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Le duke

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Everything posted by Le duke

  1. If Sasso can wrestle at the D1 level again, that's a huge win. Given that he was rumored to be going 157 this year, I don't think there's any chance at all that he goes 149 unless he's lost a significant amount of muscle in his time off the mat.
  2. I'm going to sarcastically quote rabid no step on snek crowd: My right to free speech (liberty, guns) is God-given, and not given to me by any person who has served in the military and died in the service of the country. Also, claiming that someone is pissing on those who died in the service of their country is a bit dramatic.
  3. He's one of the many kids at 157-184 that will be entering the lineup over the next couple years that make it really hard to predict who will go what weight, and who will start. I think next year is relatively "known", aside from maybe BB and Kerkvliet. But the log jam at those middle-upper weights starting in the 2025-2026 season is going to be wild. I've been a little disappointed in the offensive development of both of the Davison, MI guys. While I think both Facundo and Barr will start this year at 174 and 184, respectively, they also both need to improve dramatically in terms of set ups and finishing.
  4. Mekhi? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Dominated, eh? Not what I’ve heard. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Mirasola is going to be training with Cael Sanderson, David Taylor, Jake Varner, Kyle Snyder and Aaron Brooks. I’d put a lot of money on him winning that match at 197. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. That lineup might get blanked by PSU in two years. Lilledahl/Davis/Desmond Lilledahl/Davis/Desmond/Nagao Kasak SVN Mesenbrink/Sealey Haines/Sealey Facundo/Ryder/Haines Barr Mirasola Mirasola Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. People like the idea of supporting the troops more than actually supporting them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. 125 - Lilledahl 133 - Crookham 131 - Mendez 149 - Allirez 157 - Mesenbrink 165 - Haines 174 - KOT 184 - Keckeisen 197 - Cardenas 285 - Kerkvliet Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. 1) Most Ivy schools have amazing student aid. 2) The knowledge that they’ll likely make a lot more money on the back end. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. The question originally posed was, more or less, when was the last time an American service member died for the rights of other Americans. Somehow, American now equals Afghan? And constitutional freedoms equal human rights, according to you? Speaking of moving the goal posts. Wow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Army football does the same. “ArMy FoOtBaLl HaS gOnE wOkE!”. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. If you were truly a patriotic American you’d be interested in what these people think, and have to say (not these basketball players, of course), that has resulted in them protesting in this manner, as opposed to villainizing them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. So, because they are “ghetto girls”, they should have their constitutional rights violated? Really? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yeah, if Kennedy can convince the NCAA to make matches 10min long, and make grabbing hold of one leg a TD, make all of his opponents have 102 degree fevers, and his opponents MD = a win for him, he’s a sure thing to AA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Imagine Kennedy wrestling Mesenbrink at 157. Dead before the end of the first. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. The Iowa brand is stale. With the exception of some transfers, all of them wrestle the same. Some are better than others. Can't scramble or use far ankle defense, have trouble finishing against similarly skilled wrestlers.
  18. That was one of the best breakdowns I’ve seen. One thing that is often missed in technical breakdowns, but he did here (IIRC, Kasak vs Lovett match) was talking about the use of the head as a fifth appendage and how Kasak used it to keep Ridge’s knee from rotating back in, which prevented any kind of scramble and planted Ridge firmly on his backside. That was really good stuff. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Slumlord Supreme, AKA the field leveler himself, was notably absent from GIA/HR the last few months. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. This might be the best post I've ever seen here. "Three holes in his game", referring to Good Friday. I choked on icecream when I read that. First time I've seen genuine concern on the face of my 3 year old.
  21. Same with Wolak. Getting a degree from Columbia and then spending his last year in grad school at VT. That’s awesome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Correct. Brooks beat the brakes off of Parker and Trent. It was like watching an adult wrestle a child. If the team title or scoring record had been up for grabs, you might’ve heard Casey barking for more output from him in the third, a la Ed Ruth. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Deakin special? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Did it look to you like that E1 was a gift to Hidlay? It certainly appeared that way to me. I don't want to call it a pity point but it looked like he could have ridden Hidlay for days. That match was one of the best matches, technically and tactically, I've seen at the college level. Brooks owned every second of that match. I don't think I saw Hidlay get to his underhook a single time.
  25. Man, I hope he got his degree from UW. OSU is a junior college in comparison. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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