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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Well, it is not the WC now is it. Not everyone is going to show up. But a ranking tourney is for those wanting seeds in the WCs so it will be tough than the Spanish Gran Prix lets say. Anyway, We should have had 5 golds if Dake and Taylor were there. The other World Team members did well medalling. mspart
  2. Sorry Bob, you'll need to pick up your own slack. Being dead doesn't excuse you from due diligence. mspart
  3. So what are you saying? You made a statement of what the issue was that is driving this latest effort. Reports are that $39 billion goes to 804k borrowers for this latest effort. That is over 48K per borrower on average. That is what will be paid out for the items you described. Not sure how that is not what you are saying when you said it. Those are the numbers for what your definitive statement below describes. It seems to me like that is what you were saying. I'm not sure how to interpret it otherwise. mspart
  4. So 3 golds, 2 silvers, and 3 bronzes for MFS. Again, that is a pretty good showing! mspart
  5. WKN - So you are saying that these loan holders were cheated out of $48k? Seems like an awful lot for failing to count certain payments as required payments. From WSJ - 804000 borrowers, 39 billion dollars. That is $48,500 per borrower. Seems like an overreach based on what you present. mspart
  6. Perhaps it went public because the Ds really don't want Biden and Kamala to run again? Just throwing that out there. mspart
  7. Jim Fixx taught us that. mspart
  8. El Paso has been over 100 for 28 days. We have been in the 70's for a week now in PNW. Pleasant but not too hot. mspart
  9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12297141/Drugs-White-House-THREE-TIMES-2022.html Drugs have been found at the White House THREE TIMES since 2022: Secret Service confirms marijuana was also discovered during the Biden administration - sparking more questions about security. The Secret Service confirmed Thursday that marijuana was found twice at the White House in 2022, sparking more questions about security after cocaine was discovered there earlier this month. Secret Service officials talked pot to members of Congress during a Thursday briefing on the investigation into the cocaine found in the West Wing on Sunday, July 2, with Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert then telling reporters about it. The Secret Service Uniformed Division later confirmed details to DailyMail.com, noting that 'small amounts of marijuana' were found in June and September of 2022. This is interesting. mspart
  10. Well, I'd have to say I am not impacted even a little. But their residuals argument is something to look at. mspart
  11. OOOOOCH!!! mspart
  12. Chance with the Bronze! That is awesome. Hoping for similar from Vito. Sorry to hear that Dom Parrish lost. Was she hurt? What happened? mspart
  13. Historically, it has not happened. But they keep trying. mspart
  14. Historically, it has not happened. But they keep trying. mspart
  15. The vagina is an organ. You can poke a hole in a guy and it will not be an organ. It will just be a wound. mspart
  16. This pretty much has happened. Same with hard drugs. OR passed an initiative (vote of the people) that legalized use of hard drugs. WA did the same when the legislature failed to pass a bill to fix a law struck down by the SC. So for 2 years hard drug use was not illegal in WA. They just passed a bill and it was signed that makes it a gross misdemeanor to possess or use hard drugs. Seattle voted not to abide by that so all drug use is essentially legal there. The Feds have shown no interest in enforcing federal law on this topic. mspart
  17. First you have to define unethically. I think you would have an argument there. The number of justices stayed the same so it is not like the court was packed like the Ds are proposing by adding justices. 3 Vacancies came Trump's way and he filled them. 1 came Biden's way and he filled that. There is nothing unethical about either of these. As of now it is moot to change the number of justices. Won't happen this year or next. Gotta wait for the next election. But changing the number of justices to pack the court is like a kid losing a baseball game who takes his ball and his bat and goes home and the game ends because they were using his ball and bat. D's had the majority for decades and they feel it is their right to maintain that. But it is not their right to have that maintained as we see. So they want to pack the court with D justices by adding 6 or 7 new justices, hopefully really young, so they can maintain a majority on the court for a really long time. There's just something really immature about that way of thinking, as per the analogy. mspart
  18. I watch from time to time but I would not say I am hooked on it. mspart
  19. There may be that, but what does it say about Threads? mspart
  20. Thank you PNW. Much appreciated. Looks like generally a fine day. Too bad Dake and Taylor were absent. 7 weights, 3 gold 1 silver 1 bronze. Not bad. mspart
  21. I can't find results. Can someone post the results? mspart
  22. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4092893-mika-brzezinski-scolds-bidens-staff-i-dont-think-they-do-a-good-job/ MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski tore into President Biden’s aides and staffers Wednesday for what she described as a lack of competence in managing his public appearances. “I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m going to be honest, I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president,” Brzezinski said on “Morning Joe.” “I’m just saying if you are managing a president’s schedule and a president getting on stage and off stage … and yes, he’s 80. You need to be there for him, and you need to make a pathway, and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag. And I blame the staff for that.” This is really saying a lot!! The guy doesn't know where he is half the time and has to be directed where to go or where to stand. So it is his aide's fault for not directing him. Wouldn't that look just as awkward? She agrees with you SH. mspart
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