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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. I had a drunken tirade on the old Mat forum. It happens. @jajensen09 is a good fella. He's been radio silent so I tagged him hoping he starts posting again. He makes the forum more fun...like PSU fun
  2. Just speculating but I think that comment was just an insurance policy in case he didn't win it this year
  3. I think he moves on. Goes the Nickal route. Few freestyle events and then on to the UFC. Hard to imagine he'd want to go another year grinding it out in college. But, maybe they throw a boat load of money at him and he stays
  4. Cornell in a good spot to jump Iowa heading into the finals
  5. Natalie is expressing her crush on Mesenbrink in a very peculiar way. It's a kindergarten jungle level type of crush
  6. Rassling. You can put your big boy pants on and start the thread yourself.
  7. Juan, you need to step up because this deserves it's own thread. @ionelit seems youre the only man to get him to start dropping threads
  8. @Interviewed_at_Weehawken will like this one. Had him on my fantasy team. Made a phone call to get a prognosis. Was told, "not looking good". Dropped him. Reconfigured. Now, texting incessantly every round thanking this person for destroying my my fantasy team. Response, "we're all really surprised!" So much for insider info
  9. The Senior Trinity. Brooks, Star, & Traux are all going for their fourth. Doesn't count if Traux places 3rd, 5th, or 6th
  10. WKN, I think because Ionel and Juan are the same team they should have to split the 20 and each get 10. It's only fair
  11. Did he get injured? He's wrestling Franek for 8th
  12. He'll be fine. has 24 hours of rest. Rocco wont present any danger in the match. He doesnt have the offense. Carter will win a comfortable close match
  13. If anyone is paying attention to the backside Bastida about to get bounced from the tourney
  14. They were seeded correctly. Feldman took some early season losses and Davison payed the price for taking 2 losses to Feldman.
  15. Bartlett is such a frustrating wrestler to cheer for
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