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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. 23 minutes ago, Rassling said:

    Not Jimmy but I got banned too so I know the feeling. It’s cool PortaJohn - you do what you have to do to make this forum more attractive to non participants.  

    Rassling, theres one major problem with your defense of Jimmy.  Your excluding the fact that he didn't have to take the bet.  That's on him & it is no one else's fault but him

    • Fire 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, bnwtwg said:


    I don't see that as a counterpoint.  I would say it's someone who is impressionable and susceptible to the propaganda that was fed to him &  he would be just as susceptible to another mechanism of propaganda if religion was replaced.  My point remains.  Eradicating religion wouldn't bring this rise of intellectual reasoning.  The powers at be would just replace it with something else

    • Fire 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, Rassling said:

    You seem quite pleased it got to this point, huh.  A guy some of us enjoyed, eliminated by a few individuals who deep down inside know they couldn’t hold a candle to his contributions. Even the big shot of you all chimes in every  now and then which only reduced his credibility even more. 

    I eliminated Jimmy all by myself.  WKN and Ionel had nothing to do with it. 


  4. 10 minutes ago, TNwrestling said:

    The cloak of religion is the major issue. 

    The cloak of any propaganda is the real issue.  Nazi's did it in the name of science with their Eugenics program.  Nationalism is another propaganda tool to justify war.  You can propagandize pretty much anything.    Power attracts those who tend to have more narcissistic tendencies.   They will use whatever tool they have in the bag to justify their actions.  Religion is an easy target. We could eradicate all religion tomorrow and those in power will just find new ways of propaganda under the cloak of whatever is trendy at the time.   

  5. 9 minutes ago, TNwrestling said:

    You're going to sit there, with a straight face, and say that more wars, and more deaths have occurred becuase of athiesm than religion?

    You're moving the goal post.  You're exact statement was, "I dont think ive ever seen a large group of athiests start a war...religion on the other hand...."  That's an incorrect statement.  

  6. 7 minutes ago, TNwrestling said:

    I dont think ive ever seen a large group of athiests start a war

    Then you should ask your history teachers to refund your parents the tax payer dollars from your local school district

    • Fire 2
  7. I'll take a stab at this duel.  Here's my best shot of predicting PSU vs the Field

                                                                              PSU | Field

    125 Davis vs Ramos                                            0   |  3

    133 Nagao vs Crookham/Fix/Vito                      0    |  6/7 major if you take Vito

    141 Bartlett vs Mendez (for now)                       3   |   6/7 

    149 Kasak vs Lovett                                           3    |  9/10

    157 Haines vs I'm taking Shapiro                       6    |  9/10

    165 Mesenbrink vs KOT                                      6    | 12/13

    174 Starr vs Mekhi                                               9    | 12/13

    184 Traux vs Keck                                               9    |  15/16

    197 Brooks vs Hidlay                                          12    | 15/16

    Hvwt Kerk vs Hendrickson/Bastida                   15    | 15/16

    *Possible Bonus at 149 for Lovett, 174 for Starr, & maybe Hvwt for Kerk 



    • Fire 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    So, you are posting in a January 23rd thread titled "The Race for Second..." that on February 10 you coined the title of this thread? My lawyers, the esteemed firm of Dewey, Cheattum & Howe, say that cannot wait.

    And they want to do a credit check on you first.

    #Justice for Idaho

  9. 8 hours ago, flyingcement said:

    I ended up wrestling the first half of my sophomore year with carbon monoxide poisoning on a daily basis in just a moderate amount that built up


    8 hours ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    It took you 4 minutes to come up with stat boy? 


    Monoxide Boy meet Stat Boy

    • Haha 2
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