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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. Can't help but notice nobody is acknowledging the actual veteran's opinion on this lol. Being mad at everything is too important to them. Well said sir. IIRC @Le duke is also a veteran being shouted down for having a reasonable take. Maybe our board "patriots" just hate our troops?
  2. then why is North Korea allowed to participate? Or any authoritarian country.
  3. So stupid. UWW would never hold America to the same standard. Hell, they don't even hold Iran to that standard when they refuse to wrestle Israel. Or Israel for bombing Gaza, Lebanon, or Syria. Just be consistent with the punishments or don't do it at all. Nick Lee retweeted a tweet saying we should nuke Kabul. Should he be banned for his opinion?
  4. Don't lump me in. I haven't called anybody abusers. Just stupid! Because this was very clearly not an anthem protest despite what those who like being mad all the time believe. Getting mad and criticizing people over nothing like a bunch of snowflakes. As an aside, the whole obsession with playing the anthem before every sporting event is so weird. Doesn't bother me at all personally, but I don't understand why it's necessary to play the anthem at an Iowa-Cal Baptist wrestling meet.
  5. It's still the motto at Army. Once again falling for rage bait that isn't true. Your contention is that the US Military academy doesn't support our country sufficiently? Must be fun to walk around all day with your brain leaking out your ears.
  6. Maybe you should accept that not being on the field for the anthem is normal and you bought into fake rage bait because you're addicted to being mad.
  7. Army football has clearly gone WOKE and HATES OUR COUNTRY!!!!!
  8. What does any of this have to with the LSU team? It wasn't a protest.
  9. Don't expect @Husker_Du to react to obvious contradictions in his logic. He's addicted to the dopamine rush he gets from being mad at people he's never met online. Terminal Twitter Outrage Brain.
  10. Kim Mulkey has gone WOKE!!! lmao you guys are the stupidest people on the planet. Neither Iowa nor LSU were on the floor when the anthem played last year by the way.
  11. what “move” are you talking about?
  12. Guy, you just found a list on the internet. Nobody actually celebrates every day on that list. 99.9% in the world have no idea those exist. Settle down and pay attention to things that actually affect you.
  13. It's not a real holiday, man. Nobody is getting the day off work. The White House puts out statements like this every single month for stuff like this. Just since this statement, they've released identical statements for: Autism Acceptance Organ Donation Month Cesar Chavez Day Cancer Prevention Month Arab American Heritage Month National Public Health Week Child Abuse Prevention Month Care Workers Recognition Month Military Child Month Second Chance Month Conservative twitter took one statement among the usual monthly batch and took it out of context to make it look like the White House is intentionally attacking Christian Americans.
  14. They put out a statement every year. Were they supposed to ignore it this year because Easter fell on it? How would that be “inclusive” like you claim to want? Quite the long game starting this 3 years ago but the payoff is worth it. Wait….what’s the payoff? Some people are addicted to being mad. Sad way to live.
  15. He put out a statement for both. Why are you upset? Why weren’t you upset about it the last three years? He’s put out the same statement every year.
  16. It’s more accurate to say that Easter fell on Trans Day of Visibility. Only one of them is on the same day every year. TDV is always on March 31st. Easter falls between late March and late April and is different every year. If you are legitimately upset about this, you are a giant baby. I’m assuming this is why @Husker_Du was crying on twitter again?
  17. I see you're having a normal, human reaction to this tragedy.
  18. My actual position is that the climate does have natural cycles, but that the unprecedented level of carbon production is causing it to warm much more quickly than it would naturally warm and the speed of that change will cause problems. Change that used to take thousands of years is now happening over a couple centuries, or even decades. It's not the fact that we're getting warmer that's the problem. It's the timeline and scale.
  19. enlighten me. and while you're at it, answer the question! is @mspart right or not?
  20. Is the chart bullshit because humans weren't there, like @mspart says, or isn't it? It's a simple question.
  21. so we agree that the chart Willie's guy was using to explain how climate change isn't real is bullshit and misleading? great! welcome aboard, james.
  22. If you took 2 minutes to actually read what you were talking about, you'd realize this undermines willie's position more than mine lol
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