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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. There is a passage by white boy rastas Stick Figure and Slightly Stoopid that I believe are more than fitting for the vote today: Who wants control, over everything? If money steals your soul, only trouble it will bring. It's loving as a whole, the only thing for conquers we. So let it be told, let the whole world dem sing.
  2. Teaching was part of my duties. Focus a little more on your job please, I’m concerned for our future as it is. Thanks.
  3. I was just curious because when I worked at the college level, I didn't have near the amount of time needed for all of that anonymous banter you like to engage in. Just kind of suprising to see. That was a while back though, times change. Enjoy your.....ehem....'grading'.
  4. I don't know if that was the best choice of words for Stefanik, talking about how Jordan has always been there for his voiceless constituents, "whether it be" ... ... "or on the wrestling mat"... ... ooof
  5. Any predictions on how the first round will go, number of votes? Jim Jordan: ??? Hakeem Jeffries: ?? Donald Trump: ? Liz Cheney: ? ???
  6. Great example except….he’s never been speaker. He’s only been a committee ranking member 4-5 years.
  7. Would have to completely and totally disagree with you. It’s just the further from center they get, the louder they also get. You hear less about the moderates from either side, they’re not into the controversy and virtue wars.
  8. Seen a number of people bitching that flag football was going to be in '28, and I feel like that sport is an excellent match for the Olympic games, and what Olympic sports are traditionally about.
  9. This will be interesting to see how this plays out. Really interested in how the first round of voting goes. It will take more moderate, just right of center republicans (my kind of folks) to hold to their convictions to keep him out of speaker, but I don’t think that will hold. I can see a first round of voting where mod R’s vote against, for the point of getting that vote on the record (R’s in states and districts that Biden won for example), then as the rounds of voting and pressure increases, those votes flip. They will then be able to fall behind the mantra that we have to have a speaker so we can handle all these conflicts, and that’s why they flipped their vote, but as the record shows it’s not what they wanted. Just my guess. How many rounds it takes, no clue. I do know one thing, a few guys out there that have absolutely nothing to do with any of this probably having nightmares last night. Damn shame.
  10. Honestly when I think of ‘MAGA’: I don’t think in terms of an agenda, but more of a relatively small group of individual who have cultivated significant influence, for whom MAGA truly means “Make America Great for Me, my way, no other way, any other idea is trash”. The actual agendas and desires will vary a little among that small group of individuals. But the one constant is ‘me’, and unfortunately they have in fact developed major influence that has allowed the public to benefit the server, instead of the way it’s supposed to be in public service. It’s not a new problem, but like everything else, there’s levels to this.
  11. Theres no argument America has some issues. The essence in ‘Make America Great Again” is the idea that…..America is not great. Hogwash. I challenge anyone to get into the streets and the people of many other nations, and then come back and see if you still feel American is in the shitter. And for those that do, that’s fine. My question would be what are you doing to do your part? Are you active in working toward improving your community, state, region, nation as a whole? Or do you just think constantly bitching online over the ‘news’ you’re being fed is productive.
  12. ‘For now’ is here, and this is my last post with you on this topic: A free small piece of advice. Try to read a little bit more.
  13. What tune did I change? I stated he was not convicted of a crime. He was not. I said he lost a lawsuit of defamation. He did. I never said there was never any finding of assault. All that attention grabbing hours of posting the same quote last night is really seeming like a waste of time now isn’t it? Im finished with you for now. Enjoy the games.
  14. To answer your question above, as I said from the very start, he was not convicted of any criminal charge. He lost a defamation lawsuit, from in which, the jury had found there was an assault. The differences are pretty significant. In this case he lost five million dollars. If it were a criminal case, he would have been found guilty, as you initially stated, he would be in jail, and permanently have a sexual assault conviction on his record. The differences between a civil trial and a criminal trial are readily available in many a many a book. Read one.
  15. That’s an awful lot of quoting the same post. But….sorry, he wasn’t convicted of anything. He was found liable for defamation. In order to decide on defamation, they had to decide if they believe he assaulted her. Which, they did. There was no conviction on the table. Sorry. So yeah, educate yourself, in a civil trail, there are no convictions. he wasn’t convicted of sexual assault. As much as it pains me to ‘defend’ his terms, they are accurate. You are not.
  16. I am no fan of trump, that’s been well documented here. But….wrong. He did not face a criminal charge of sexual assault to be convicted.
  17. The thing I like about Maher is that while he is indeed a leftist, he has no problem calling out equally left or right. (Or at least that used to be the case, his show is waaaaaaay past my bed time now.)
  18. Some people don’t appreciate taking one context across topics.
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