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Everything posted by wrestle87

  1. Extra special considering CS is from Pennsylvania.
  2. Unfortunately, this would be a very unsurprising result. Ultimately, this is a Higher Ed position, and Higher Ed is only matched in its ruthlessness by its self-serving politicing and total lack of morality. They already threw espo out a window, and he gave them more than 20 years between competing and coaching, it would only be the 10,000th time that a coach who took a position based on underhanded decision making also got boned in the 11th hour at the altar of the same lack of transparency or honesty. Considering J Smith’s accolades, CS would be a big step down on that front. One NCAA title, one world/olympic team and one medal? Okie State is a bigger program than that. CS may be a legacy cowboy, but he’s not blue blood USA wrestling by any stretch, and as crappy as Okie State has been the past ten years, it is still one of the two OG blue blood programs in the country, even if they both play second fiddle in this era, the AD is very likely looking for a coach who is at least in J Smith’s ballpark in terms of accomplishments and who can pull together a real RTC roster, not just a college team. Burroughs, Taylor, Dake, or Casey Cunningham are the only ones who can really fill J Smith’s shoes from that perspective. Too much of that Perry weight, Tarheels may be looking for a real Head coach again pretty soon.
  3. There’s got to be an aspect of “mark to market” with the portal at this point, just a part of negotiating NIL rates after a good season.
  4. This would either be a titanic flameout or would be a huge step back to parity in the college ranks, because we all know, chances are far greater than zero that wherever David goes Dake may go as well after this cycle. Especially with the current crew of Penn State coaches getting on in age, Dake and Taylor are that next crew hitting the "mentorship but can still go with you in the room" stage.
  5. That would be such a big line on aaron brooks’ resumé. ”I beat the returning world and olympic champ so hard that he quit competing and flew half way around the country.”
  6. The real challenge for ferrari is he can’t handle independence in a college environment. He’s used to being chaperoned pretty tightly by his parents, and obviously he goes completely off the rails when he’s away from that structure. He would likely stomp starrocci, size difference is enormous, but I give him at best a 5% chance of making it through the fall without getting kicked out of school and/or arrested.
  7. Very likely yes. The OK State head coach will be a public employee, very different from being on staff at a private school (yes I know cornell has certain programs which are considered part of the state school system).
  8. I see what you're saying and yeah, folkstyle wrestlers all have a shelf life, especially at the college level. To my memory though most Iowa guys who come in wind up wearing a pretty heavy amount of tape on something somewhere around year 2, and whether or not they are able to move on from said taped limb seems to dictate how they do throughout the rest of their eligibility. But fair point, road wear is inevitable no matter where they wrestle.
  9. He did, but it’s because one of his knees was destroyed.
  10. If you want to take a specific comment and apply it to a much broader spectrum that it was never intended to apply to, congratulations for reinventing the thing that makes so much of the internet suck.
  11. They have a good year, bc they believe in the singlet, but then they break down because that's what happens to every Iowa wrestler after their freshman year. Eierman and Woods both did better than they ever had (finals), but then tanked because...stupid training will do that.
  12. Hahaha, very accurate, I was referring to getting some experience within an athletic department as an administrator of some sort
  13. Nah, the "cross-eyed etc." description popped into my head and I didn't want to keep it to myself is all.
  14. This is legitimately the worst take I have ever read on any board or heard from any fan of wrestling anywhere. I believe the phrase "cross-eyed twattery" applies to the level of critical thinking that went into this reference.
  15. Hopefully the women's side of the sport continues to evolve to have coaching/other positions available that allow her to stay in the game. Gotta get with those Rudis folks and get them to throw her some equity or something like that.
  16. There it is, knew I was forgetting someone. Which is rather weak of me considering at this point she is, or should be, flag bearer for USA wrestling.
