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Everything posted by jross

  1. In the Georgia case, the judge Amero dismissed the case stating the petitioners 'failed to allege a particularized injury.' No single voter is specifically disadvantaged if a vote is counted improperly, even if the error might have a mathematical impact on the final tally and thus on the proportional effect of every vote. This directly supports what mspart is saying! Let the case go to court. If the witness are lying about their observations, then punish them for perjury. If they are not lying, then allow the ballots to be audited. If the ballots are missing or destroyed... well then... I guess "if there was fraud we'd have found it by now" /S.
  2. I would be happy to answer your questions after you answer those posed to you. Asking a question to a question is not an answer... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Have you read this? Who are these people? What reason are these people lying? Let’s pick up the conversation from there. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Please start with my first questions, and after we discuss them, we can move to yours. @ThreePointTakedown
  4. One of the news comments is that "if there were (substantial fraud), we would know it by now." Hmm... I'm curious what his thoughts on these cases not being heard. We'll have to wait until his book is released to scrutinize it.
  5. I have reviewed it and want to hear your thoughts on the matter.
  6. I have remained in light ketosis while eating large amounts of food. Have tried to limit sugar and carbs to a few grams daily while protein is high. Fast Timeline Wed: 22:00 Fast starts (water/coffee/tea only) | 0 hours Weight 189lbs Thu: 16:00 0.1 mmol/L ketone level | 18 hours Driving from South Florida to Columbus, Georgia Fri: 10:00 0.5 mmol/L ketone level | 36 hours Urban white water rafting, driving from Georgia to Memphis, Tenn. Fri: 17:00 2.3 mmol/L ketone level | 43 hours Real hunger starts Fri: 20:30 2.5 mmol/L ketone level | 46.5 hours Brain fog begins and hunger did not pass with fluids Fri: 20:35 ... broke the fast Keto Diet Timeline Fri: 20:35 ... broke the fast Ate half a rotisserie chicken (4g carbs, 0g sugar, 80g fat, 80g protein, 1000 calories) Ate three prosciutto with mozzarella cheese rollups (1g carbs, 0g sugar, 13g fat, 12g protein) For the day, consumed 3.2 liters of fluid (52oz coffee black, 16oz earl grey tea, 40oz water) Sat: 05:00 0.6 mmol/L ketone level Brain fog had lifted with Friday night meal. Slight brain fog in the morning. Sat: 06:30 4 eggs + 2 sausages Sat: 08:30 0.6 mmol/L ketone level Second breakfast 4 eggs + 2 sausages Sat: 14:00 Grilled chicken salad with no sauce from Silky O'Sullivans / Beale Street, Memphis Tenn. Sat: 21:00 Subway Turkey Cali Club as a Protein bowl (no sauce, no bread, footlong equivalent) Sun: 10:00 0.5 mmol/L ketone level Weight 182.5lbs No brain fog Home late Saturday night and delayed eating Sunday until I found the misplaced the ketone measure device. Will resume normal eating times and will stick to keto diet this week. It will be interesting how my body reacts to sustained mental work and physical exercise this week. Updates will be infrequent.
  7. Regarding weight loss, I dropped 10 pounds in 2022 by playing games only in a men's competitive baseball league (~40 games). I went from catching a couple innings to double headers. In 2023, I dropped 10 pounds over the summer while working on outdoor projects daily for 6 weeks. I dropped another 10 pounds in November from fasting and making better food/drink choices. Down from 215lbs to 185lbs at 6 foot. No real exercise since daily lifting/running in college + marriage + kids. Just 20 years of desk job and corporate stress. I'd like to get to about 175lbs but don't mind if I keep the weight or get back to 195lbs. Started exercising once weekly at a ninja fitness center with two of my children in December. Its been a lot of fun... Plan to continue through April when baseball begins again. Not sure if/when I'll use free weights again. Probably in another year when the younger kids are a bit older.
  8. My second water fast was successful as ketosis was achieved. This experiment is about done. We are driving Updated Fast Timeline Wed: 22:00 Fast starts (water/coffee/tea only) | 0 hours Thu: 16:00 0.1 mmol/L ketone level | 18 hours Driving from South Florida to Columbus, Georgia Fri: 10:00 0.5 mmol/L ketone level | 36 hours Urban white water rafting, driving from Georgia to Memphis, Tenn. Fri: 17:00 2.3 mmol/L ketone level | 43 hours Real hunger starts Fri: 20:30 2.5 mmol/L ketone level | 46.5 hours Brain fog begins and hunger did not pass with fluids Fri: 20:35 ... broke the fast Ate half a rotisserie chicken (4g carbs, 0g sugar, 80g fat, 80g protein, 1000 calories) Ate three prosciutto with mozzarella cheese rollups (1g carbs, 0g sugar, 13g fat, 12g protein) For the day, consumed 3.2 liters of fluid (52oz coffee black, 16oz earl grey tea, 40oz water) Sat: 05:00 0.6 mmol/L ketone level Brain fog had lifted with Friday night meal. Slight return this morning. Will continue keto diet and driving west to home Daughter's Fast Timeline Wed: 22:00 Fast starts (water/coffee/tea only) | 0 hours Thu: 16:00 0.1 mmol/L ketone level | 18 hours Fri: 10:00 0.5 mmol/L ketone level | 36 hours Urban white water rafting Fri: 13:00 ... broke the fast | 39 hours Large bowl of salmon, tuna, shrimp over spring salad with sauce and sides like pineapple I think it was the fruit sugar that took her out of ketosis Fri: 17:00 unmeasurable/low ketone level | 43 hours
  9. I tried the first time after Thanksgiving and cheated using bone broth and coffee for 60 hours. I do not know if I entered ketosis… I felt great the next few days after resuming food. My inflammation was down and my digestive system worked well. Well hydrated. I stopped overeating and recognized being full for several weeks. I am doing it again now with water and coffee only. 36 hours in. Just made lower range of ketosis per this keto-mojo device. 0.1 mmol/L ketone level after 18 hours, 0.5 after 36 hours… My wrestling daughter is doing this with me. She is ready to end her fast… it’s initially tough being around others eating and offering food. Her goal is to retain strength and lose fat. My goal is to improve my health and experiment if fasting is an effective tool. A benefit in response to the stress brought on by fasting or calorie restriction,… autophagy causes the body's cells to clean out and recycle any unnecessary or damaged parts. Sound good! The reason for fasting over the holiday is for timing less physical exertion and to counter gluttony.
  10. I've been considering incorporating fasting into my routine to enhance my well-being. Wondering if anyone here has tried fasting and could share their experiences. My daughter is also asking for advice on how to integrate it effectively with a wrestling lifestyle. Any tips on timing, duration, and potential benefits or drawbacks would be greatly appreciated!
  11. Have you read this? Who are these people? What reason are these people lying? Let’s pick up the conversation from there.
  12. Too much fun with making fun
  13. Nonsense. A leader is someone with followers.
  14. Sure if that benefits the country. How does military age relate to taxes? I could not join the military until well after I was paying taxes… it still is this way.
  15. 6. 25 years or older. Any younger and the liability is too high to wreck the country like they wreck a car. I will see myself out.
  16. Disgustingly worse at times https://www.knoe.com/2023/12/21/governor-edwards-pardons-57-inmates-october-through-december/ Seems like this has been a problem… so why? https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/2002/01/20/murderous-pardons/d15f1391-6cfe-4919-9492-5a5528824608/
  17. The son tithes Joe so who would Joe tithe to? FWIW: Joe did give to charity in 2022. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bidens-report-580000-2022-income-contribution-police-foundation-2023-04-18/
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