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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Some states have zero soooooo. Looks to me like California is the hardest place to be poor with all the homelessness they have there.
  2. Please tell me what exactly is it that people need to survive these days?
  3. So does everyone else. Up to. Bahahhahahaha. And we’re talking about income tax
  4. So your emotions are ok for speaking out but Lisa’s aren’t? Got it.
  5. Oh and the chart that was presented by mspart clearly defends my position in the current system. Over 40% don’t pay federal income tax as it is.
  6. Not my fault you can’t or didn’t read my comment a bit above that one. Again, with a flat tax, which I strongly support your hypothetical doesn’t exist.
  7. Ummmmmm genius. I said a flat tax is the way to go. There’s nothing to defend as they’d both be paying the same rate. Life is hard for you isn’t it?
  8. Agree but you can’t really get mad when you’re defending free speech right?
  9. Some would argue they pay more than their fair share already.
  10. Only tax system should be a flat tax system. Fair for everyone as the more you make the more you pay. If you’re income goes down so does the amount you’re taxed.
  11. So it’s like when you tell me I can’t use the argument that there is playing time and positions being taken away from girls/women by biological boys/men, that are trans. There’s really no way to know the number buts it’s happening. Got it.
  12. Best of luck. You’ll need it.
  13. What religion do I have ?????
  14. I’m waiting for the proof. All you have is an opinion.
  15. YOU made the claim. Sooooooooooooooo
  16. Still waiting for the evidence that there isn’t. Please show me more than an opinion
  17. An opinion. Bahahaahahahahhahah
  18. You can believe in God without a religion that has a financial stake in retaining your faith. Same thing you do with the Democratic Party. You believe they can do no wrong and give them nothing financially.
  19. Nor can you prove it isn’t real.
  20. No. Faith is what I believe and science has yet to prove its wrong.
  21. Covered that already. People on here and in the article I posted believe he has whether he did or not. And it’s right not left that people think he’s moved to. But you do you.
  22. Because there’s a legality to running for President and being perceived as leaning a certain way? Derp
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