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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. We give money to groups who are actively committing these crimes. The rebels we funded in Syria were ISIS splinter groups. We knew that at the time, but deemed it was more important to oust Assad. I'm sorry the reality of what our government does abroad disrupts your fairy tale about our country, but that's not my problem.
  2. Yet, they literally trained and armed groups who did all those things all through Latin America. Not disputed history.
  3. I cannot in good faith support a speaker from a family that doesn't encourage offseason freestyle wrestling for its athletes.
  4. Now apply that to Palestine
  5. Oh yeah, the list gets way longer if you don't limit it to strictly Islamist terror. Throw a dart at a map of South America and you'll likely hit a country we paid and trained mass-murdering terror groups in. And people wonder why the region is a disaster and people are willing to walk a 1000 miles to get here?
  6. What would you call giving millions of dollars and weapons to Islamist extremist groups if not "sponsor?" Because that's a matter of public record.
  7. It seems like we all hate Islamic Terror, but nobody wants to reckon with our government's role in creating it, either through direct funding or its actions in the region. It didn't come out of nowhere. It arose out of specific historical conditions that we played a part in. If I leave a can of gasoline next to an open flame, I can't pretend I wasn't involved when it blows.
  8. Can you give an example of something Alex Jones was right about? Not denying that it exists, I'm just curious which stuff you think is true.
  9. What are you mad about? Qatar and the US are not releasing the money to Iran right now. The money itself is a South Korean payment to Iran for oil. Even the released money (if it does get released eventually) will not be held in accounts controlled by the Iranian government.
  10. Some examples: Direct: Funding, arming, and training the Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets. They became Al Qaeda. Funding and supporting Saudi Arabia, the world's #1 sponsor of terror (and perpetrators of 9/11) Funding and arming the Syrian rebels against Assad (secular). These rebels were Islamist fighters with large overlap with ISIS. That's where most of the weapons ended up. Funding Libyan Islamist groups against Gadhafi (secular) Funding Hamas in the 1980s - this was done by Israel, but Israel is a US client-state and you can be sure we were involved here. Indirect: 1953 Iranian Coup - admitted to by the CIA -reinstallation of the autocratic Shah and overthrow of Iranian democracy - directly led to the Islamic Revolution 30ish years later and the boon of Islamic Terror. Many consider this the original sin in the current Middle East situation. 2003 Iraq invasion - destabilized the region, put millions of young military aged men out of work and gave them a reason to hate the west (hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths). This became the starting point for ISIS. Special treatment of Israeli contravention of International Law - strong recruiting tool for Islamist groups. US routinely uses its special veto to stop UN sanctions of Israeli violations of International Law. These resolutions usually have near unanimous consent other than the US and occasionally the UK.
  11. back to back posts lmao
  12. Yes, the likelihood of misfires was not in question. What was unlikely is that a misfire could cause the reported damage. Hamas rockets are damn near glorified fireworks. I think Britains channel 4 did a good job here. Neither sides story add up to reality. Damage at the sight doesn’t point to a bunker buster Israeli bomb. The death toll is unconfirmed and hopefully this wasn’t the massacre it was first reported as. However, none of Israel’s evidence of a Palestinian misfire holds up either. The voice recording is a clear fake based on dialect, accent, etc..(plus we’re supposed to believe you didn’t know thousands of hamas fighters were gathering on the border for an attack but you somehow got a cell phone recording (from a group that doesn’t use them) immediately after this bombing?) And the Israeli’s can’t even keep the supposed launch strike straight in their own presentations. Evidence points to either a misfire or an Israeli air-burst munition. Without independent investigators we shouldn’t expect to get a clear answer for a while.
  13. hope so
  14. Ask yourself what’s more likely: An exploded rocket fragment falling at that speed, causing that sized explosion, and killing more people than the last 20 years of Palestinian rockets combined x 20? Or The country that is bombing the area with high capability explosives and told hospitals to evacuate because they would be bombed…bombed a hospital? They told us they were going to do it. They celebrated when they did. Only when they found out they killed 500+ civilians did they backtrack and claim it was someone else.
  15. You've gotten already. Multiple times.
  16. I'm sorry, what are you trying to accomplish? It was the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City. That's like the only part of this story that isn't under dispute.
  17. Official Israeli accounts are now deleting the video above. Doesn't necessarily mean it was them, but it looks more likely at this point.
  18. They all did? You're acting like this was a rumor or something? It's on every network and site.
  19. To add to this, there's a reason Hamas/PIJ rockets have killed almost nobody over the last 20 years. They're made out of recycled pipes and construction materials. Misfire? Totally reasonable and they do happen. Bring down a large hospital with one errant rocket? That's a stretch. It would be the most destructive Hamas rocket of all time Now add that Israel has been complaining in the media that doctors won't evacuate hospitals they want to strike.
  20. I meant that Israel has not been interested in negotiating up to this point. Could have worded it clearer.
  21. There have been ongoing negotiations through the Qatari government. The first offer was to release women and children hostages in exchange for 36 Palestinian women and children held by Israel. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/qatar-leads-talks-swap-hamas-held-hostages-palestinians-israeli-jails-2023-10-09/
  22. Only thing we can know for sure is that there needs to be a ceasefire. Hamas is calling for a ceasefire in exchange for releasing the hostages (whichever ones are still alive after the strikes). Israel is not interested (so far). The West needs to pull Netanyahu and Israel back. They've gone far past even retaliation. Enough.
  23. in general yes. under this specific location? i don't know and neither do you. next question, say there are. would that make the bombing justified?
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