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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Careful to differentiate “crimes public knows about”, and allegations screamed by media and their politicians
  2. There is inconsistency in who is charged and for what. Very true. In fact I don't think I've seen anyone argue that. But the point is it's more of a privileged/not as privileged thing, not as much a Rep vs Dem thing as your news feeds want you to buy into it being. Most US citizens disbelieve that Biden received 81M legit votes. I wonder if that has anything to do with a bunch of government officials, who we all have agreed lie to us, along with a bunch of their following media, who we all agree and even some of them have admitted they lie to us, began screaming at us before the election even happened, that if the democrat won it's only because it was rigged. Is that possible??? I mean again we have Trump and Maga screaming......and then we have the results of 60 lawsuits. Remember they said Trump would be a dictator in 2016? I do remember a bunch of people saying that. I was not one of them, but clearly remember. Fortunately he proved them wrong.....when he tried and failed. Drain the swamp 2024. Couldn't agree more.
  3. We can also look past the record instead of stopping there. Four of Auburn’s six losses came against top 13 teams. They lost to Georgia and Bama by a combined 10 points. Lost to #11 by a touchdown. Yeah….they shit the bed a couple times in their 12 games for sure, but they are much tougher than people here are claiming. Especially in the Iron Bowl.
  4. We’ve known about the clicks and money well before Robert Kennedy decided to get some attention. Not sure what you mean with the second line.
  5. I’ve been as well it is insane. But as far as the game in the field in the context of what I was talking about it is not on the same level. I’m not going to waste anytime trying to convince you of that, you can go compare the histories yourself. We can continue going round and round for a few more days and not get any further than we were yesterday, or as I said before we can agree to disagree. I don’t think they got it completely right or completely wrong, but based on how it is written up and contracted, I agree with them. There is no perfectly right answer. Is there anything else we need to cover on this topic?
  6. Florida and Florida State are not on the same level as Auburn/Alabama or Michigan/Ohio State. Not even close. And don’t have a problem at all talking the Arkansas game, they shouldn’t have been that close, you are absolutely right. But if we are going to do this thing how it’s written and contracted to be done, and not just “BUT I WANT!!!!”, then when we talk about Arkansas, we also have to talk about Boston College.
  7. I’m not a fan of holding the Iron Bowl win against Bama. Anyone who knows even a mediocre level of college football knows that wherever the records and rankings are, a win in that game is a good win. That’s a tough game to win. Similar to Michigan/Ohio State. John Cooper had some of the best teams and may have went down as one of the best coaches in college football, but he got fired because there was one game he couldn’t win.
  8. Why do we ‘normalize’ the death of someone because they are over 60, to the point we don’t feel like that number should really count in statistics and studies. An old friend of mine once told me you can really tell a lot about someone in what they think of dogs, and old people. Then again he was an old person, so probably shouldn’t count.
  9. Hit the PitDock this weekend for the first time in about three weeks. Simple sirloin cap.
  10. But I think the point is why are so many just extremely hung up and obsessed with Hunter’s breaking of the law, but willing to turn a blind eye or excuse aside or somehow wither away at congressmen and women and government officials breaking the law? Answer: because that’s what FOX, just like the other media outlets you have such a problem with do but failed to include in your list of manipulative media, tell us that’s what we should be obsessed with. I wonder why they (both a FOX as much as a CBS) do that? Maybe because they want to hide what’s really going on, and as long as we are willing to pick a side and stick to it no matter what, they know truth and lie doesn’t matter. Feel like we’ve seen this movie before…
  11. Looks nice! Haven’t had pork chops in a minute.
  12. What happened yesterday is another result of how this particular system has been going for the last ten years. Much like a non conference champ getting in, it has always been the potential under these protocols that a P5 undefeated might not get in, it just so happened not to occur until the last year. So in the regard that it hasn't happened before, yes you are right. In regard to it is anti to anything this system has been about, or the previous.....it is not at all. Final record has never been the end all be all when you have such a wide varitey of schedules and the process of selection you have. And in the last ten years specifically it has been about the 13 people working the protocols in place.
  13. But it is not at all antithetical to how college football has worked for decades.......centuries! The last 25 years have been a slow process to what we now have at the end of the next college football regular season: Win your conference (power 5) and you're in no matter what you're record. Put up a good 2-3 loss season (power 5) and you got a good shot at being in.
  14. NIL and portal are the new way of the world. Has its positives and its negatives. I believe it is a trend that is toward, not against, preparing college kids for the real world, so I have a hard time hating it.
  15. I was just cracking on the day late and dollar short line. It's just the evolution of this thing. College football has been around for 160 years. Only in the last 25 have we even had a 'guarantee' of a real national championship game. We wanted to keep that tight because we still wanted the unique importance of CFB's regular season. But then we whined and cried and wanted more teams and wanted the consistent, color blind, computer driven formulas out of it. So we added a couple teams and brought 13 people heavily involved in college football team in to a room to watch every team and every game together and dissect and pick apart and analyze and give us the four teams that work produced as the final four....and they get it all wrong and they don't know what they are doing and they have a hidden agenda. So we add more teams and now it's too late and short.... See what I mean?
  16. It’s been a pretty cool evolution really, from the AP to the BCS to the expanding playoff. The sad thing about the new format is all the intrigue that will be lost from this past Saturday. In the new format, Oregon, Georgia and FSU are all in. Not saying it’s a bad thing for college football, just a bad thing for championship Saturday.
  17. So football should just go by the way side, never to be played again….
  18. Thanks. Since you circled the paragraph that we’re all aware of with red, I guess I was wrong. There haven’t in fact been a bunch of undefeated teams left out of the championship format. But why didn’t you circle the next paragraph where it says “based on the members evaluation of performance on the field”. Why doesn’t it say based on their win/loss record??? I don’t think we need to go on further. You believe they got it wrong. I agree with them based in the protocols written. Not sure what else needs to be said.
  19. I have literally heard network people on TV say today that FSU should not be penalized because of the injury. It is not a straw man, it is an actual argument being made by people. College football is also loaded with undefeated teams not being part of the championship format. Fortunately we won’t have to worry about that anymore.
  20. As a coach (not a head coach anymore). I always had a 24 hour rule. I don’t want parents talking to me about anything with the prior competition until 24 hours after. I have, somewhat, of relationship with this guy. We’re friendly. I’m an older guy who’s been around a minute, he’s a younger buck in his first few years coaching. He knows me as someone who has been around, built a few programs, state leader for Fargo, etc. It’s not exactly a typical parent/other coach type scenario. That doesn’t really factor in I don’t think.
  21. Nice responses, thanks. I did not say anything yesterday, and my son didn’t say anything about it so I am going to see assume he didn’t notice. He came up and asked me “can you show me how to defend that cradle, I don’t know what I’m doing down there” Have thought about it a lot since the time occurred, and knew what my plan was before posting above, but was just curious to see others thoughts, how they may handle it. My plan is this….I’ll see him Tuesday night, and at some point I’ll ask if he’s got a minute. And I’m not going to talk to him not as a pissed off dad, but rather, give him a short back ground, ask him if he agrees with me that we could use a whole lot more kids going through wrestling these days, and explain to him that a kid walked out there not wanting to be there, but threw his feet to the fire knowing he was going to get the shit kicked out of him but because he’s been lead to believe it will do him a lot of good…and you laughed at him. As one wrestling coach to another I’d just ask you to think about that.
  22. That playing without one of the best players in the nation shouldn’t be a factor. (Even though it is written in the protocols)
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