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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. The kid just trained for and peaked for the world two months ago. I wouldn’t get too antsy. I don’t think it would be surprising if he wasn’t 100% into it right now.
  2. But it’s that time. Just asking for prayers and positive vibes today. A very special person is starting another phase in what’s been a really tough battle, bad news just when you think the going is good, and it’s only going to get tougher. If you could do me a favor and do two things today: take 30 seconds to manifest some positive vibrations however you do; and take advantage of any opportunity you have today to enjoy life. Rasta out
  3. Dana White didn’t begin the UFC either… Agreed my usage of words liens to it started with Pharm, which anyone knows the stories of Harlem, Vietnam, etc know that’s not the case. Pharm took opiates from a relatively small market, to a nationwide crisis.
  4. Young brainiac comes in with an idea, executes his idea, takes his results to the coach, look what I got, coach says hmmmmm….I like it. Let’s do it. Why do you do it on the weaker teams? The same reason you schedule western potato pie state the first game or two of the season …..practice.
  5. So how would you explain the so many that did fully understand this part is just about damages, and the finding of guilt has already been established in the previous. I mean, I’ve read it several times, have for weeks. There is a trial going on now….for damages. There was a trial going previously….for verdict. “Everyone” is a very ultimate term. But maybe, just maybe, the reason…’everyone’…. Is only talking about this trial, is because the previous trial is widely known, aka not news.
  6. On the docks in south Florida brother. All are always welcome. Chuck eye is a very underrated hunk of meat.
  7. I’d just like to see more of our fellow republicans start doing something of substance rather than continuously telling us who we should be mad at.
  8. Which was born and bred in the US, by US corporations.
  9. Maybe we can see this as a golden opportunity to reevaluate from where we get….and believe….our ‘news’. First question to ask yourself: “are they giving me the whole full story, or just what the want me to run off and repeat?”
  10. I don’t know if I’d go that far. Listening to either one of them is a headache in the making
  11. Trust me, I would love nothing more for our country, than for MAGA to not be a relevant topic. But unfortunately…. (and side note, you certainly don’t speak for ‘we the people’ on that topic. One thing MAGA could understand better is the concept of “my belief does not mean should be everyone’s belief”)
  12. I’d say about 65/35, 70/30 on the conservative side. What do you wish I would drop, and who is ‘we’ in that scenario?
  13. I figure Indiana and Kentucky will be two of the last states in the Union..
  14. Boats have all kinds of electrical components. Big large heavy batteries…
  15. So now Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio. When will Indiana break???
  16. Then you are willing to give up roads, And police departments, and fire departments, and schools, and judicial systems, infrastructure, national defense, national disaster relief, and on and on and on. It’s funny how MAGA teaches us to hate those who make it possible the luxuries and services we take for granted here on a daily basis. Almost as if they’d like to see it erode from within…
  17. Honestly I think it is pretty indicative of, at least a current snapshot of where we’re headed for next year. If republicans don’t truly dump the MAGA train, I feel like Dems are going to see a lot of victories.
  18. When we care less about the methods in which they are carried out, and more about the results they are making us feel comfortable with.....we get a bunch of polls such as those that told some people and made them feel all warm and fuzzy inside cuz Trump had no chance in '16. It works both ways (confirmation bias) MAGA!!
  19. For the sake of good information, you really need to look into how that poll was conducted. It’s become quite the story.
  20. This story about the ‘Covenant App’ is really……strange.
  21. I’m smart enough to know that I don’t factually know nearly enough about the history of these two to have any strong opinion on what is factual, what is propaganda, and what the answers to resolve them are. I’m also smart enough to know that if I were to decide to educate myself on that history, there are a lot of places I would go before YouTube. My comment was more in the general sense than specific to this actual clip.
  22. When YouTube and tucker is your source for information, you know you’re the expert on every…single…topic available.
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