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Non-Binary Student Beaten In a Bathroom

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Just now, Ohio Elite said:

Try reading something that's outside your lefty wheelhouse. You will find many many examples.

Well played. 

'I don't have any examples. But rather than say it and admit I'm wrong. I'll insinuate that you are just too lazy to find the examples that don't exist. Examples that I know of and could easily provide to help someone evolve in their thinking. But they are my enemy and I must remain hostile to them no matter what.'


PS. ChatJBT, give me a run down of the facts as you see them in each article? Then I will investigate to see if your version matches reality. Trying to keep an honest barometer here. 

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It’s pretty simple.  All the articles discuss either spots/playing time being taken away from biological females and/or how it’s less safe for biological females to be playing against trans females that were born male.  Stuff that you’ve told me over and over doesn’t happen or exist. 

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And when the Don't say gay bill was all the rage (and it had nothing to do with gay, that was a D an media lie), the truth was that it was about not allowing Trans stuff to be taught to K-3 kids.   Everyone said, there was no need for such a bill because it isn't happening.   Well, now there is ample evidence that it is happening.   My wife who is a preschool teacher talked with one of her moms and she has a first grader and saw for herself such literature in the classroom.   She objected and was told it cannot be removed because there may be kids who need to see it.   Of course this is anecdotal but the interwebs are full of this.    It was a lie that it wasn't happening just like the left lie about just about everything.  




In Florida and several others states, educators are restricted in teaching about gender identity, but elsewhere, teachers are embracing the topic as the number of transgender and gender nonbinary children rises



Parents of first graders at a Washington state school had their concerns ignored by the local school board and administration after a teacher read a book on transgender issues to the class, according to a report.  

I Am Jazz — a children’s book illustrating the transition of a two-year-old biological boy into a girl — was read to the first grade students of the Bellingham School District, sparking concerns from parents.

Perhaps this is enough.  I found these with a search on Google,  "transexualism is taught in 1st grade".   These are among the first entries to my search.   Not cherry picked.   It is a lie that this is not in the schools.   FL is just more wise than the rest of the nation it appears. 


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On 2/23/2024 at 7:06 PM, mspart said:

And when the Don't say gay bill was all the rage (and it had nothing to do with gay, that was a D an media lie), the truth was that it was about not allowing Trans stuff to be taught to K-3 kids.   Everyone said, there was no need for such a bill because it isn't happening.   Well, now there is ample evidence that it is happening.   My wife who is a preschool teacher talked with one of her moms and she has a first grader and saw for herself such literature in the classroom.   She objected and was told it cannot be removed because there may be kids who need to see it.   Of course this is anecdotal but the interwebs are full of this.    It was a lie that it wasn't happening just like the left lie about just about everything.  




In Florida and several others states, educators are restricted in teaching about gender identity, but elsewhere, teachers are embracing the topic as the number of transgender and gender nonbinary children rises



Parents of first graders at a Washington state school had their concerns ignored by the local school board and administration after a teacher read a book on transgender issues to the class, according to a report.  

I Am Jazz — a children’s book illustrating the transition of a two-year-old biological boy into a girl — was read to the first grade students of the Bellingham School District, sparking concerns from parents.

Perhaps this is enough.  I found these with a search on Google,  "transexualism is taught in 1st grade".   These are among the first entries to my search.   Not cherry picked.   It is a lie that this is not in the schools.   FL is just more wise than the rest of the nation it appears. 


And when the Don't say gay bill was all the rage (and it had nothing to do with gay, that was a D an media lie), the truth was that it was about not allowing Trans stuff to be taught to K-3 kids.   Everyone said, there was no need for such a bill because it isn't happening.   Well, now there is ample evidence that it is happening.   My wife who is a preschool teacher talked with one of her moms and she has a first grader and saw for herself such literature in the classroom.   She objected and was told it cannot be removed because there may be kids who need to see it.   Of course this is anecdotal but the interwebs are full of this.    It was a lie that it wasn't happening just like the left lie about just about everything.  

