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Everything posted by wrestlingguy

  1. Red Viking's word of the day "wingers". My bet is tomorrow it will be "holistic"
  2. The only problem is the DOJ won't investigate themselves for corruption or the administration they are currently working under. I do think they will throw Biden under the bus and use him as their scapegoat after the election since he's an easy target at 81 years old.
  3. They choose who they want to go after. You know who else took foreign bribes for political favors? Biden.
  4. Odd timing is all I am saying.
  5. Unimpressive doesn't begin to describe it. Shocking, embarrassing, lost, etc. How the hell she got through law school or ever was a prosecutor is baffling.
  6. Or speak out against the open border policies.
  7. Only three times in the same breath.
  8. If you watched her “solo” interview on MSNBC and still think she has a clue, you are 100% lying to yourself. I wouldn’t trust her to be able to run a Girl Scout troop let alone a country.
  9. I guess I ruled out the possibility they could actually be in their teens. That would make so much more sense.
  10. Anti-Troll. They offer nothing of substance to the forum.
  11. I thought he/she was the only one that thinks he/she is funny. He/she offers nothing of substance. 100% Troll.
  12. Now l will look up who voted for it to figure out who the real whack jobs are. Likely the usual suspects.
  13. https://www.businessbecause.com/news/in-the-news/9514/wharton-kamala-harris-presidential-election
  14. I would be interested to know what policy these economists are basing their opinion off of? How much were they paid? . It is no coincidence that all of a sudden Kamala is pretending to care about the economy.
  15. Posts of the same style. Highly emotional trolling. Constantly seeing red if someone doesn't agree so they have to name call.
  16. I think we could balance the budget real quick if the government was held accountable for their frivolous spending. They act like the person that abuses the corporate credit card because it's not coming out of their bank account.
  17. Tiny weiner and tiny brain apparently. Just because they aren't prosecuting crime doesn't mean it's down. Look at places like CA where they have passed laws that you can steal up to $900 without being stopped. How's that working out for them?
  18. I was simply questioning the logic of how a bomb fixes the Hatian migrant issue? The threats were at city hall, schools, and hospitals. Is that where the Hatians congregate? Why those places? Why do overseas foreign actors(per ABC) care about calling in bomb threats to these places? Something isn't adding up is all I am saying.
  19. Explain the logic. It doesn't make sense to me. Trump talks irresponsibly about Springfield, OH and the Haitian migrants. Are the bomb threats to bring attention to the issue? What does setting off a bomb do in this situation? *sidenote-from what I hear the biggest issue in Springfield, OH is the Hatians driving around in cars recklessly because they don't have any idea how to drive or the rules of the road. I have heard they have almost hit children getting off of school buses, etc.
  20. That's insane!! I would love to meet him. Have you seen him since?
  21. Silver Linings Playbook Gran Tarino The Pursuit of Happiness Rudy The Big Short Moneyball
  22. More "I grew up in a middle class family". She can't answer a simple question because it isn't about actually doing anything or having a plan. Come on, you couldn't have prepared your puppet to answer a simple question you knew was inevitable?
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