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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Like I said, most intelligent people already know what we are getting with Kamala. If you aren't intelligent go ahead and watch the interview and you will be as informed as the pile of oak firewood in my backyard. Your choice.
  2. Without saying a word most intelligent people already know what we are going to get with Kamala. We already know what we are going to get with Tim. This is an edited pre-taped interview with Kamala. Go enjoy friends or family or whatever you enjoy doing.
  3. Right now there are 3 ads on the screen and if I scroll 1 inch 3 more pop up. Its like a computer game trying to dodge the ads. But i don't get any points.
  4. Yes, Timmy will be there to protect Kamala (hold her hand) from the in-your-face probing questions from Dana Bash. LOL Will Kamala be questioned for her recent epiphany on the (Medieval, Vanity) border wall, banning all fracking in Pa. and (no more health insurance Company's) Medicare for all? There isn't a snowball's chance in hell.
  5. In North Carolina it was on the ballot, and it passed and somehow an activist judge got it overturned. This is like a banana Repulic.
  6. We can only hope. In person voting with a photo voter I.D. would fix all this crap.
  7. Holy sh?t. But,but there are no problems with the elections.
  8. The person that demands new rules. Her handlers are scared to death to have her in a debate with no teleprompter and no notes. I wish those in the debate could ask 5 or 6 questions to their opposition. It would be nice if the moderator would be totally neutral.
  9. I would think a decent high school debater would easily beat her in a debate. You just have to wonder how she has been able to be the attorney General of California and then Vice President. Now she is running for President. It just doesn't make any sense.
  10. Hey, you guys quit freaking out. You are starting to make WrestlingRasta freak out and that is really bad. Just chill out and have a beer or whatever you drink.
  11. Now there is some concern about 250 million dollars. Fraud in a program that was run by the Minnesota Department of Education.
  12. Yes , probably the Sugarcreek, Apple Creek, Kidron area. I believe that is the 2nd largest Amish community in America. That is about 35 miles from where I grew up in Ohio. Beautiful farming country.
  13. Moderator I would appreciate if you would take this down. Thanks
  14. This is not funny in any way shape or form. JFK and RFK were assassinated, and one was 1/2 inch away from death. Maybe the forum moderator could take this down. Murdering The Kennedys is not a joke.
  15. If you bought Amish furniture i Pa. it might have been Lancaster, PA. Its the largest Amish community in America.
  16. THats true and all it was was a pull-down rope to pull the door down. Hundreds and hundreds of hours by the FBI and law enforcement to investigate a pull-down rope.
  17. No, he blames himself for being Nieve and stupid for listening to information and taking it as truth without doing his own due Dili genus. and fact checking it. I hope you are not from Ohio.
  18. Vance unfortunately for some reason ( In His own words) was listening to what Democrat's and the liberal media were saying about Trump then he actually used some Common sense and did his own research. He found out that democrats and the liberal media actually lie a lot.
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