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Everything posted by VakAttack

  1. Forfeits are lame as hell in a collegiate dual meet.
  2. There are definitely some...head scratchers in here.
  3. Yes, if we switched weight classes collegiatebfans would stop watching.
  4. That's literally the situation we're already in, under the current weight classes.
  5. Sure. I don't see the problem, since that happens at the next level anyway. It doesn't matter, particularly, what the weights are in collegiate style, they've changed before. We want to be successful in the International styles, and matching the weight classes seems like an easy step with no downside.
  6. Is there any good reason why college weights don't directly match freestyle weights to ease the transition?
  7. It appears to, as usual with these circumstances, many factors: Injury + physical style + some slight overinflation of early results (notably the previously mentioned close loss to Real Woods in Swiderski's highest profile match) + typical freshman growing pains.
  8. Warner is an incredibly frustrating watch, but this type of result is not super out-of-line with previous results. He's got so much ability, but obviously struggles with the mental game.
  9. The poster posting about this, @Topshotman1, is a good dude. I bought tickets from him the last two years, good prices, no scamming. I don't tend to vouch for people, lol.
  10. Like I said, no point to this thread other than I was watching videos.
  11. And people are right! So many of their top wrestlers, unlike in years past, are wrestling close matches constantly, and yet they (almost) always win them, and none of their top guys ever seem to lose. Very frustrating as a fan of an opposing team, but impressive nonetheless. We've all seen their stats in the NCAA semis and such. I'm not even sure what the point of this thread is, I was just watching some videos during my lunch break and thinking about how, normally, if guy's wrestle always close matches, we think of it as living dangerously, especially at the NCAA tournament, but none of us think that about the Penn State guys in that way BECAUSE THEY NEVER LOSE THOSE MATCHES. Even when they do lose a close match, like Brooks last year to Amine or this year to Coleman, we always expect them to win the next time they meet, and will always win at NCAAs. Sigh.
  12. Is it biomechanically pre-disposed to cause injury? I don't think so, though admittedly I'm no expert. Some wrestling moves hurt. Obvously this is one one of them, and it certainly looks like it sucks to be in. My opinion is that this is a move that looks bad, but that doesn't mean it is bad. It's probably close to the line, but I think where we have drawn the line (between high school, where there are more inexperienced and/or less skilled kids, and college, where people either do know or should know what they're doing). It's made a little trickier because of the back bow being illegal and so close to the bow & arrow, but that's why we pay the referees the big bucks.
  13. Askren says there won't be a decision until after the year, I think. Writing seems to be on the wall it will be Mizzou, but we'll see.
  14. Lol. 7/10. Not quite Cinnabon level, but a valiant effort.
  15. Really? Lets go weight by weight: 125: Vespa took his shot early, but it was over shortly afte that, so I wouldn't put any boredom on this match. 133: Teske's fault here. 141: Woods didn't do a whole lot the last half of the match, but it was still mroe than Bartlett did, and Woods had the lead, plus Woods had all the action in the first half. 149: Similar to Woods, Murin was the one attacking in the end with the lead, so I would put this on Van Ness 157: Probably the most even match in terms of action, scrambles (generated off Haines shots) and Siebrecht looking for something big. I didn't find this match boring, so nothing for me here. 165: Kennedy doing almost all the work here, other than one nice duck attempt by Facundo. 174: Neither guy did much, but Nelson did less, I would go 60-40 for Nelson causing the boringness here; Starocci could have tried more. 184: Not boring so much as one sided. Rhodes was giving an effort, but obviously no shot. 197: Kill me now, awful to watch. 50/50. HWT: Cass couldn't do much in the first half, Kerk didn't do anything in the third. The ride was....well, I've said I'm going to stop bitching about it, ti's just not going to get called. So I don't agree with your 75-25 number, but to each their own.
  16. Fixed that for you. Sorry, I know I'm repeating myself on Nelson's performance, lol.
  17. That's interesting, I disagree. Even though PSU is obviously the gold standard right now, Iowa is still the most hated, at least partially because they seem to strive for it, lol.
  18. I've never been to any of the three, so I can't say. I just know the difference in the other stadiums I've been too, lol.
  19. Being the big dog is definitely fun. But in your heart of hearts, while you enjoy seeing your team win, I can't imagine you truly enjoy watching most of the actual wrestling matches last night. If you do, more power to you. I know how I feel watching certain Iowa wrestlers. Warner, last year, while I celebrated his accomplishment...brutal to watch.
  20. I feel like a lot of stadiums get designed w/ seriously poor acoustics, which is so odd, since there's so may architects who know what they're doing, ad we can see in sports where there is a serious home advantage to the fans going nuts WITH the good acoustics.
  21. Cstar wrestles like Ryan Morningstar, which is frustrating because he has SO MUCH TALENT. That said, Nelson was doing a fairly effective job of appearing to do something without doing anything. To be further fair to Nelson, though, what I just described Nelson doing from neutral is exactly what Starocci does from top. For whatever reason, the powers that be have decided that is ok for the sport. It reminds me of the way some people talk about Joe Williams. I wasn't watching back then, so I can't really comment.
  22. I think this is essentially the best way forward, bummer as it may be. Folkstyle has been gamed into submission. We can yell "just call stalling!" all we want, but it appears to be not happening, so lets make that as little of a focus as we can
  23. With Kerk I was talking about neutral in the 3rd. Kerk backed up and blocked while Cass repeatedly took (bad) shots. I have resigned myself to the idea they're not going to call stalling on top, no matter how little the guys do while there. That's not even directed at PSU, it's a collegiate-wide epidemic.
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