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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. You constantly criticize Biden and the Democrats. Why do you hate America?
  2. This is not what happened.
  3. Is it really too much to ask for my country to stop interfering with other countries' democratic processes? It almost always ends in disaster for everybody. The best part about this country is being able to criticize its actions. Strangely, that's the right that pisses the most people off (even though they do it constantly too).
  4. telling the military we’ll forgive you guys if you expel your popular leader because he remained neutral on ukraine is pretty direct. i thought you hated biden?
  5. we put our thumb on the scale by making it clear we wanted him gone. the much bigger issue is that the military appears to be trying to overturn the new election results that would put him back in place. if hamas or iran were doing this, the state department would be calling it an outrage, and rightfully so. The Biden admin should be using all its influence to make sure this election proceeds peacefully and the rightful results released. If they don’t cooperate, we should be ending diplomatic relations.
  6. Put this poor man out his misery and let him hang out with his grandkids.
  7. almost everybody involved in this case is an ivy leaguer, including trump lmao
  8. I don't know if the State Department is directly involved in the events going on today. I do know that they were directly involved in the initial coup and have done nothing to set the situation right since then. I'm actually quite sure they're probably pissed at the military for making it so obvious. It leaves them very little wiggle room to obfuscate. Today's briefing will be interesting. https://theintercept.com/2023/08/09/imran-khan-pakistan-cypher-ukraine-russia/ The above is an article including a leaked Pakistani memo about a meeting with the US ambassador in which the US ambassador intimates that the removal of Khan through the no-confidence vote is the best path towards repairing the US-Pakistan relationship.
  9. You can say this all you want, but I've been consistent from the beginning. Find a post from me saying anything bad about the Israeli people or the Jewish people. Your only move is to scream anti-Semitism like a wailing child.
  10. It is election day in Pakistan. For those who don't know, the Pakistani military, with US backing, led a pseudo-coup to oust popular Prime Minister Imran Khan. This was motivated by Khan's neutrality over Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Since his removal, Khan's supporters have been violently harassed by the military. The military is going to great lengths to delegitimize the election because Khan is expected to win a dominant victory. I'll post an article below laying out the details. Today, they've shut off access to the internet, had armed clashes with protestors, and shut down media reporting on results. It will be interesting to see what our State Department says about this as we're clearly involved in this attack on democracy. https://theintercept.com/2024/02/07/pakistan-election-pti-imran-khan/
  11. Only if you ignore what I actually say. Every critique I've said in this thread is aimed at the Israeli Government/Military. I have absolutely no problem the Israeli people. They are entitled to live happy, peaceful lives like all people on Earth. No matter how often I say I think Hamas is bad and that 10/7 was evil, you guys just ignore it and pretend I'm calling for jihad against every jew in the world. It's absurd. I just want the Israeli government to stop killing civilians and stop occupying land that isn't theirs. In other words, obey basic international law.
  12. it would certainly be nice if congress did its job and legislated. instead, both parties have kicked much of their governing responsibility to the courts. i think we all agree that’s a problem. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is an abstract concept. a woman might say the overturning of roe v wade forces her to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term and negatively affect her life. i think the government’s ability to spy on me affects my liberty. the government not giving a million dollars affects my happiness. doesn’t mean i have a right to it. the application of broad statements of rights in the constitution is not black and white.
  13. he did! he engaged the questions i asked in good faith, just like i asked them in good faith. you could learn from his example. it’s called hyperbole. by pointing to the extremes it shows the obvious logic behind them. why is drunk driving illegal? because it’s dangerous! obviously! but that means it’s okay for the government to regulate things that are dangerous, so now you have to apply that standard to every situation. speeding? running a light? rolling stop? illegal parking? there is a line where you have to say no that’s enough and as much as people like to pretend that line is clearly laid out in the constitution, it’s not! we, as a society, decide where the line is and that line is changing all the time. just saying government = bad and the more government the more bad it is is silly. we all take for granted the things the government does without realizing at one point the government didn’t do those things! it took “big government” advocates to change things and make all our lives better. it’s not the size of the government that matters. it’s the structure and the actions. are they taking care of public infrastructure so we can function as a society? are they taking care of the environment so we can be healthy? are they providing educational and development opportunities so our citizens can reach their full potential? are they responsive to public will? are they transparent with the public? are they respecting the public’s law-given rights as private citizens? etc..
  14. Oh, now we’re reading principles that aren’t explicitly stated into the text? I thought you were an originalist?
  15. Can you quote the lines in the Constitution about limited government? (they don't exist) By the way, if you haven't already, everybody should read the Constitution! It's not a long document. It should only take a few minutes. You might be surprised by what is and isn't in there. https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript
  16. Yeah, but @Husker_Du didn't see it on twitter, so they weren't happening. It's almost like conservative media ignored them because Trump was in charge and then stopped ignoring them when Biden got in to give the illusion that they started after Biden! Wait a second.....
  17. Exactly! If that was actually what they believed or wanted, they would have put it in the document! The fact they didn't is how we know we shouldn't be using an "originalist" framework.
  18. Members of the Republican party appointed by Republican presidents weren't Republicans??? "and they certainly were not originalist" YES THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TELLING YOU LMAO Originalism is a modern phenomenon that has no basis in our nation's history or founding. There is no line in the Constitution that says "This document is to be taken strictly according to its meaning at the time of its writing" or "Anything not explicitly mentioned in this document is unconstitutional." Originalism inserts a modern ideology back into a founding document that, by its very structure, is meant to be a living document, continually updated as needed. Why? Because obviously a document written PRE-INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION is not going to adequately address the issues of modernity.
  19. Has there been any connection made between the SA government and the 50 farmer murders? Did you know the rate of farm attacks has been declining for 20 years? That black farmers are also frequently attacked because the actual motivation of these killings is robbery? Your point was stupid. You could say that the US has no standing to defend Israel because it’s repeatedly attacked muslim countries over the past 3 decades. That has far more standing than your “white genocide” conspiracy about a declining rate of farm attacks in South Africa.
  20. whole article is worth reading.
  21. nobody knows less about american history than conservatives lol
  22. The Roe v Wade decision was written by a Republican and joined by the Republican Chief Justice of the court and another judge appointed by a Republican president as part of its 7-2 majority.
  23. Can you cite that?
  24. 50 murders? Wait until you hear about the 25,000+ in Gaza. Be serious.
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