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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. Seeds and Previews in here (paywall) https://rokfin.com/stack/1731/Super-32-Preview-Hub
  2. i think Indiana does the same thing as Ohio. i.e. - i think the Coaches Association holds state duals.
  3. meanwhile
  4. please tell me you've never procreated.
  5. the DNC is more crooked than Hillary. there's nothing 'democratic' about their process. they ran Tulsi out. They blackballed Bernie. and now they blackballed RFK JR, the only person on the left that had any appeal.
  6. so first you said 'wealth redistribution' is necessary to be a leftist and then you said 'Trump did it'. make up your mind. as far as what i think (which doesn't much matter) i was against the Covid relief checks initially but i understood that it was a worldwide pandemic and a unique situation. I thought each additional release of funds was ridiculous. and yes, i know it was started under trump. a couple weeks after businesses opened back up, i went to a bar in downtown Easton. The bartender started making small talk and i asked if things had been slow. he said 'no, we've been busier than usual.' i said 'why's that, you think.' he said, 'there's a lot of rift raft that usually hadn't had money but now they got the government checks.' as far as ag subsidies... idk. i frankly don't know enough about it. and there's a 'price control' factor in there to consider. generally speaking, i don't most measures of wealth redistribution. nor do i think it's a prerequisite to be a democrat. if it is, you're supporting my point that the left has taken a radical turn. so idk what your point is. thanks, i guess.
  7. you can't be serious. all those places have turned into dumpsters. and the major cities in the US with policies and sympathies that align with them are equal shitholes.
  8. you're full of shit and misinfo, Bernard. you're clearly half crocked. Bernie is a mfing socialist. there's nothing 1950's about the amount of support he got. which is, your moron sympathizers actually had him in the race in 2016. but oh yeah, the crooked as ever DNC railroaded him. i'm now questioning all you've posted. idiot.
  9. it's a google query, you freak of nature. it's not one outlet. it's 'the record' i've never seen someone more tribal/dense than u.
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=obama+never+underestimate+joe's+ability&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS929US929&oq=obama+never+underestimate+joe's+ability&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTEyNzg3ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  11. if you spell one more word wrong on purpose, you're banned.
  12. kamala called him a racist, you imbecile. and the great quote from obama 'never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to screw things up.' that he is in the position he's in and associated with black colleagues is pure politics. he's a puppet. a career politician. and a documented racist. the only reason you ignore the writing on the wall (his own words and record) is b/c there's a D next to his name.
  13. i can't believe you're employed as an educator.
  14. This is how stupid Ban is.... he doesn't realize there's been a radical shift in the party he's been so intimately involved in for decades but.... Bernie might have been the 2016 candidate had the crooked DNC not railroaded him. yes, a socialist. and socialist policies literally enacted.
  15. if you don't recognize that there has been a massive, radical shift in to what the left stands for and espouses over the last decade dont post. go read. you're either dumb, biased, or disingenuous. whatever the case, you're clutter here.
  16. wtf are you talking about? since when is 'wealth redistribution' a prereq for being left? that's the thing. the nutbag lefts went way down the road. that's where most of us (me, maher, etc) bid adieu to you crackheads. now being 'left' means socialism. and in case you missed it, the left has gone full scale war hungry, not the right.
  17. i say this without equivocation: you're the least credible person on these boards. nothing you say carries any weight. you need help. i'm serious.
  18. i love bill maher. i think he 'gets it'. i've always thought he was unencumbered by political party. but he's certainly left leaning and the only thing i didn't like was his belittling of faith.
  19. i know a racist when i see/hear/read one. joe biden is racist to the core.
  20. bill maher is a leftist thru and thru. he hates all religions and even did a documentary on it. that being said, when the left party took a turn for crazy town, Bill maintained sanity.
  21. i wish there was data on # of competitors (per style) worldwide. there should be, considering athletes have to have registration/cards with their governing body.
  22. no, it doesn't. but it also doesn't mean moving wrestling to winter games would be a bad move for either the IOC/ratings or the sport. wrestling would be much better served in the Winter games. 1) the last style of wrestling at Worlds changes each year based on the popularity of the style in the host country. and it's been going on for years. 3) i don't know what the current plan is, but UWW did have designs in which GR's status would be changed. which, not coincidently, was at the time when they started pushing Beach.
  23. i don't know the answer to this question i'm about to ask...it's a genuine question i don't know the answer to so please don't read anything into it (the way many on this board (including myself) often do. But i read that Egypt has a very secure border on the Gaza strip that prevents Palestinians from entering. Why? do they not want them there? why has no other Muslim nation offered them refuge including Egypt, who could make it very easy for them to flee.
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