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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. When glorification, mental illness, and grooming all blend into one beautiful harmony…
  2. So by current count I see no Morons and one gigantic douchebag.
  3. Between this post, and the previous post of yours that I quoted, I counted 16 posts that discussed mental health and/or red flags (which address mental health). Along the way, I didn’t go back to count these, but there were several posts that did not mention an AR at all, let alone bicker about them. That’s not to say no one has mentioned an AR, obviously. So my sincere question to you is…..what the hell are you reading?
  4. Speaking of ‘just bad ass looking’ this is the head trauma doc describing what he got to look at….
  5. In fact, the rep from Maine James Golden, held a press conference last night to take some accountability for what happened because of his previous fight against gun restrictions. He says it is time he take some responsibility for this failure, and called in Congress to act. It’s refreshing to see a leader who is capable of taking step back and seeing if there is a better way than the way they have always thought.
  6. We actually have direct evidence of that in our own nation.
  7. You're kinda doing the same thing, just using the emphasis on 'inanimate object' as if that makes it impossible to be a part of the issue. But none the less literally making it one vs the other, and then very authoritive in claiming you know the one where it ends and begins. The glorification of that inanimate object is one (there is more than just one) root cause. As evidenced by the number of times it is the weapon of choice when someone wants to do a whole lot of damage to random unknown people in a short period of time; as evidenced when it is the pin of choice for some people who have the power to actually address the issues, while throwing pins honoring slain children in the trash can, and also evidenced by those who have the ability to address the issues, taking family holiday pictures with their elementary aged children not with 9mm or hunting shotguns, but fully strapped with these mass murderer's weapon of choice, after they evolved into the mass murderers weapon of choice, as some kind of statement. These are actual things that happened, by our leaders, not examples of media fear mongering. Guns, access to, and glorification is absolutely one component of the issue. Mental illness is also absolutely one component of the issue. The difference? I don't see anyone denying that mental illness is one component of the issue. What I do see is people hell bent on denying the guns have anything to do with the issue. Anytime someone tries to bring up both, the focus is only on 'you are trying to take my guns!!!!' And if you/we can continue to vehemently deny that the guns (and access and glorification of) are a part of the problem, and continually try to equate gun reform and restrictions to a total annihilation of the second amendment (which specifically mentions 'well regulated') because you think it strengthens your argument, you can't be taken seriously when you say you care about addressing the problem. In that scenario you only care about addressing your problem, which is how can I get my rifle without any inconvenience. But again, just another example of so many of us today where we can't have a view on something unless it's an extreme all or nothing view. And while we're doing that, we'll continue to go anonymously online and tell everyone how the country is getting more and more fu***d up, and who's to blame (which is to say regurgitating what we're being told to say). **I use 'you' in the general sense, not direct
  8. Oh I can't wait to see how this one takes off. I fully expected calls of "RINO" and what not, but they went right to the depths of the MAGA well with this one didnt' they!
  9. I wouldn't mind seeing how they qualify their terms. I'm sure there is some skewing going on there. But the point remains.
  10. I can't imagine how we've come up with so many people going crazy and filled with hate.
  11. You get the feeling you’re standing in a room with a bunch of people cheering on Steve Bannon and MTG up on stage with microphones?
  12. I saw the quote but hadn’t seen the clip yet. MAGA’s use of God as a financial resource is quite astounding.
  13. Probably wasn’t the only time I was wrong yesterday. I’ve already been wrong twice today, and I’m just getting started…
  14. I kind of feel like we have a mental health problem, a coping problem, a human decency problem, a respect problem, a glorification of weapons problem, an access to weapons problem, a refusal to acknowledge all and just focus on the one or two that fit our bill problem……. All of which contribute to what is going on.
  15. Yup. Only really thought about car jackings. But the times they are a changing.
  16. I’m even worse, .25 Pretty much worthless these days, gonna have to up my game.
  17. 22 dead. Suspect still at large. He is/was (couldn’t find for if still current prior to yesterday) firearms instructor in the Army Reserve. This summer was in psychiatric hospital, claimed of hearing voices. Walked into bowling alley/bar and opened fire. Ran out and as of this morning still at large. We all know what gun was used. Terrifying. Put all the right/left aside. It’s devastating we have to think about escape plans when we take our family out for some fun.
  18. It got even better. It wasn’t just Gaetz, but Gaetz on Bannon’s show. And Gaetz acting upset with Bannon because he couldn’t reach him When he needed his advice. It was kinda funny actually. MAGA!!
  19. Hillary Hillary Hillary. We’re back to her again? Someone on the radio must have told you to be mad. Please, just let her go away.
  20. I didn’t pick up the sarcasm, my bad. Apologies.
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