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Everything posted by jross

  1. There is no argument (yet). I have no interest in visiting the area nor am I wanted there. After watching some people in the area commit crimes, do drugs, commit violence, and riot, it is expected that I would research if the area is a safe place to visit. ^^^ People in the area can be uncivil at times. More evidence is in this local perspective, trip advisor, and you. In this topic, you have not answered questions. I will be specific and honest if you will be civil… I will surprise you in a good way but also frustrate/anger you… I do wish you well, and sympathize with the folks whose lives are so hard they feel compelled to communicate with violence.
  2. I have been wondering why Joe would run for president again. Does he love his son enough to retire? Does he love his son enough to stay in office and pardon him? The GOP may be slow playing… drip… drip… as political strategy. Wait to act closer to the election… ensure Biden is running again to assure victory.
  3. ^^^ I did not report this incident and push for consequences from the demeaned wrestler's parent, coach, school leadership, and the spectator's employer. I did inform the spectator about conscious civil discourse. I might refuse to sit with this spectator if the behavior is repeated or gets out of hand(cancel my time). I would not try to prevent others from sitting with this spectator at a wrestling event. If the behavior was grossly out of hand, I might advocate a temporary restriction on attending wrestling events. What behaviors have we seen on X? Can you spot the nuance between Freedom of Choice and Cancel Culture?
  4. Yesterday at a wrestling dual, a spectator loudly stated, "Stop playing with her!" I silenced the spectator with words I rarely use: "Shut up!" I thought the spectator, my wife, was accidentally demeaning a wrestler publicly in front of other parents/students. Some high school kid said it first. This spectator parrots and unconsciously amplifies anything anyone says when her wrestler is battling. This has me thinking about freedom of speech and how it plays out in public spaces (in-person vs X). Did my action align with freedom of speech, but not reach?
  5. Are you familiar that Musk has apologized multiple times for different tweets? Is it accurate to refer to Media Matters as evidence of an evil cabal out to get him? MM is being sued for directly trying to cancel X through underhanded action. What do the high user counts and average time on X > 30m daily indicate? Why could Musk see Disney/Bob as an enemy? Perhaps because they are not supportive of how X is trying to manage the balance of free speech with restricted reach. Maybe Disney is the activist! Or maybe Disney will not stand up to Activists. Musk's attitude might be, "If you are not with me, you are against me," and it sounds like Disney is trying to negotiate X's behavior in order to advertise. I may fire Disney for not supporting X amongst other reasons. Content moderation relates to freedom of speech relates to 'actions having consequences.' Remember that Media Matters were there to tell us that hate speech/slurs increased when Musk laid off the Safety group at Twitter. Remember that Twitter X took a hit initially on increased hate impressions before reducing it to levels below the Musk acquisition. X accomplished this mainly by banning bots and through other means (sprinklr). X gave control to advertisers with new projects like Adjacency Controls and Sensitivity Settings. According to third-party measurement partnerships Integral Ad Science and DoubleVerify, the average brand safety score on X is now >99%, and brand suitability scores were at >97% when these controls were applied. Since mid-May, all major agencies reversed their pause guidance against advertising on X. Last quarter, 1700+ advertisers returned to X – including 90 of the top 100 ad spenders from a year ago (blog). Re-enter Media Matters to execute devious behavior to smear X's brand safety and suitability features. Just as advertisers apply consequences to X, both X and Advertisers should hold activists accountable for their behaviors. I suppose Community Notes could be a negative influence on advertisers... advertisers don't like being fact-checked
  6. https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2023/one-year-in
  7. I've seen the pattern, but I didn't know why until now.
  8. ... My daughter learned how to swim before joining the swim club. At the first club practice, while swimming laps, my wife said our child got out of the pool and refused to return. Disbelief. After the second club practice, I told my wife that our child got out of the pool and refused to return. My child fitted in public, twice. The End. ... Epilogue My child is a hard worker... in softball... as a catcher. Swimming laps is hard work!
  9. My child joined a swim club. After the first practice, my wife said the child quit. ...I insisted "We finish what we start!" After the second practice, I told my wife the child quit. The end.
