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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. looking forward to the outrage on here over this *actual* violence
  2. @BuckyBadger and this number skews much higher the younger you go. the majority of 20 year old jews in this country are anti-zionist. unfortunately, (antisemitic) people can’t wrap their heads around jews not having dual loyalty.
  3. imagine thinking people different from you also deserve basic human rights. i imagine that’s pretty hard for a racist to understand but hopefully you do someday!
  4. there are also antizionist jews and muslims being threatened by zionists and right wingers. you don’t seem to care much. *guy who thinks it’s okay to kill 15k children*: patriot *guy who doesn’t*: terrorist your moral clarity is astounding willie
  5. their is a huge anti-zionist movement among young american jews. assuming all jews must be zionist is antisemitic. i was introduced to this issue in college by my jewish anti-zionist friends. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/opinion/israel-american-jews-zionism.html “In 2021, even before Israel’s current far-right government took power, the Jewish Electorate Institute found that 38 percent of American Jewish voters under the age of 40 viewed Israel as an apartheid state, compared with 47 percent who said it’s not.”
  6. i’m not asking for sympathy. just pointing out your hypocrisy. you pull the race card because you know you can’t talk your way around 15k dead children who you don’t care about because they’re not white. racist.
  7. willie keeps doing the slippery thing where he specifies jewish students to imply it’s because they’re jewish and that they’re not subject to the same blockade everybody is and then whenever you ask him to demonstrate that they’re actually being targeted he backs down.
  8. 1) You said you didn't support ethnic cleansing, you support [insert the textbook definition of ethnic cleansing] 2) can you send me videos of people saying they were paid. i want my check! 3) I'm not sure what any of this means. 4) Because these students (and myself) believe in a universal set of human rights regardless of what those people might believe. That consistency is essential. When you stray from it you get into a relativistic mindset that can be used to justify almost any crime. Highlighted section #1) 100%. That's a normal human reaction! Now, imagine living in an occupied strip of land with no resources and you have a gun pointed at you every time you want to cross the street. imagine your family across the street gets incinerated one night because Israel thinks one of them might be Hamas. Imagine living in a house for 50 years and then one day a settler family escorted by the IDF knocks on your door and tells you it's their house now. That's the reality of life in Gaza and the West Bank and that's why the current violence will only perpetuate this cycle. Palestinians see Israeli violence as a justification for their violence. Israelis see Palestinian violence as a justification for their violence. There is no military solution to this problem that doesn't involve genocide and/or ethnic cleansing, and even then you likely only bolster the militant movement in surrounding nations. You think I want Hamas to persist. That's not true. I just don't think this is the way to accomplish it. It's not going to work. Highlighted section #2) Why can't you apply that to the inarguably larger number of Americans being assaulted for peacefully protesting? My protest is 100% peaceful with both Jewish and Muslim religious ceremonies taking place. Food is shared. Songs are sung. Students are writing their final papers out in the sun. We are totally out of the way of any campus activity in the specifically designated campus protest area, which has been used for decades. Zero students have been blocked from campus. And yet, twice we were assaulted by police in riot gear with snipers on the roof. Where are the tears for us?
  9. And how is that republic put in place?
  10. 1) You've made more than one mistake. You didn't even know what ethnic cleansing meant. And yes I looked at the links and saw those reports last night. It's like clockwork. They do this every time there's a protest. 2) Organizations involved certainly receive donations. If you think a large number of the protesters are paid to be there, you're wrong. I've been there everyday with dozens of friends and none of us are getting paid. This is a classic line that's been used for years and years. Every grassroots protest is secretly organized and paid for by a secret cabal. They said it about civil rights, vietnam, south african apartheid, etc... People just care a lot about these issues and are willing to show up. Why is that hard to believe? You don't think a thousand people in a city of 8 million could show up on their own? Plus, you underestimate how enjoyable these protests are. Getting to break bread with people you like and meet new friends is fun! Not everybody wants to scroll on twitter all day, every day. 3) Give me an example 4) The average student protester knows even more. They would dance circles around you on this because they've actually done research for years and not just read a few tweets and an occasional wikipedia article in the last 6 months.
  11. Given your butchering of the basic facts of this conflict on here, you don't get to say people don't know anything about the cause. The average protester (and counter-protester) knows 100x more about this than you. And yes, George Soros, a jew, clearly hates the jews. Ironic that we've circled back around to this. Soros, for years, has been the figurehead of right-wing antisemitic conspiracy and paranoia. Now the same people say he's actually attacking jews and they're defending them.
  12. Warrants for Hamas leaders are being proposed in the same process by the ICC. All of this information is out there if you cared to look for it.
  13. It's both a republic and a democracy because a republican government elected by the people is a type of democracy. They are not mutually exclusive terms. I know this kind of nuance is hard for many of you.
  14. this line is the true mark of an idiot
  15. not how that works lol there are non-federal elections too
  16. sure but why wouldn’t you want it to be as easy as possible?
  17. why does voting have to be important to you? we’re all citizens. this is supposed to be a democracy. make it easy as possible. why don’t you want as many people as possible to vote?
  18. i’d start with this two part intro on anti-zionism https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zionism-vs-anti-zionism-ep-1-w-shaul-magid/id1043245989?i=1000637860348 if you don’t want to listen to both parts listen to part 2 which covers post-1948 and the modern anti-zionist movement. haven’t listened to the whole thing yet myself but i’m familiar with this podcast and they do good work. part 2 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-dig/id1043245989?i=1000638705286
  19. i don’t agree with blocking students. that’s not how every protest is.
  20. if you’re actually interested i can point you in the right direction.
  21. when you understand how taxes work lol
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