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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Greco tournament has been just as nuts as the free. The finals at 97 and 130 just completely bonkers. I feel bad for the people that don’t see Greco for the beauty that it is. You don’t know what you’re missin.
  2. It was a Tuesday, a rotten stinch filled the air. Dark clouds rolled in like a group of hells angels, pissed off.
  3. @Jason Bryant who's the color commentator we are listening to on the stream right now?
  4. Ya'll are talking about a time when USAW actually prioritized and pushed Greco at the youth level. The day USAW decided to put an eternal push and priority into folkstyle was the day Greco in the US started to die.
  5. I wasn’t making an argument. I was making an observation
  6. I could be mistaken, but wasn’t the Farrell or Schultz a ranking event one year, and was horribly attended? For all the logistic issues that were mentioned above, and true as they are, a ranking series or any true major event here in the States is that same logistical issue for every country in Europe/Asia.
  7. Unless you are under the misunderstanding that in those instances, red would have had to have held for some period of time in order for it to be a foul.
  8. No need. I saw red step up and block blue with his left left, then wrap the ham with his left arm. The stream I selected was pretty clear.
  9. If I’m not mistaken, his best finish at junior nationals is as fourth.
  10. After nine consecutive medals in the 97 slot for USA, either the measure for performing is being p4p #1 in the world, or this is such a horrible troll dish even a little cinnamon couldn't make good...
  11. Gomez? They’ve had some good battles, gotten chippy a couple times. Can’t remember if Gomez got him once though.
  12. Russia dictates their people’s lives. We don’t do that over here. We allow people to go out and earn whatever they set their mind to. Sometimes it means we don’t get our best against the world team. But I personally would never vote to change to a system where a handful of people decides a team, or even a slot.
  13. Sometimes they will enter two into a tournament (ranking series often these days) and whoever performs better in the tournament will get the spot.
  14. MFS was by far the most insane WC I’ve witnessed. I need some aspirin before Greco starts! Along with the runs turned in by Miccic and T-dov, so much craziness went down that were not even talking about the guy who couldn’t qualify to challenge for the team spot at 86 so he bumped and won a world medal 14 pounds up. Also noted ten Americans won medals with six in the finals and four gold. That RTC system is pumpin.
  15. The only thing I’ll counter is the idea that now Sadulaev will study him. He grew up under Sadulaev. Sadulaev’s coach coaches him as well.
  16. Bruce lost to Tom Erickson, albeit I believe just once but right in the middle of his run. Smith lost to Lewis and John Fisher. JB lost to Dake, Marstellar, and Nick Marabel.
  17. I take that back. I don’t think Boultakaev is a world medalist. But a roided up Boultakaev beat defending world and Olympic champs back to back that day.
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