  17. Reina’s stance made a lot more sense when the EIWA was…good. The EIWA is going to be a corpse after the Ivy’s leave. Then, if Lehigh goes somewhere…bye bye conference altogether. The EIWA that Reina defended was the tournament that was arguably #2 in the country in terms of difficulty, had rutgers in it, had a very very good american team in it. Those things have all left. I think this is more beneficial for the growth of Ivy programs not just in terms of qualifying, but schedule flexibility. Instead of being obligated to a bunch of trash duals, in a conference that has fewer teams, the schedule is opened up for more national exposure. The Ivy’s used to be trash comparatively, they are now much less so, and a small, competitive conference will allow them to get their guys better, bring more AA’s in and grow total allotment. The remaining EIWA may well shrink to a “finals or you’re done” tournament…and those conferences are just terrible to be in.
  18. Hahaha…that….would be my sleep or lack there off talking. Call it a wild card at either 7 or 10, insert whoever you like. Would also be an absolutely blockbuster round 2 matchup at NCAAs.
  19. Man, thank you. So many people just pretending like that didn’t happen, only for the continuation standard to be ruled the other way for Zahid’s 4. Apparently we have more than a few fans of team nose candy on this board.
  20. That ref officiated a terrible match, starting with being so out of place he cost brooks a takedown. I’m amazed nobody ever mentions that. Brooks was still pressuring zahid and had the better tank after having wrestled multiple matches already that day. Zahid gets far too in his own head, and has matches where his lungs just disappear on him. Consistency is part of real success internationally, and zahid doesn’t have a track record of that, besides being consistently 2nd - 4th on the ladder at an olympic weight. Brooks basically just did dake’s version of the fire walk in 2021. That said, his weight cut is clearly tough, and he gives up silly scores when he’s still close to the scale. Until he blanks people all the way to gold in Paris, I can’t put him high up, because DT looked very physically undertrained, his muscles were ~70% the size of what they usually are. DT being underprepared is really putting an extra shine on brooks which we could see come off in a hurry. I suspect he is Daniel Cormier level olympian right now, rather than Cael level. Also, his weight is weak sauce. People have given DT a bunch of credit, and he’s good, but he’s a brutally sloppy wrestler who just out-volumed and out-efforted people, basically took the dan gable approach to wrestling with Penn State technique. But, based on vibes alone, I go: 1. Dake 2. Snyder (tazhudinov is geared out if his gourd, whatever country he's wrestling for might not have the pull to pay for a clean test) 3. Parris 4. Spencer 5. Retherford 6. Brooks 7. Gilman 8. Nick Lee 9. Nolf 10. Gilman
  21. He is, but before those two, how many world-level studs appeared out of maryland? I mentally take the average across time since ~1970 and today, and if it gets more crowded than one for every 20 years, not a generational talent. I don’t know any Maryland wrestling history prior to snyder.
  22. Uh…brooks was a 4x champ up with the big boys and just dethroned the olympic champion at his weight. Last time that happened was…Cael? That was a generation ago, sounds generational to me. It really depends on scope though. If you say talent out of maryland, yes generational talent. Takent out of the PSU room? Well, he kinda just did what was expected. To be honest to the word, generational talents in coaching would be gable and cael, and on the mat would be baumgartner, smith, jb, snyder, saitiev, and sadulaev.
  23. I’m just talking about his level of polish. There is a 1/2 hour interview with him that intermat put out, and the dude truly sounded like someone who knows how to navigate the institution, he sounds like an administrator as much as a coach, which is the primary point of difficulty for most wrestling programs, they are unable to build and maintain a positive relationship with their own schools in a meaningfully positive way. Agreed on the results part, but if more coaches sounded like Valenti(which only comes with gaining real institutional knowledge), shutdowns of programs wouldn’t be such a concern.
  24. Listening to his intermat interview gave some very interesting insight into the depth of the "CEO" side of things that head coaches have to handle outside of the room. If that's what it's like for all head coaches it's remarkable they have more than a few minutes to be in the room coaching at all.
  25. To be clear, they are holding the justice system and government accountable to their own rules. Those rules, limitations, and mechanisms for accountability are what keeps our country from really sucking fat donkey weiner.
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