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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. we absolutely should have a federal holiday to vote. that’s a great idea.
  2. i think we can all agree that our current system is an embarrassment.
  3. this is a great point. it’s a lot harder to vote when you are a service worker or nurse or someone working a long shift that takes up most of not all the voting hours.
  4. there is some prevention baked into this. someone who wanted to vote as you would have to know that you're registered (or register for you) and also know you weren't going to show up. in PA, in order to register, you need a drivers licence # or SSN. if they don't register for you, they need to know that you won't show up too. if you show up twice, it gets flagged and investigated. so in order to pull this off they either need your license #/SSN and need you to not try to register yourself or vote too. then for it to matter at all, they would need to do this on a mass scale. that's an extensive operation and with the incessant investigations by republicans, you would think they would have found something by now right?
  5. okay, then every citizen with an SSN is automatically registered. government should have easily accessible voting IDs free of charge for those without driver's licenses. Sign on to that and I think that's a good compromise that increases election integrity while making easier for everyone to do their civil duty.
  6. The tweet says "because he is JEWISH", you offered no clarification of your own, and you've made that same accusation earlier in the thread so I assumed you agreed with that. If you don't, I'm happy to accept that!
  7. that's fine. i still want to know why you should have to pay for the right to vote.
  8. "to the whole population of the state" is there a state with 100% black population I'm not aware of?
  9. you can comment on the original post here: I just moved it to a new thread because it has wider implications than this discussion
  10. yes, i put my money where my mouth is. if i believe in something, i show up for it. posting with you guys just passes the time between when i do actual important stuff. not to offend any of you guys who never leave the house.
  11. Is he being blocked because he's Jewish or is he being blocked because all students are being blocked. You guys love to complain about people pulling the race card unjustifiably. Can't have it both ways. Show me that only Jewish students are being blocked. (I don't think any student should be blocked and my local protest is not doing so)
  12. why should you have to pay for the right to vote? that goes for any race. it's ***ducked** up you have to too.
  13. The easiest way to solve this is that we do it by SSN. Every US citizen has a unique SSN. Every SSN over 18 years old should be automatically registered to vote. Republicans don't want to do this because it makes voting easier.
  14. the freedom lover has logged on i see
  15. far more. are you one of those "everybody who disagrees with me must be a paid plant" guys? strange way to view the world.
  16. my guy they literally control the country we invaded
  17. Can speak to this personally. The pro-Israel counterprotesters at the protest I've been at spend the whole time jeering and hurling slurs to try to bait us into engaging. We just ignore them and that makes them even madder lol.
  18. we haven't done away with the group that did 9/11. that's because you can't bomb an idea. and there were tons of protest against the post-9/11 wars. so disingenuous.
  19. you have a toddler brain. yes i expect israel to behave better than hamas. hamas is a terrorist group.
  20. you keep saying this but it’s not true. like not even close. for example, our civilian kill rate in afghanistan was 8x lower by the most charitable Israeli civilian numbers, which are very much in dispute. it’s likely the number is even worse. how are you so stupid to think that a 2:1 rate could possibly be “the lowest” in history?? also fareed isn’t doing the talking here. he’s just the panel host. the other two are worth listening to and one of them is on your side.
  21. i thought this was a really good conversation. both sides were well-represented and refreshingly both were calm and polite in disagreement. if you’re interested in really understanding where i and millions of others are coming from, this is a really good interview.
  22. yes and that doesn’t mean the right thing to do is kill the children. it’s not complicated.
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