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Everything posted by VakAttack

  1. The Rs are really showering themselves in glory with this whole thing, which Kevin McCarthy decides how much of his dignity is worth sacrificing to be Speaker of the Bouse for about 5 minutes. Yikes. I did not realize how much of chaos monsters Gaetz et al really were.
  2. Ewww. Hope he's OK, but that awwms less than ideal in modern times.
  3. At the end of it.
  4. Yianni's last TD was filthy.
  5. Yianni's last TD was filthy.
  6. Great match, Vito won that on guile, he got outwrestled. I think he's overall the better wrestler, but McGee looked better there. I had thought of Vito being slightly behind RBY and on par with Fix, but maybe he's further behind (or McGee is closer than I think to that level).
  7. VakAttack


    That's a classic debate, though, right? Immediate team success vs. what's best for the individual athlete. I don't think there's a wrong answer there, just a program-building philosophy.
  8. VakAttack


    I believe both are back next year for one final season, if they want it.
  9. VakAttack


    If I'm Pitt, I'm letting him redshirt to put on size, but his future is BRIGHT.
  10. I agree with Jason, the Minnow is pondscum. I feel like I speak for both of us when I say that. Unless it's just for me, in which case I'll use stronger language. I softened it to bring JB under my umbrella.
  11. Spencer obviously was annoyed. I get his perspective, not wanting to put unnecessary miles on the injured knee against a teammate.. I get Drake's perspective of wanting to wrestle. Seems to me this probably should have been a Brands decision, but in the end its much ado about nothing, IMO. It's an aggressive sport.
  12. I'm not superfussed about Lee wrestling there, it seems wise to get him some matches in a tournament format. There is no denying, though, that the field is weak as hell. Not much of a salute to the soldiers. Really, why do Tom Brands et al hate our soldiers?
  13. It feels like the sport is spiraling. The kids have the freedom not to wrestle, obviously, but the customers also have the freedom to stop watching.
  14. Again side-stepping @Jason Bryant's literal presence in this thread. Also, read Hamitlon's article again if you didn't see a mention of the NPO. It's discussed three times. https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/10168119-nebraskas-burwick-stuck-in-eligibility-squabble-after-leaving-wisconsin And again, you are, beyond all that, ignoring that Bono himself came out, 6 weeks after Wisconsin "wasn't going to comment any further" and super ***duck duck goose** commented by insinuating, not that Kyle Burwick didn't qualify for the NPO....he (falsley and, like a coward, without naming anybody related to this issue) said that NPO rules didn't apply to Burwick at all. So, when given the opportunity to make the argument you're assuming is his reason, that BUrwick DID have an opportunity to participate and chose not to, he very obviously did NOT make that argument. He instead tried to lie/mislead to everybody about what the rules were. And you're just here whistling, assuming good faith on Bono's part. Wonderful.
  15. I don't understand the complaint, are we going after fans for being fans? What's the value to fanbases of being "reasonable" as far as non-fans would consider reasonable? Let people love their teams! The emotional swings is part of why we love sports, and if we're all being "reasonable" about everything, there's less emotional whiplash. I'll have a go at PSU fans as much as the next guy, but "fans try to take positives from an unexpected loss" is pretty standard fan behavior.
  16. Yes, a consortium of me, an Iowa fan from Florida (Bono's home state) who is much more likely to dislike Nebraska and Mark Manning than Wisconsin and Chris Bono, a guy named Idaho, and Jason Bryant (just to name a few) are all conspiring against Bono. We have an article from Andy Hamilton, one of the preeminent journalists in this sport already posted in this forum. We literally have @Jason Bryant, one of the most reputable and respected voices in wrestling media, in this thread who you and others have managed to conveniently sidestep quoting or addressing throughout this thread. Except, when Bono said it on Twitter, that very same day Snyder responded with the full text. You're being purposely obtuse. This post here is emblematic of your entire approach where you make broad assumptions but criticize people for doing the same, even though the context of the situation is much more favorable towards the opinion counter to your own. They said they wouldn't comment on it, and then about 1.5 months later, Chris Bono, a university employee of some import in this matter, Tweeted about it. Disingenuously, obfuscating the issue to make it look like something was true when it wasn't. GTFOH.
  17. Here's the thing: if Wisconsin were really blameless, there was no reason for Bono to post this (previously posted here, but for context of my post), at best, wildly misleading Tweet. Why do people mislead and/or straight up lie? Typically to cover up.
  18. He definitely was. Brooks is still #1 and I don't think that win is replicable for Coleman, but that's not the point. On that day in that match, Brooks was pinned.
  19. Lol. Sure thing, buddy.
  20. Brooks will (and should) stay #1. But he was also stuck.
  21. Like I said. Gymnastics. Could Wisconsin do something to allow him to compete this season?
  22. As always, if she gets me, it stays up as a monument to my failure.
  23. Again, it's gross to debate semantics as you literally take away a part of the young man's very limited asset: his collegiate wrestling ability. Once his college wrestling career is over, Chris Bono will still be coaching, and the AD will still be ADing, but this kid will not get another shot to compete in college wrestling. Saying he has an opportunity to compete in a weight where they literally brought an experienced All American into the weight requires such mental gymnastics, I can't believe we're even doing it. Kyle Burwick has no opportunity to wrestle for Wisconsin this season. They preferred Taylor LaMont. He is now wrestling for him. And now they are stopping him from competing elsewhere.
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