  10. Twitter's old-guard supporters talk about inclusivity and being open to different ideas, but in practice, they are exclusive and silence those who do not agree with them. #Paradox
  11. Just keep flapping and kicking (I kid, I kid) 1. Great! Perhaps we agree that Musk's claim* is not universally accepted. There is an interesting shift in behavior from an ideology that once praised Musk for his **environmental initiatives... to now targeting some of Musk's environment companies due to his involvement in X. *Musk's claim: It would be fair to say that, therefore, as the leader of the company I've done more for the environment than any single human on earth. **Musk Investments: EVs, Renewable Energy, Energy Storage, Interplanetary travel, AI, Global Communication, Reducing traffic congestion. This ideology wants the Ministry of Truth back. This Musk statement was a banger... What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it, and what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. 2. Musk said "Are you going to try to blackmail me with money? Go ***duck** yourself." Musk has pointed out before about advertisers (paraphrasing)... "It's totally cool to say that you want your advertising to appear in certain places on Twitter, but it is not cool to say what Twitter will do. If that means we lose advertising dollars, we lose it. But freedom of speech is paramount."
  12. Left-leaning news reports that businesses there claim the area is so dangerous that it has become known as the ‘No Go Zone.’ https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2023-11-29/businesses-where-george-floyd-was-killed-sue-minneapolis-saying-police-are-not-protecting-the-area
  13. Of course! (admit when wrong and apologize where warranted) There is no question that X is better (for me) than Twitter, which I measure by my own personal usage and satisfaction. I am willing to pay for X but not for Twitter. And I will believe that X is worse for you by whatever means you value. Many corporations have found it is worse for them, as they reduced their advertising spend. I believe 'worse' for them unspokenly relates to power and manipulation. I am skeptical about the 'social responsibility champion' speech by corporations whose actions are anything but. Apple device manufacturing, environment impact, repairability, ... etc. Or perhaps they, too, are being held prisoner by woke customers and funders.
  14. As of November 6, 2023. https://www.statista.com/forecasts/1146722/twitter-users-in-the-world
  15. Is the winning side the better side?
  16. Three things I liked about Musk's recent video clips Claims that he has achieved more to help the environment than anyone (and he may be right) He admits he was wrong about how he worded a tweet (not many people admit when they are wrong) He tells companies trying to censor speech to ***duck** off Greenwald has more to say.
  17. Disney OG fans are realizing that their nostalgic dreams don't match the woke wonders of the new guard... and OG is becoming a minority in the Magical Kingdom.
  18. Can you explain this sport? Some people in latex underwear, bug eyes, and tight hats jump into a giant indoor puddle. They are moving their arms… flapping like giant wings… and kicking legs as if they are trying to shoo away an invisible swarm of bees… Just keep flapping and kicking. Then they get to the edge of the puddle… and stop… climb out… and pretend like nothing weird just happened.
  19. What does this mean? Starocci has a primal aggression to win. He is willing to die to win. He hates his competition. He hates to lose. This isn't hate on the surface, but rather an intense, serious hate that runs deep. He mentions his need to win everything competitive, whether wrestling, video games (destroy TV), or 'anything other than school.' His tweet isn't a jab or beef with Lewis. He has praised Lewis repeatedly. His tweet is one of bravado. "Look at me! I just dominated a junior world champ and NCAA champ! I'm the best. Told you so!"
  20. 5 Words From 2022 Interview Intense personality is Starocci's confession, Loves violence, relishes in dominance. Alpha status, his defining trait. Switch always on, unapologetically so, No desire to turn it off. Life's commitment, the only option, Serious approach, a wrestler's devotion. Knowing his place, Starocci asserts, Coming out firing, aggressive spurts. Match won't linger, no distance, Complete 180, his dominance insistence. Tough competitor, Junior World champ, NCAA title, a proven stamp. Mekhi is Good, levels below, Starocci confident, ready to show.
  21. Beef with Mekhi Lewis, No! Competitive fire with domination desire, Interview hints at fierce ambition.
  22. This is still a painful, untouchable subject.
  23. Gets deeper than 6 feet. https://twitter.com/carterstarocci/status/1729611818677555654
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