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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. I live in a town about 5000 people. The cops are hard-core on people speeding, because they have nothing else to do.
  2. Stay safe out there brother!
  3. Could you imagine if Bama had a wrestling team?? Just kidding they would suck....
  4. Four or five would be better. Lighten up the rush hour traffic for sure!
  5. Hopefully the football team has a crappy year. Like 5 and 7. No bowl game or post season. Kueter could start in early December.
  6. Didn't they get a 125 from Michigan State thats supposed to be decent? Undersized maybe..
  7. Yes sir, talk about left wing policies!
  8. How long you think Keuter does both sports? Kinda hoping he's a crappy linebacker...
  9. We're gonna need multiple teams from multiple years.
  10. You live in a bubble bro...
  11. I got beat down like a red headed step child lol
  12. I actually never got a chance to wrestle him. He was 140 and I wrestled 160 freshman year. The starter at 160 was runner up that year as well.
  13. Keaton Anderson is the guy I was talking about. Plagued with injuries in college. Was ranked #1 at 157 at one point his senior year.
  14. The thought of Bouzakis at 133 for the next 4 years is awsome!!
  15. Class of 2001. We had a freak on the team my freshman year.
  16. Pickerington, now they've split schools. Suburb southeast of Columbus.
  17. I'm still baffled Ozzy Osborne walks among us...
  18. And God forbid common sense....
  19. Automatic F for using logic!
  20. I hope he turns out to be ok, good lord.
  21. This is insane!!
  22. Interesting to say the least. We'll see how long it lasts...
  23. What division are they in? Didn't even know they had a team lol
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