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Everything posted by Wrestleknownothing

  1. The 32 vs 33 pigtail always gets the 1 in the "first" round. (Unless they changed it this year)
  2. Big is beautiful
  3. #22 based on Better %
  4. You are playing a dangerous game, my friend. Let us not speak of Alex Marinelli, lest we have to mention Christopher Weller.
  5. @jchapman is right on both accounts. Fresno State. And RIP. Though if you are a glass half full kinda guy, take solace in the fact that they will never get worse.
  6. Typo noticed after the 15 minute shot clock expired. So when Minnesota outperforms their seed they do it by an average of 3.9 4.4 spots
  7. There is always next year.
  8. The number of schools with at least one AA took a big jump when seeding went from 8 to 12 spots, and has been on a decline ever since. Sadly, the decline also coincides with the decline in the number of programs.
  9. When my kids were little and they would complain about something it usually took the form of "I never get to ____, you always get to ____" and was usually directed at a sibling. Oh, and it was always wrong. So, I would respond with "I don't want to hear 'I never, you always' ". Some of the debates on here can take that form. It is especially the case with NCAA performance. People say some form of "my team always out performs their seed, but your team always under performs". Is that true? At the risk of ending the debate (ha, ha, ha) I present some data on how teams perform at NCAA's based on 2010 - 2022 results. This gets a bit tricky when you span 12 seed, 16 seed, and 33 seed tournaments. To deal with that: An unseeded wrestler can only perform at their seed or better than their seed in my world. Meanwhile, a seeded wrestler has all three options available to them. Not a perfect choice, but here we are, none the less. Also, I use the midpoint of the range for non-All Americans. So, a wrestler knocked out in the blood round gets credit for finishing 10.5 ( (12+9)/2 ), if they were not seeded 9 through 12. If they were seeded 9 through 12, they get credit for “At Seed”. How Often? The first set of three columns shows the % of times a team falls into each category (Better Than Seed, At Seed, or Worse Than Seed) By How Much? The second set of three columns shows the average of the degree of performance. So when Minnesota outperforms their seed they do it by an average of 3.9 spots. Yeah, But Where Did They Start? The the third set of three columns shows what the average seed was by category. The obvious conclusion is that Little Rock is the most under rated tournament team of all time. Do not open your gate for these Trojan horses. With no further ado, the top 20 by "Better" %:
  10. How salty is Dustin Norris now knowing the Teske debacle cost him a spot?
  11. Since you didn't specify current I will go back just a few years to pick Mike Macchiavello. I told this story on the old board, so bear with me if you already read it. My wife and I had never been to an NCAA tournament before, but got last second tickets to the 2018 finals in Cleveland in the mezzanine seats. There was an elevator you could take to get to the seats. When we got on the elevator the first day Mike Macchiavello was already on it. We struck up a brief conversation and wished him well. He seemed genuinely, pleasantly surprised that someone following another team would wish him good luck. After that we watched all his matches and were excited for him when he won 197. "Hey, we met that guy." The next year I was in Pittsburgh alone. Also last second tickets, so I flew in late Thursday night. When I got to the elevator at the hotel the doors open and who is getting off, but Mike Macchiavello? He looks at me with that vague sense of recognition that says, "where have I seen this guy before?" So I tell him about my wife and I meeting him on an elevator and wishing him luck the prior year. He immediately smiles and says, "that's why I won." To then hear Christian Pyles refer to Mike Machiavello as the nicest man in wrestling on FRL made me feel even better about the interaction.
  12. Oh, that we could all commit that thoroughly.
  13. Kevin Hoy 2nd at 285 in 2003. How is it Air Force has a bunch of guys who can't fit in a cockpit?
  14. Will Yianni Diakomihalis extend his NCAA tournament regular decision win streak to 18?
  15. If the Mongolians are available, I will pay to fly them in to handle any and all coaches' challenges.
  16. There wasn't a lot of scoring (before there was), but plenty of action in Carr v O'Toole. The scrambles were wotth the price of admission.
  17. My only complaint was that when they were joking about something instead of commenting you could hear Casey Cunningham coaching in the background. They thought their stuff was so funny they got louder and drowned out Cunningham. I love all three guys, but I really would rather have listened to Cunningham.
  18. Married with 2 kids.
  19. I used to play racquetball against a former Division 1 tennis #1. He would mop the court with me. His goal was always to skunk me. If I scored a point he would lose interest in the game sometimes and only beat me 15-8 or 15-10. One time in particular, after a long streak of points I finally scored. He turned to me and said "you know, that was 18 points in a row?" I replied," I have no idea what you are talking about. The current streak is one - nothing to me." He was so pissed, he went I tilt and I almost won the game. @jajensen09 kind of reminds me of me. You have no idea how much it hurt typing that sentence.
  20. Make no little plans with other people's money . They have no magic to stir men's blood.
  21. Yeah, but should he buy gold and silver, or not?
  22. Well, I'm 58 with no speed, skills, discipline, or flexibility. My eligibility is exhausted, and while I think it would be cruel to force others to seem me in a singlet, I really want this. Oh wait, I just read past the topic title. Never mind. And if my wife asks, I was never here.
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