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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. the tweet says the Gov't made him dump it, not the co-op.
  2. Canada is a dumpster fire or horrible policies. let's take some time out from railing about our government and shit on the peeps up north.
  3. i can't stand this administration. full scum.
  4. https://rokfin.com/article/14157/NJ-Freak-Ludingtons-Decision-Is-In
  5. because you post zero substance. you posted nothingness, i responded with substance, and you came back with a lie and more word salad. like a child.
  6. he didn't say kill a whole floor of inmates, ya nitwit. jfc. read.
  7. you're Ban 2.0. you're an idiot poster i scroll past. you're not a serious person.
  8. news to me! you're welcome to stay. i enjoy your posts as much as i disagree with them. disagreement in debate and conversation makes us all better in some way.
  9. lol. dig a little deeper. where are those crimes (in red states) taking place?
  10. Letting people: steal X amount per day come across the border with records (including those on terror watch lists) letting violent criminals walk low prosecution rate ...are all liberal policy measures. you can't separate the party from the policy when one side enacted them and the other side rails against it. throw your hands up all you want and say 'we can't jail everyone!' but the above policy changes are nothing but nonsensical. there's zero chance you say with a straight face that these measures are good for society. and yet you vote for the party that institutes them. it's ok. just say what we all already know...the above policies, which exist in about all major cities rn, are stupid as hell.
  11. yes, sir.
  12. you've been banned at one time or another, from every wrestling message board that exists/existed. and i think it's safe to infer that you've been banned from several non wrestling boards. at no point in time have you wondered if it's your fault?
  13. yeah, i'm the one that lives in fantasy land. it's a day dream to think that violent crimes shouldn't be prosecuted and/or that the offenders shouldn't be out on the streets the next day as they await a trial (if they even prosecute). there are instances like this daily. there are victims' families crying about it daily. it's pretty clear that guys like you and Ban don't care about the welfare and protection of the average Joe and instead defend DEM policy (yes, literal policy) because of a partisan bent.
  14. fair question that idk the answer to. what i do know is that no mask completely stops covid-sars from going thru it. the particles are too fine.
  15. masks literally don't work against covid. you know that, right?
  16. here, said another way. you're a punchline.
  17. masks and lockdowns didn't work. newsflash.
  18. i'm sure this pic won't win any awards, but man, these beef ribs came out great (under the circumstances) still pink inside and yet fell off the bone.
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