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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. There have been some famous one. To the hardcore fans like us I can see ranking Caldwell/Metcalf above Mendez/Hardy but Hardy takes the cake in this age of social medial. It's far more famous to world.
  2. Brock Hardy is the Man! Kudos to this young man showing the world how to embrace a moment most would never want to rehash.
  3. I pinned him Feb 9 2024 in dominant fashion but The @BobDole) allowed him to return to competition. Blame the Intermat Board of Dictatorship
  4. Amine is his best victory, Keck #2 (Parker was 2-1 vs Hidlay), Trent #3
  5. That was Lehigh's very own Mason Beckman
  6. No he's not. He just regurgitates what he reads on Gia/HR
  7. Parker Keckeisen will be PSU's 197 next year. Just a hunch
  8. I agree with this. I like JB as a commentator but he could tone it down talking about JB
  9. Was that in the post match? That adds an extra layer to this spat between the two
  10. Yes, DC asked the question & all Burroughs said was "I'd attack it like crazy". He might've said "I'd be attacking..." That was it. And then within 2 tweets Bo challenged him to a fight.
  11. From what I remember it was DC asking JB if he was Rocco Welsh would he be attacking that knee constantly. JB responded he would attack it like crazy. Conversation transitions to talking about hand fighting. What I found most fascinating during the broadcast was DC talking about having the brackets early and Star initially was the #7 seed and they reseeded and put him at the 9 seed
  12. This is so wrong on many levels. One Porta John is a state of mind. Two where's the pee? It's always poop with you
  13. It didn't stop there. It got even better! Personally post finals night wrestling social media and forums are our Xmas!!!
  14. You need someone else to go out there and try to Roger Maris PSU's record for you because when they make the movie your character is never presented in a good light.
  15. This band (The Stallrochis) is bullshit. Me and @flyingcement are leaving. After the tour of course. But maybe not
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