https://abcnews4.com/news/nation-world/parents-allege-first-graders-taught-about-gender-dysphoria-without-their-consent-pittsburg-pennsylvania-carmilla-tatel-stacey-dunn-gretchen-melton-parental-civil-rights-constitution-students-school-jefferson-elementary Article doesn’t say anything other than a set of bigoted parents are shielding their kids from information they feel is harmful. If you’re worried that something bad will happen to your child if they want to wear a dress. The problem is with you and your reaction not the child.

https://dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com/new-jersey-to-require-1st-graders-to-learn-about-gender-identity-starting-this-fall/ What negative conclusions did the article come to? None. It didn’t say anything was negative about any of these things. What the writer/editor of the piece knows is that a regular reader of this rag will spin this information in a negative way so they don’t have to. If this was published in/on cnn or msnbc it would look the same and a regular reader would think nothing of the story. You, however, would come to the same negative conclusion because you are programmed to think that way. When in fact, nothing bad will happen to anyone other than some kids will learn that they don’t have to fit into the box their parents or society will actively or passively try to put them in before they are able to make their own choices or think for themselves.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/06/03/schools-gender-identity-transgender-lessons/ paywall

In Florida and several others states, educators are restricted in teaching about gender identity, but elsewhere, teachers are embracing the topic as the number of transgender and gender nonbinary children rises What could be thought of as a parallel to this topic? When the number of gay people started rising and everyone panicked. Was it warranted? Turns out, no. When the world became more educated and tolerant of different people, those people became more secure in being themselves in public. Teaching kids that these things happen, is not in and of itself bad. Nothing permanent is happening while reading these books. They are just becoming open to the possibility that people like this aren’t the monsters or groomers their parents or legislators would like them to believe that they are. For a party that thrives on the hate and fear of their shrinking minority. A tolerant, well educated, open minded  electorate is their death sentence. Why do you think they are against robust public education, universal pre-k and for keeping information from kids in libraries, using Prager U(organization pushing religion) in public schools, pushing religion(only one type of religion) everywhere.

https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/1st-grade-teacher-tells-students-doctors-make-a-guess-about-gender-when-a-baby-is-born-boston-massachusetts-ray-skyer-transgender Again, nothing to see here. The teacher is correct. As much as you don’t want to admit it. The sex organs and subsequent characteristics can help to determine sex. Not…. NOT… gender. If you want to wear a dress and present as a female, you can. If you want to grow a beard and ask to be called a female presenting name, you can. I’m sorry if it bothers you, but no one cares about how it makes you feel. People not carrying about your biases can make you feel weak and insignificant. But that’s exactly how your narrow-minded beliefs have made these people feel for decades. You might think that changing your mind is just like changing who you are as a person, it isn’t. No one but other bigoted people will care that you changed your mind on this issue. If you care about holding on to those connections more than being a decent person or you feel your life or lively hood may be in danger if you change your mind, then keep them. But know you have more in common with trans people than you think because many have and continue to be unsafe in choosing to be who they feel they really are.

https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/first-grade-parents-shocked-after-transgender-book-report "As a district we are working hard to support all members of our school community and promote inclusion through understanding and compassion." Parents are upset at this? Should tell you a lot about the parents and anyone that supports them.

"Little children don’t need to feel bad about the color of their skin," Goldman said on Fox and Friends last month. "That’s what they’re teaching them, to feel bad about who they are." Was that even the topic of the book? Or was that thrown in there for dramatic effect? I’ll let you guess. Short, but, pointless.

Parents of first graders at a Washington state school had their concerns ignored by the local school board and administration after a teacher read a book on transgender issues to the class, according to a report.  Do the concerns of every parent need to be addressed every time they are brought up? Nope. News at 9!

