits. If you knew going to your doctor would cost $200, but there is another Dr that would cost $70, that would be a decision to make. Insurance makes sense for big items really. Like car insurance which doesn't pay for oil changes and fixing the AC. It is simple. Insurance has it's place, but it is a crazy situation with it we have now. mspart
  19. 103 ha ha. He sure sounds like it!! To BB's claim, I have not heard their last album The Endless River. Not good though eh? I don't doubt it. mspart
  20. Correct. The Progressive pattern that is plain to the naked eye. mspart
  21. Depends on how fast BRICS acts!! But a serious question, who would stop China from rolling over Taiwan? Would Biden have the nerve to stand up for Taiwan? Would anyone in this country? I have a friend who worked in China who had a Chinese Army guy that would talk to him. His statement was that the Chinese army could walk to Taiwan, insinuating that they have so many troops that those that survived the waters would walk to Taiwan on the bodies of those that didn't survive. To be honest, I don't know why China would want anything to do with Taiwan. Totally different economies and cultures. Other than to put more people under it's thumb it seems like there's no purpose. mspart
  22. So how do you justify these two polar opposite reactions in your mind? Is there perhaps some nuance you are missing? He loved Jan 6? I don't think so. I think he did not feel the situation rose to the level of treason and sedition like most others in MSM did. And he pretty much proved that with the videos. He hates Trump? He just interviewed Trump. He would not do that if he hated Trump and wouldn't ask the questions he did if he hated Trump. I'm sensing you are missing something here. mspart
  23. Does Tucker loathe Trump, or what Trump did in Jan? Is Tucker loathe the Trump policies or the Trump caricature of himself? My put - Tucker does not hate Trump, does not like what Trump did with the election, but liked the policies that Trump put forth for the most part. I would go a step further. I don't like Trump as a person, but I think his polices were good. 1. Making NATO countries pay more? Good. 2. Making Jerusalem home to US Embassy? Good. 3. Getting us to a point where we were energy self sufficient? Good. 4. Keeping inflation and interest rates down? Good. 5. Lowering tax rates so business could thrive bringing in new revenue? Good. 6. Reducing unnecessary regulatory burden on businesses and streamlining overlapping regulations? Good. 7. Surviving 2 joke impeachments? Good. Not a policy but good. 8. Surviving a joke Mueller investigation that actually cleared him? Good. Not a policy but good. 9. Strengthening the US border against illegal immigration? Good, but did not do enough. 10. Obama era Executive Orders rescinded? Good. mspart
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