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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. All three inches. I bet they were impressed.
  2. 125 M DeAugustino Mich 133 T Wells MN 141 C Carlson SDSU 149 J Abas Stan 157 V Zerban UNC 165 N Mulveney Buck 174 P Mocco Mizz 184 R Rogotzke OSU 197 L Surber OK St HWT D Bucknavich CSU
  3. No thx. The psycho babble is really out there today. Which says a lot.
  4. Died by suicide not by trauma. Pretty simple.
  5. No trauma. You’re wrong a lot.
  6. I stand corrected. Our National Parks System is pretty good
  7. Anything the gov touches turns to shit. I can’t name one thing the gov is in charge of that runs efficiently or effectively. None. Giving them more money to waste is flat out stupid.
  8. Cut spending. And then cut more spending.
  9. Bigot Brigade. I spit my drink all over the place. Thanks a lot.
  10. I will continue helping others instead of whining and making excuses like you do.
  11. He doesn’t care about being wrong as long as he’s pushing his agenda.
  12. Five days a week I put up. I actually help my fellow humans. You do NOTHING but whine and complain
  13. Lashes out. Again pet your cat.
  14. But it’s ok for you. Got it.
  15. Ummmmm again. I donate my time to help my fellow humans. You do nothing but whine about the misery of others.
  16. I love how certain people think only their resources are right and everyone else’s are crap. Even though they use more than questionable sources.
  17. All I said was this would get your thong in a knot. And of course it did.
  18. Put or shut up. And you won’t guide me anywhere. I’m a doer not an excuse maker.
  19. There’s a lot of unseeded hate here for Flo.
  20. Bahahahahhahahahahahahah. You’re about to get some traffic court lawyer speak.
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