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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. 2 hours ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    i don't want to be difficult, the conclusion of this paragraph contradicts the introduction. If you want to say its 50 different things fine, i wouldn't because it explains away the meaning of the expression, but you can't say its any number of things and then its a bunch of things which are perfectly balanced. 

    Well, I'm not trying to get too metaphorical with this but there are many different ways to make a great stew with different ingredients.  A great stew doesn't always require carrots or potatoes   

  2. 13 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    when did a boring out of shape wrestler carver an exciting in shape one? I'm not saying there is nothing to it but style is a bigger part of is being let on.

    Carvered is an away wrestler who is heavily favored coming into Iowa City, laying an egg, getting caught for a big move, getting decked, gassing out etc and losing.  Styles can make it more exciting.  Not necessarily disagreeing with you.  It just a perfect stew with lots of ingredients 

    • Fire 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Dogbone said:

    Alex Meyer beat Mark Hall his freshman year and Meyer wasn't a shootout type guy.    I believe as Hall has told his version his adrenaline was too high to start the match and he gassed by the end not because of Meyer's pace but the environment. Carvered.

    That match was 100% Carvered 

    • Fire 2
  4. It's seems there is a little confusion of what "getting Carvered" is.  For example 1998 returning champ and heavily favored Eric Guerrero is up 6-2 in the 3rd with not much time left, falls apart, and gets beaten by freshman Doug Schwab.  I posted the match below.  Starts @11:00.  It was an electric ending and a "he got Carvered" moment.  Toss up matches, regardless if the away wrestler is ranked higher, in Iowa City do not meet "he got Carvered" criteria.  


    • Fire 2
  5.                                                               PSU | IA

    125 Ayala late takedown in the 3rd           0-3

    133 Nagao RT & 2 takedowns                   3-3

    141 Woods early TKD sets the tone.         3-6

    149 Kasak is better but Carvered?           6-6

    157 Who wins in OT?                                 9-6

    165 MM breaks Caliendo in the 2nd.       12-6

    174 MD for Starr.                                       16-6

    184 Arnold's counter D gets him backs  16-9

    197 Brooks MD.                                         20-9

    HVWT doesn't matter who IA sends.      24-9




    • Fire 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Jimmy Cinnabon said:

    Make a fair poll on this site and if fewer than 3 people want me to stay on this board I will leave willingly.  Fair means it has to be objectively worded like "Do you want Jimmy Cinnabon to permanently leave this forum?" and leave the poll open for at least 1 week to get a sufficient sample size.

    Are you already laying down the groundwork to Welch on our bet?

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