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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Ummmmmmmmm the majority of us already pay plenty. IMO. 60% of us already pay ALL the income taxes.
  2. Ummmmmmm your words. Make the middle class pay more.
  3. Careful what you wish for. The babble ball is about come rolling.
  4. AOC is still working on the three branches of government
  5. I love the witnesses response. “It’s a category of charges”
  6. It’s a category
  7. https://www.opb.org/article/2024/03/19/oregon-state-scientists-discover-metal-capable-of-removing-carbon-dioxide-from-air/ See. Nothing to worry about.
  8. Keep taxing the people that are already paying for the 40% + that don’t pay income tax. Oh and probably cut spending. Makes perfect sense.
  9. Probably cut spending is what you said. You have no logic is basically what you’ve stated.
  10. Unethical nature of the defendant. For a captured unlawful immigrant.
  11. Global cooling will be back
  12. Says the queen of name calling. Carry on. signed, the bigot brigade
  13. Did you know? Every minority group in the history of the world has won? Yet they’re all oppressed.
  14. Again. You can’t fix stupid. He’s screwed. More psycho babble to come from him. It’s a given.
  15. You can’t fix stupid. He’s screwed.
  16. Still waiting for how it’s sooooooooo easy. I’ll continue waiting. Again. It’s a stupid thread title.
  17. Ummmm it’s how the world works. No different than the new 3 pt TD. There’s a coaches rules committee that can implement things. Manning can certainly get the ball rolling if he wants to.
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