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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. 5 minutes ago, 1032004 said:

    My guess is maybe slurs that Hispanic people are called?

    I mean other wrestlers have said Iowa fans called them racist names, that part is actually believable IMO.    But him saying Glazier started the altercation and basically that he wasn’t really sorry for what he did was pretty cringe.

    For this to be true we are going to have to assume a)  AJ Ferrari is honest  b) Iowa fans had no idea who AJ Ferrari was

    • Fire 1
  2. 1 hour ago, 1032004 said:

    He should have 3 years left including this one, but I believe he’d have to apply for a medical shirt for 2022 first (2021 didn’t count, last year while he was out counts as a year).

    Sounds like he is eligible for an ORS this year, but I know I read/heard somewhere he wanted to wrestle this year, so your second question would be my main one.  I assume he had gone through the enrollment process with Iowa, but while I’m no admissions person so could be wrong, I can’t imagine he can still enroll for the spring semester at a D1 school at this point…

    There you go

    either you are an extreme insider with better information than @vhsalum or you just have not read up on the other threads yet, because he sounds like it is a no-go for AJ at Iowa
    He’s also right.

    Door is closed on this semester. Tom wants him to Olympic shirt and then try again in the fall. It would take a lot of work I don’t think AJ is capable of.
  3. 7 minutes ago, KCMO2 said:

    Doubt AJ could spell IQ.  Brands would at least get it on the 2nd or 3rd try.

    What is Eye Cue

    "a Macedonian pop-rock duo consisting of vocalists Bojan Trajkovski (born 1983) and Marija Ivanovska (born 1997), formed in 2008."

  4. 2 minutes ago, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    I mean, AJ has never lived in NY and attended school in NJ for what? A year?

    His father emigrated from NY to Texas.  AJ is first generation Texan but still emulates the culture of his forefathers.  Very typical for first generation children of immigrants 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, MNRodent said:

    Willie said that AJ has called Arizona State, Nebraska, Oregon State, Iowa State, and Northern Colorado, offering his services for the right price.


    And the OP on GIA/HR said he received no bites from all those programs.  Interesting to see how this plays out

  6. 30 minutes ago, MizzouFan01 said:

    Being reported on HR that the Iowa AD said no to AJ Ferrari. Not trying to start rumors because I have no clue if true or not, but I found it interesting. 

    Willie tweeted vhsalum's thread on twitter.  So, he definitely finds him somewhat credible 


  7. 15 minutes ago, Fred said:

    Never suggested they were scared of other teams, that would be ridiculous. I do wonder if avoiding competition with other top teams for the first half of the season gives them an advantage come tournament time. The team race might be more interesting if PSU wrestled the tough schedules of the other top teams.

    They have Iowa, Nebraska, Michigan, and Ohio State on the schedule (all top 10 teams).  Being in the B10 you can't escape tough competition.  Also, Cael's regular season strategy is working for the program.  Can't deny the results 

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Interviewed_at_Weehawken said:

    I am no college football recruiting expert, but I also heard that he may have been ranked higher if he had played high school football in a state such as Texas or Florida.

    Absolutely, you automatically get an extra star if you came from either of those states

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  9. 1 hour ago, JimmyBT said:

    There are currently 10 FBS conferences.  They’ll use the six champions out of the ten with the highest ranking.  

    Have a hunch this won't last.  With the the realignment and loss of the PAC12 it's hard to imagine they'll guarantee 2 spots to non power conferences 

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Paul158 said:

    I wonder if the teams will have complete line-ups. All seniors staying and playing ,no transfer portals leaving and all NFL  prospects still playing since they can still win a National Championship?

    I doubt we'll have opt outs for teams in the playoffs 

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  11. 6 minutes ago, mspart said:

    Pac-12 is now the Pac 2.   Yes it is gone.  

    SEC, ACC, B1G, Big12, that's 4 of six.   Are there other conferences in the list?


    I'm assuming they'll tweak it to 4 guaranteed for the now power 4 conferences, one at large non power conference, and the rest by ranking

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  12. 13 minutes ago, Fred said:

    Yes, I’m aware. The all star classic was hosted by psu, no? Wouldn’t be a good look to dodge obvious matches there. And, I think it was pretty clear that I was questioning why they don’t schedule top competition in *team* events, like dual meets and tournaments such as cklv.

    I'm assuming Cael & company have found a formula that works best for their wrestlers.  Probably why he gets paid the big bucks

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