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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I read this earlier......then had to go pour a new cup of coffee
  2. Jamaican real estate. Vacation properties. Always good buys available... Caribbean Real Estate Listings - 7th Heaven Properties
  3. And when you reach the point of needing to do the name calling (pretty sure I’ve seen more than one of your lectures on that topic around here), particularly with more of that fancy underlining…what does that mean? First I offer you congratulations, then I offer a friendly departure…and you want to call me an idiot. I would have thought a high level communicator could have done better. We all have our disappointments…
  4. Maybe your issue to address is locating where I argued that you were narrowing in on the exact definition, and your understanding of the term ‘semantics’. Sweet dreams.
  5. Thanks. If there’s a charge send me a bill, if that was a free service…you’re too kind. Anything else you need to cover?
  6. Apologies if I wasn’t clear…I’m not arguing. I was making a request/suggestion. (Along with offering congratulations in the previous post). You’re not required to take me up on it. PS- was the underlining for you….or me?
  7. Look up the definition of semantics and then come and talk to me about my mistakes.
  8. Nah I’ll just take the L and let you continue on with Uncle B. You bore me quickly. Night night sweetie.
  9. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I can’t find a time prior to 10/7 in Israel that can be defined as peace. Boy….you got me! Should I ‘take the L’ now??
  10. Congratulations. You should sleep well tonight.
  11. Someone skipped the literature lesson before recess. But to your request….no.
  12. Semantics. There hasn’t been peace in Israel in decades, and you know it. But, carry on…
  13. 1 and 2) I never said it only happens in NH, in fact I said the opposite (use of ‘particularly’ in NH and ‘every election’) 3) That’s hillarious 4)You’ll have to find where I said I think Haley is going to win the primary. If you can, we’ll go from there. In fact when asked, on this board, if I’m voting for her my answer was “well she’s going to have to win the nomination first so we’ll see” As for the rest, what hill? And…..bwaAhAhAhaahaah. No. End of story. Bahbye
  14. That strategy is certainly employed, as it is every election, particularly every time in NH because of their primary election laws. It still stands that “pumped up by the left” is more MAGA drivel than actual substance. I mean, it’s nowhere near the level of MAGA’s sperm slobbering over RFKJR.
  15. It's gotta be humpday if you're pulling out the Linda Ronstadt
  16. I mean, when was the last time there was actually 'peace time' in Isreal??
  17. I’m not registered in either party, so she’d have to make the ballot first. Then we’ll see. Haven’t voted for a main party president in a bit. I will say she’s been my favorite of any candidate for ‘24
  18. Not useless at all, and that’s just it. The music is very uplifting. We listen to it in training some, cuz it makes you want to move. I see kids starting to get dogged down in practice, throw on some up tempo reggae….and watch the pace change. Most (there’s always exceptions) of the lyrics are positive messages.
  19. Agree with this and have talked about this before. But I’ve said that politics is no longer a career for the noble who truly want to serve their community/state/etc.
  20. Therein lies the hard, ‘some’ isn’t enough.
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