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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. I wonder if Gomez will be healthy...
  2. I know the feeling, junior year weighed 182. Making 171 was killer as well. To top it off the guys at 189 looked huge.
  3. 30lbs is insane! Never could of done it. Freshman year weighed 165 and cut to 160 lol. That was brutal for me.
  4. https://fb.watch/mK0v5BYfER/?mibextid=NnVzG8
  5. Looks like Sasso may have to take that. I sure hope we see him wrestle again.
  6. https://twitter.com/sammysasso/status/1695583539536839120?t=jNOg6cUD6vgq3vHHt0PzFA&s=19
  7. Fox?? I only use reputable sources like CNN and MSNBC. I suggest you do the same brother. First I've heard about this story.
  8. Are we 100% Gable is gonna go? Man I sure hope so...
  9. Apparently Bo wants to wait till 2024 to fight again. Seems silly since he's taken no damage whatsoever so far.
  10. He'll be an absolute Beast when the time comes.
  11. Can't even remember the last time I thought the word "twinkie". They were good tho!
  12. Be nice if the rest of the ACC had programs, but I'll take what we can get I suppose
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