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Everything posted by wrestle87

  1. Wasn’t there a similar situation a few cycles back with a sprinter from South Africa who had something going on at a chromosomal level?
  2. This 100%. It seemed like somebody fell in love with Iran’s tactics and decided that was the way for the entire team to wrestle. The amount of time guys spent trying to push from a short offense underhook was rather remarkable.
  3. Got any answers as to why we had a bad tournament in a weakened field? Or just want to “lol c’mon” and leave it at that? RBY-down artificially low, weight cut killed him. And you’re proving my point, Amine and Parris come from the same room, but they don’t go through the same process. Odds on that this is a USAW issue of some sort. Don’t know what it is, but to have athletes coming from 3 rooms all look off, where are the commonalities for their process leading up? Our guys usually wrestle the way seabass and amine did, they didn’t this time. These tournaments happen once every 4 years. Each weight class within the US has 20+ dudes putting their lives on hold for years just to aim at these few days of wrestling. Their effort and investment demand the respect of a few questions and raised eyebrows when the entire team looks off, considering it has been decades since we last failed to bring home at least one men’s gold. Not to mention, if we want to actually keep good wrestlers in the US system, we need to be showing out. We will keep losing more talent to dual citizenship otherwise.
  4. This question is getting at our performance on the mat ultimately. Rather than asking if we lift too much, the missing imbalances we really are talking about are gymnastic ability and access to flexibility. This is something that HAS worked its way into grassroots programming, but we could definitely benefit from the body control gymnastic training that is the core of moving up the national ladder in most state-run athletic programs (ie China and Russia). It is undeniably the best foundation for success in a sport like wrestling.
  5. I'm getting the impression that the people having this discussion have never spent time in a college room. The notion that wrestling doesn't make you stronger is insane.
  6. Obviously that's not 100% the case. If it were so...then nobody in any weight class sport would bother cutting weight.
  7. I don't disagree about the optimal combination part. The wild thing for us is that no, we didn't catabolize anything away. Most of the dudes who ran westside settled at a different physical set point (and D3, I never ran gear, I don't know about the other tbh though). For my whole wrestling career high 180's was my natural set point. That year, it was high 190's. Made the cut to 174 an absolute blast. I wasn't the only one. This sort of thing would have been way better.
  8. This is an awful lot of nonsense. Dake, and snyder, and all these other guys built their muscle by wrestling monsters. Dake is a beast bc he used to rag doll gabe dean...and oh btw, genetics. Barbells build barbell strength, wrestling builds wrestling strength, they are completely different neurological patterns. Why do you think wrestlers are always able to manhandle the random lineman who shows up and asks to scrap. The lineman have ENORMOUS barbell numbers, they have zero grappling strength. America and American performance has been distracted by bodybuilding and powerlifting for a long time. Our college team ran westside in the offseason. We all got enormous...and guess what...all that meant was that we had harder cuts the next year. Nobody was magically able to outmuscle guys in a new way because they spent time with their hands on a bar. NOW...there were other guys who just went and spent their entire summers wrestling and in wrestling practices. Guess which guys came back stronger and just impossible to handle? Wrestling is as unique a phyiscal activity as swimming, the systemic neurological adaptations are key to success, refined patterning for real touch in wrestling moves, etc. Wrestling strength comes from wrestling, there's no way around it. If anything, we as a team could probably use better chemists. Whatever cycles we were running didn't get it done.
  9. For the men’s side, it’s obvious there are elite levels to international wrestling, and we simply aren’t on them. It has been a long time since we looked that one dimensional and unmotivated. It also clearly was a US team thing, seabass looked amazing, and Myles Amine brought pressure with no quit.
  10. Came here to say exactly this, passivity sucks because it arbitrarily allows refs to decide who they want to tip the scales in favor of. It’s an open window to legal corruption in the sport.
  11. Anybody who hasn’t heard much about concussions should go ask Helen about it…
  12. It sounds like Spencer is done(read the Flo interview he gave), his heart isn’t in the sport anymore, really can’t blame him, maybe Cael and crew can help him rediscover joy in the process. Snyder looked tired, kinda all set and ready to move on. Dake…will be 37 by next cycle, and we have 99% just seen the end of Zain Retherford’s career. We are going to be starting more from scratch than we think after this cycle. We haven’t heard it yet, but this was quite possibly the end of the boom decade+ that JB started in London. Who is in position to fill those spots?
  13. “It” is having freestyle be the entire focus of training throughout a career.
  14. Well, that won’t be happening.
  15. Something was off, no doubt, hard to say if it was weight, mindset, or what. Fire was not present in its usual abundance that’s for sure. Maybe the whole team got ‘vid, I really don’t know. But it was bad. And to be clear, this is not about results. Of all US guys I’d say Myles Amine and Seabass came most ready to rumble. For me, it’s not about the placements, it’s about the “yeah I’ll just hang in an underhook short offense position and not throw caution to the wind to at least attempt to get a victory.” Really looked like guys just didn’t care, or they were burnt out, or something. I don’t know what it was, but I know what it looks like, and feels like, to be burnt out or not fully there for your matches.
  16. People tren-ble in his presence. His style is…dianabolic. He is Anavar and away the best at his weight…
  17. If we just had a freestyle season at the college level, we would innovate and grow immensely. And why not? They spend all year splitting time between styles. A freestyle season organized at the program level would move things in the right direction. Clearly it works for US women. Also, Greco, just…somebody please help. I love greco, it was my favorite style to wrestle, but Jesus christ we are now better as a country at olympic weightlifting than we are at Greco…that’s bad.
  18. I’d just like to reiterate, in Dake’s bronze match that french d-bag just threw random points at cabalov, he broke every rule of review, that was some attempted cary kolat level robbery horsesh*t
  19. Musukaev had NO answers for this guy.
  20. This iranian is clearly the best in the world. I’m suddenly rather proud of Retherford’s performance in match 1.
  21. We really need to get some serious technical breakdowns of Japan as a team, they are clearly the best in the world right now and we could learn a LOT from them.
  22. Sh*t talking is dumb and people shouldn’t do it. I don’t read the more famous sources of trash talk in our sport, but the performances we have seen warrant criticism. Character attacks are never warranted, but guys getting called out for underperforming when it counts is part of being an Olympian. It is special because you are THE person representing your whole country. You are the guy (or gal) of all the others. We are also no longer in the 00’s when any medal was a gift from god, at least not in freestyle we aren’t. To make the US team, your typically have to be a world medalist to be in contention. If you are a world medalist, or champion, that is what is expected of you again. There is no nice way to say it, but, 65 and 97kg pending, every men’s freestyler has underperformed.
  23. It’s tough when you’re a big guy who moves like a big guy, and you run into a big guy who moves like a little guy.
  24. Really appreciate the physical beating this guy is putting on Tazh
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