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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Or at men playing girls sports and sharing their locker rooms. Groom a zoom zoom. But you support that stuff soooooo
  2. Dems hate cops sooooo it’s no big deal to them.
  3. It’s simple math soooooooo I thought even you could figure it out.
  4. You have no idea what I do or don’t want. Keep ASSuming though. Face it. Men don’t belong in women’s sports.
  5. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/11/on-with-kara-swisher-navratilova-on-trans-women-in-sports.html# Even Martina is against biological men playing women’s sports. Hmmmmmmm. Rene Richard’s too. I’ll let you search/read about who that is. Martina says “ this is not about trans, it’s about male bodies playing women’s sports”
  6. It’s a point for sure. Women are losing spots to biological men. Has nothing to do with owning anything. It’s just a fact that certain people seem to think isn’t happening. But is. All over the world. Again. So much for women’s equal rights in sports.
  7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/soccer/girl-s-soccer-team-with-five-transgender-players-dominates-tournament-as-dispute-erupts/ar-BB1kHR2n?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=a40726c12f88451380c2bd1d452602dc&ei=70 more spots being taken away from biological females. So much for women’s rights
  8. Weird indeed. His relationship with his own family is rather interesting. I do think he has moved a tad bit to the right but IMO the image he has moved that way is stronger because of his Covid jab stance. I can see him taking votes from both sides.
  9. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/democrats-sound-alarm-on-rfk-jr-and-new-running-mate-shanahan/ar-BB1kEaqj?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=97a8a0a3261b46fea1246c3ac7651957&ei=15
  10. Maybe it’s because he’s oppressed
  11. Minnesota is on the path to becoming a cold version of California
  12. I think I’ll tip over when they admit they’re communists thru and thru
  13. It’s amazing how little L wingers understand about business. They think it’s simple to run a multi billion dollar company. I was glad the CEO(s) that ran the company I worked for were making what they were. They were making decisions for 15 years down the road that ensured a viable company is still there. The good ones are worth every penny. Put someone in those roles and pay them peanuts and you’ll find out.
  14. That would be too easy. Even the L wingers could figure it out then
  15. Try reading. The amounts in my comment. Need fewer words and more pictures or what?
  16. Oh there are people on this site that will rationalize this as fair. I mean those rich assholes probably weren’t using it anyway.
  17. Babble boy jr needs a clue. He tries so hard to run people in circles and just ends up chasing his own tale. Or is it tail? Or maybe both?
  18. The next generation claims they’re smarter. I don’t see it. You asked for an example I gave one.
  19. Considering that you can’t be racist unless youre part of the majority I’d agree that prejudice should be used far more often that it is.
  20. It’s governments that force us to use those designations.
  21. See now that’s CUTTING spending. No need to raise taxes so more can be wasted.
  22. Example: when the educated “so called smart” people want/need/cry for the uneducated “so called stupid” people to pay for their college. You can’t make it up. You just can’t.
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