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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Did he shoot himself and then hang himself? Or did he hang himself and then shoot himself? Either way seems very difficult to pull off. mspart
  2. South Africa was not in the Olympics for years because of politics. Just sayin'. mspart
  3. My wrestling credentials are pretty minimal really. Not sure where that places me. mspart
  4. Or is Schumer concerned that it makes Carlson look foolish? That would be a weird thing for him to be concerned about. mspart
  5. So is that what Schumer is all upset about? It makes him look foolish? That's what is dangerous? mspart
  6. If Twitter is destroyed completely, why is it still around? mspart
  7. The question is, is this dangerous video to release? No one has answered this question. Schumer believes it is dangerous to release it. Does that make sense? mspart
  8. Everyone has their hands full to AA. That's the point. mspart
  9. Yes correct. But they are not "officially" attacking him for taking over Twitter. This is a long standing consent decree he has to abide by. mspart
  10. Ok, so it has nothing to do with Musk. It is followup on FTC actions from earlier in 2022 before Musk purchased Twitter. Plus they want to keep that on going to make sure Twitter is still protecting people's privacy. Got it. Thanks for the clarification. mspart
  11. The question is, is this dangerous video to release? Chuck Schumer says it is. White House says this action by Tucker Carlson takes away his credibility. How so? Because he provided video that the government wouldn't? That loses him credibility? I think it loses the government their credibility because there is obviously another story there that they did not/do not want told. We have been told by the Jan 6 committee all these years that it was an all out assault. Granted, there was property damage. But most folks were holding up their cellphones taking video of the inside of a building they were not supposed to be in, rather than holding up the weapons that an armed renegade coup should have had. There were no arms brandished by the invaders. They seemed to be more interested in looking around than in destruction or taking over the government. I could be missing something but that video does not provide the basis for what the Jan 6 committee has been saying all this time. I have said before and I'll say again, those that destroyed property should pay for those crimes, same as summer of love rioters should. Those that were in the building when they shouldn't have been should pay a price for that. Same as the rioters in 2020, they should all pay a price for their participation in that. mspart
  12. How'd he get so huge? His momma must have some genes. He needed a twin or cousin to practice with. Not near as aggressive as pop. mspart
  13. mspart

    Jon Jones

    Well, Jones came in and took care of business. I personally think Cyril took a fall. Got choked out halfway through the first round. And he seemed to walk into it. He did not look ready for the fight at all. But I'm no MMA expert, just watching with my son. mspart
  14. Haines did good at B1G. Let's see how well he does at NCAAs. mspart
  15. I guess if I was an alternate, I'd be making weight no matter what. Worst case, I get to eat. mspart
  16. Good on you BB. That was very good of you to go back and talk with him. mspart
  17. I usually just ignore people that say Wrasslin' and move on with the conversation. It doesn't help to make a stink of it. But I will correct them that I'm not into WWE or WWF whatever it is called now. Olympic Wrasslin' is the style I do and enjoy. Well, I don't do it anymore. But I do enjoy watching great wrestling. mspart
  18. Can't read the article. Does it say why FTC wants this stuff? mspart
  19. At the HS my kids went to, the mats were crawling up the sides there was so little room. Oh for the days!! mspart
  20. That was no slam by Waters. He was just along for the ride. It's a great 2 point move in freestyle. mspart
  21. PSU at seed 40% seems low but that's because they have been winning so often. But if a #1 wins, he did not exceed his seed so there's that. They have had a lot of #1 seeds. Okie State does not surprise me, they constantly underperform which is something I have been saying for years. MINN is a surprise. I think they usually underperform but they are one of the higher performers. Very interesting chart. Thanks for taking the time. mspart
  22. Bono needs to work the wrestler, not the ref. That is uncalled for behavior. mspart
  23. Are the brackets 32 man with a few pigtails? It seems like that has been the case. mspart
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