I Am Jazz — a children’s book illustrating the transition of a two-year-old biological boy into a girl — was read to the first grade students of the Bellingham School District, sparking concerns from parents. I have a feeling you aren’t familiar with the transition process. But no 2 year old is permanently transitioning from one gender to another. You’re upset that parents allowed a 2 year old to wear the clothes the kid wanted? What does that say about you? CLOTHES? How fragile are you that this is so concerning you think it will effect the country in a negative way if a kid wears a dress or… I don’t even know the ‘vice versa’ for boys clothes because they’re just shirts and pants at 2 years old.

https://defendinged.org/incidents/edmonds-school-district-teaches-children-in-first-grade-that-there-are-more-than-two-genders-encourages-students-to-pick-their-preferred-pronouns/ I don’t even know what to say to this. Its so dumb that anyone is upset over something like this. Get a life! Read a book.


https://www.nationalreview.com/news/kindergarten-students-in-connecticut-learn-about-being-transgender-in-line-with-social-justice-standards/ The sex you are assigned at birth might not correspond to how you feel. That’s it. 1 oz of prevention is worth 1lb of cure. For parents and kids to know this stuff early will keep them from having to deal with it later and costing more. More in health care, therapy, and perhaps lives. Stop being a bigot and people will be happier and more open to being themselves. Side note: nothing about this article sounds bad. The story sounds wonderful. Would hope every sibling is a thoughtful and kind as that one. Who wouldn’t?


https://komonews.com/news/local/1st-graders-given-gender-identity-assignment-told-they-can-be-neither-or-both-genders-kindergarten-first-school-lgbtq-fluidity-instruction-washington-seattle same article recycled for clicks, read above.


https://www.wpr.org/education/superior-school-board-upholds-decision-allowing-gender-identity-be-taught-fifth-gradersShe said statements by one petitioner and the national rhetoric on gender identity have been highly offensive, contributing to a toxic school environment that marginalizes LGBTQIA students.For the vast majority of people that do not feel they are trans, these issues do not effect them. But for those who do, the rhetoric and hate puts their lives in danger. Plain and simple. I know its difficult for you to understand. But you or your kids are not in danger in any way. But you do put other kids in danger by not accepting this. Because it is fact.


https://dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com/illinois-school-district-to-teach-preschoolers-about-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity/ The only ‘negative’ thing reported in this article is a lie about Milk. So that should tell you something.


Perhaps this is enough.  I found these with a search on Google,  "transexualism is taught in 1st grade".   These are among the first entries to my search.   Not cherry picked.   It is a lie that this is not in the schools.   FL is just more wise than the rest of the nation it appears. This has always been in schools and I don’t know who told you it ‘wasn’t in schools’. As the topic began to grow. Teachers find the need to include pop culture topics in their material. That’s not new. None of these article say why it might be bad or harmful. Not one! Other than the lie about Harvey Milk. Kids dress up in different clothes all the time at school. Dress for plays, Boys put on tiaras. Girls wear baseball hats(again not sure of the vice versa option for girls because they are allowed to wear anything they want apparently). That you think this is going to effect any of them in a negative rather than a positive way is a testament to your thinking and upbringing. Thinking that different is necessarily bad is on YOU. The world is working to get past it and they way you rationalize not being on board only makes it harder. You will not stop it, mind you. You will just continue to put children’s and educators’ lives in danger as you post these lies.

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Police in the suburban Tulsa community of Owasso are investigating the death of 16-year-old Nex Benedict, whose family said identified as nonbinary and used they/them pronouns.

Although the cause of death has not been determined, Owasso police said in a statement preliminary autopsy results indicate the teen did not die as a result of injuries sustained in the fight.

“At this time, any further comments on the cause of death are currently pending until toxicology results and other ancillary testing results are received,” the statement says.

I guess we will have to wait and see.   Death not due to trauma.   So what caused her death?  

I guess we will see after the full autopsy report is available. 


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15 hours ago, JimmyBT said:

You groomers.  That’s who?  

David Attenborough voice: See the scared conservative as they log into their preferred safe space, an anonymous forum environment. Shaking with fear that they have nothing to contribute except to lash out because they know they are going extinct and the world is passing them by. Lets see what, we all know, they will do next. Which is to call someone a groomer, pedophile, make fun or to dig their heels in to a dying ideology. Not trying to convince anyone but themselves of their ridiculous ideas. Shhh, don't spook it. 

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1 hour ago, Ohio Elite said:


Not to agree with any facts of that post. But in any case where negligence could be a contributing factor from the school or police. Would the police have an incentive to control the narrative? Why are the 'police' sharing information as to the cause of death? Wouldn't it have more credibility if that info came from a medical examiner? You are all the conspiracy people, why not insist on transparency or clarity here? Why trust, without question, the info of people that are, by supreme court decision, allowed to lie to us? Could you have a motive? 

