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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Thomas Sowell wrote a book called Black Rednecks and White Liberals. In the book there is a quote that I find fitting for certain individuals that preach their agenda around here. “When people are presented with the alternatives of hating themselves for their failures or hating others for their success, they seldom choose to hate themselves” Best of luck with that.
  2. Only person that can put you in a box is you
  3. White libtards can’t handle the truth when it’s a black man speaking it.
  4. Extend Bono. I love his impact
  5. Voter suppression is another scam created by dems
  6. But but but not one liberal claimed trump didn’t win. But but but Russia Russia Russia interfered according to Hillary. Trump is illegitimate because of it. So said killary.
  7. Anyone that wants to vote can vote. In most states 10-14 days before Election Day. If you can’t find a way to vote in that timeframe you don’t deserve to vote. Oh and if it’s no big deal why did Hillary play the card so hard ????
  8. Could little Elam enjoy his last year up at HWT clearing a spot for Whiting or Hawks to move up to 197?
  9. That should never happen to a coaches kid
  10. Kennedy to Minnesota would make sense too. The gophers may have a little more cash than SDSU
  11. Ummmmm you may want to check into the many liberals that called trump an illegitimate President. Hillary, Jimmy Carter, Bernie Samders, Maxine Waters, Nadler, Lewis all claimed he wasn’t legit due to voter suppression and Russia Russia Russia. Lewis wouldn’t even attend the inauguration. Hillary claims that Trump rigged things to win. Typical winger memory.
  12. Mush Brain Biden is on pace to pass all of them.
  13. I’m still waiting for your complaint about Biden. Tick tock.
  14. Oh so Obama gets a pass but trump doesn’t for Covid. You’re hilarious.
  15. He’s almost as bad as Biden. Almost.
  16. Dems say there is no God but you wouldn’t know it the way they worship their party. You’re spot on. It is a cult.
  17. You should probably go back to Obama then huh??? Doubled the deficit during his watch.
  18. You’ve never complained about Mush Brain once.
  19. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jason-owens-border-patrol-southern-border-national-security-threat/ no big deal.
  20. Not on here you’re not. Please show me a couple mush brain Biden complaints. I’ll wait.
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