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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. she was an old lady man. don’t debase yourself. our police are the most violent in the developed world. it doesn’t have to be like that. we can hold them to a higher standard. slamming an unarmed old lady on the concrete is not acceptable.
  2. didn't see your last post. i responded. even *if* she touched one of the cops (which we can't actually see on video), do you think that was a reasonable response from officer farva? can we have some common sense about what constitutes battery or assaulting an officer?
  3. 1) Yes you got confused. The video you replied to is of the same guy willie was talking about. 2) Disagree. Following the catastrophe of the world wars, we came together as a civilized world to set down rules of war. Killing the human shields is a violation of those rules. It is a war crime. I believe in the rule of law, even when it's inconvenient. Levelling buildings you think might contain Hamas while you know they for sure contain civilians is a war crime. And it's wrong to portray that as their only option. They have one of the best funded, best equipped militaries in the world. They could be far more precise if they wanted to be. They just don't want to be. And they'll also be pretty open about that if you just listen to them. Hit translate on Hebrew tweets from Israeli politicians and generals. Far different tone than what they say in English for their Western audience. 3) Good. That's one of many reasons I don't support Hamas. Is that your only red line for Israel? Is there a civilian casualty number that you would find unacceptable, for example?
  4. You're literally supporting a #1A violation! Somebody was arrested and charged for asking a question. How do you not see that?
  5. Are you concerned about a peaceful protestor being slammed to the ground or not? Where's the outrage over free speech and freedom that you think makes this the greatest country in the world? Show some consistency and integrity.
  6. She didn't touch anybody. She only asked what they were doing? That is not a crime nor interference. You have fascist tendencies. Like most conservative Americans you pontificate about the importance of "freedom" and get hard every time you see it trampled on.
  7. hopefully we can find some common ground and agree this is bullshit. right?
  8. i will never vote for joe biden. i know that probably breaks your simple brain.
  9. 1) what are you talking about? the video you replied to is of Mohamad Safa, the same guy willie called a fundamentalist. 2) the response to human shields isn’t to kill the shields. 3) name them.
  10. The first guy and the second guy are the same guy. That's why I posted it. To show he's not an Islamic Fundamentalist like Willie accused him of being. And everybody on here knows Willie didn't think through the way that your two "fundamentalists" might be similar. He saw a Muslim supporting Palestine and cried fundamentalist which is obviously racist. According to your definition of fundamentalism, @Offthemat @Scouts Honor and @Husker_Du are all hardcore fundamentalists as they've been clear that there's nothing Israel can do to make them not support it. I don't have a problem with Israel killing all of Hamas' fighters. That's war. I do have a problem with levelling apartment buildings, hospitals, and universities because there *might* be some Hamas fighters inside when they *know* that there are tons of civilians. That's how you get a genocide charge. It was just a week or two ago that they did an air strike on international food workers because they thought they saw a Hamas fighter join the caravan even though they admitted they couldn't confirm it. That *suspicion* was justification enough for them to kill 7 international volunteers, including an American citizen, who they knew were innocent. That's not an acceptable way to carry out a just war. The "fundamentalists" on this forum don't want to engage in any nuance on the subject. They don't want to acknowledge that there is a way for Israel to carry out this war that would get far less criticism and kill far less people. They don't want to acknowledge that Israel isn't just doing this from self-defense and that they have ulterior motives *as any country would!*
  11. most of the people dying are not in hamas. half of them are children. can you really not understand how someone could have empathy for innocent civilians caught in the middle of an awful conflict?
  12. talk about shifting goalposts. two things on the total opposite of the political spectrum and not at all what willie accused him of.
  13. Yeah, this guy just screams Islamic Fundamentalist lol. His background is in environmental issues and anti-pollution.
  14. Instead of flailing around trying to justify an ignorant accusation made in the heat of an argument, just admit you shouldn't have called him a fundamentalist and we'll all move on.
  15. You knew none of this when you called him a fundamentalist. None of it indicates he's a fundamentalist either. And what rhetoric are you referring to?
  16. Yes, I'm sure Jewish people were blocked from entering, but not because they were Jewish, but because they are human and all humans were blocked from entering. I know twitter is your whole world, but the videos and captions you're seeing do not reflect the reality on the ground. Do you think the Jews doing the blocking are racist against Jews too?
  17. that's not what's happening. all people are blocked from the building, not jews. many of the people doing the blocking are jews themselves. they were literally celebrating seder together yesterday.
  18. no you called him a fundamentalist. we can all read the post willie. just admit that was wrong and move on.
  19. you called a man a fundamentalist just because his name is Mohamad. that's pretty racist.
  20. so that's a no. racist. if you don't want to be called a racist, don't assume everybody named Mohamad is an Islamic Fundamentalist. anybody who supports this war is a bloodthirsty genocide cheerleader. see, we can both make sweeping assertions!
  21. right on queue he just did it again
  22. what reason did you have to think he's a fundamentalist other than his name? enlighten us, racist.
  23. i was not following that exchange and interpreted this as reporting because you disagree with their take (willie has threatened to ban me before). doxxing and threats are a different matter. no excuse for that.
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