Again, just asking hard hitting TC-like questions. BTW, I wear a bow tie much better. 

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12 hours ago, jross said:

So after the fight, you can listen to the 'death by trauma' student speak.  Hello?


You can't honestly tell me that the 'don't be a sheeple' crowd are blindly trusting info that is spoon fed to you by people that already believe what you believe? 

See how that cuts both ways? If you had any integrity you would wait to find an unbiased source or at least one that hasn't distilled info to just the parts they want You to see.

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43 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

David Attenborough voice: See the scared conservative as they log into their preferred safe space, an anonymous forum environment. Shaking with fear that they have nothing to contribute except to lash out because they know they are going extinct and the world is passing them by. Lets see what, we all know, they will do next. Which is to call someone a groomer, pedophile, make fun or to dig their heels in to a dying ideology. Not trying to convince anyone but themselves of their ridiculous ideas. Shhh, don't spook it. 

Ok groomer 

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On 2/22/2024 at 6:19 AM, ThreePointTakedown said:

Dies soon after. 


Do we know the student was "beaten?"  Does it help the story by saying it was a beating if it wasn't? 

BPE 10/14/24 IWB's SC

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39 minutes ago, ionel said:

Do we know the student was "beaten?"  Does it help the story by saying it was a beating if it wasn't? 

Everything I can find about it walked back the "beaten" rhetoric that was originally reported.  Sounds like more of the kids were defending themselves from having water thrown/poured on them.  However, there may have been some teasing going on too, but none of which led to the person's death. 

This totally reminds me of the reporting of a story out of CA in which the original headline says D1 Wrestlers Beat A Man To Death", or something similar.  But when the actual facts of what happened came out, the man who died was the aggressor, was drunk, the wrestlers really didn't lay a hand on the guy but defended themselves when the guy swung on them and he missed and then fell down and hit his head and knocked himself out, the wrestlers moved the guy out of the drive through lane and set him up against the wall, the guy later died from asphyxiation or something, but not from anything the wrestlers did.  I emailed the editor and asked when they would retract their headline and story, and the response was about what was expected with the b.s., "we just report based on what we are told at the time."  That particular outlet never sent out another article about what actually happened.  That was some 20 years ago and the start of me hating the media and not trusting any of them. 

Regardless....TPT still found the boogeyman in this and thinks everyone hates people who dress in different clothing than their assigned sex.  🙄 

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1 minute ago, Bigbrog said:

Everything I can find about it walked back the "beaten" rhetoric that was originally reported.  Sounds like more of the kids were defending themselves from having water thrown/poured on them.  However, there may have been some teasing going on too, but none of which led to the person's death. 

Thats what I saw too and in local Oklahoma newspaper.  It indicated the other were maybe 3 girls.  Also read what the mom reported.  So why do all the news sources (and posters) continue the lie when we know its not true? 

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19 minutes ago, ionel said:

Do we know the student was "beaten?"  Does it help the story by saying it was a beating if it wasn't? 

Do you mean 'beaten' as a systematic and unprovoked attack? If so, it doesn't sound like it. Sounds like there was a fight. From what I've gathered it was three vs one, maybe another stepped in on Nex's behalf for a short time. Which could be construed as beating someone up in a colloquial sense. 


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Local politician dehumanizing members of his constituency. This has never led to violence before. 


Seeing as how this happened after the incident in question. I am not insinuating this person had anything to do with it. But could act to enlighten outsiders as to the environment that people like Nex have to live. He is just a POS that should not be allowed to be in a position of authority, ever. Until he proves he's not not a hateful bigot.  

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4 hours ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

You can't honestly tell me that the 'don't be a sheeple' crowd are blindly trusting info that is spoon fed to you by people that already believe what you believe? 

See how that cuts both ways? If you had any integrity you would wait to find an unbiased source or at least one that hasn't distilled info to just the parts they want You to see.

Huh?  I just listened to the actual source speak in a video.  The same video posted for you to.  I formed my understanding from there and held off 'trust the news' until seeing it.

This doesn't change the violence narrative concern overall but this is not the story to hang one's hat on.

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